HC official Solo Self Found

SSF players can only run each dungeon once, ever, before L60. You make it sound like it’s a dungeon free for all all the way up.

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so we need a hc server because people who wanted softcore hc were too lazy to set up their own community? perhaps it isnt as simple as you think.

You might want quote that, because I don’t see where I did that free for all thing.

Dude you were arguing with me a while ago on how GDKPs are good for the game. You appeared on a couple of other posts I made and opposed.

So is it a personal thing , or you randomly happen to be on the less classic side every single time there is an argument ??

By the way how’s GDKP going in wrath after introduction of the official RMT token ?

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GDKP is still going just as strong as it was before.

Also, dont flatter yourself. Id have responded the sameway to the same thread whether some other random nobody like you created it.

I asked you this somewhere else and got no answer.

You are opposing SSF and you are opposing having a separate server for SSF.

So you technically want to force your preference on others and aren’t happy with anything else.

But why? Why does 1 group have to force their preferences on the other group while we can have 2 separate servers ??

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because he needs it easier, so everyone else should be forced into a server where you can’t tell if people took the easy way out or not, so he can pretend to be a gamer when he actually 5 grouped and twinked himself to 60.

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Oh Okay so nothing personal then. It’s just your anti classic and retail pay to win mindset. Makes sense. Thanks for explaining though.

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Fragility. Its been a few mins since ive seen that characteristic from the SSF playerbase

at the end of the day none of this matters
HC will be fun because it’ll be a fresh server
it’s essentially SoM2 :expressionless:

The announced rules aren’t forcing anyone to do anything other than live/play one life on that server. Run a dungeon only once. Ignore the AH. Do the things you wish to do but don’t die.

Why are you guys so afraid of SSF ppl getting their own server?

Can you explain that please?


There is nothing about the official blizzard hardcore server that is “forcing” anyone on it to use the AH, trade, and group up.

So why exactly cant you just play SSF on that server?

Its completely illogical for there to need to be seperate servers

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That would require self control, accountability and not relying on what other people are doing to determine your self worth

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they’ve already said they’re working on something else for classic, won’t be called seaons of mastery 2 they also said.

Okay let’s say we can. But what harm does it make to you if there is a separate SSF server??

Are you worried about the extra bucks Blizzard have to pay for electricity?

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the same reason you dont want to just go play your version of trade/group hc on an era server right now.



It’s temporary? :thinking:

There is no fear.

Blizzard, in the announcement of the rules of engagement specifically used the word “servers”. There looks to be more than one. That’s great and hope it is that popular.

I am not anti-differing ruleset servers but that’s not how most of the individuals sneering at non-ssf players have been presenting themselves. They want Blizzard’s rules “fixed” when I see those rules as open for self-customization.


all we want is an acknowledgement that if you trade, you are inferior to us :expressionless:

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