HC official Solo Self Found

The only difference that I can see is that official has free transfers to non HC realms on death, doesn’t enforce the addon rules (so doesn’t invalidate the addon author’s efforts), and that’s about it.

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Bloodsail is not a HC server and the people there want the RP aspect back. Official support is a lot better, the addon is inadequate because it can be cheated.

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Ye the reason i like the trading thing is because I prefer pvp servers and this can mimic a “normal fresh” in a pseudo fashion. Like i dont even care about people steam rolling thru caves or using the ah, im still gonna mostly play solo cause thats just how i normally level anyways right. I’ll do higher dungeons more than once and maybe level a diff proff. And it can still be a “hc 1 life” thing

We dont have another fresh pvp till prolly 2024, the last one was 2021.

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Exact same reason can be given in support of the non SSF side.

Personally I can’t support SSF until it becomes possible to do all the leveling quests and skill up all professions while one is leveling.

Until then I am in support of allowing direct player to player trading of Crafted Goods and Materials as the minimum.

So are you against the company supporting both modes on the official server?

Can you support having two modes on the official server, both supported by Blizzard?

Both modes can be played on one server. Imo its a waste of resources to have more than one server in total for a game mode thata gonna die within 6 months after release to begin with.

Your answer is incomplete. Would you have issue with the company officially supporting SSF on the new server as an option ?

Are they banning the addon?

That’s not what Owns was asking (I think)

They were asking why SSF needs a SSF server, on top of official. As SSF managed on a non-official. Why can’t SSF do the same on official, I think is what they’re asking…

The addon can be manipulated… I’ve mentioned this continually.

Yes, and I asked why he doesn’t support the addon being supported in official. I told him it can be cheated as the reason and he still insists we use it.

Are they banning it tho?

Nvm, I was wrong.

Either mode, the system enforces 1 Life on official.

If they put in a toggle I wouldn’t care, I just wouldn’t use SSF on an official server unless I can level as a Tailor/Enchanter.

The character I’m leveling on BSB as SSF (because addon rules) is stuck at 132 enchanting until I get to 60, and then I’m getting the rods regardless to use all the mats I’ve got stuffed in the bank.

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Thanks. Then we can all play wit no cheating.

Yep, which requires BS rods.

Which I do have a BS on BB, for you, too :heart:

But not an Enchanter

Make sure you get that Golden Pearl!

Why you gotta remind me :sob:

Hope your time there is fun and filled with many many ears . :ear:t3::ear:t3::ear:t3::ear:t3::ear:t3: