HC official Solo Self Found

Or peer pressure.

  1. ALL loot options “segregate”.
  2. Good thing I NEVER asked to “purge” AH Raiding, huh?
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No, I’m saying they want to play with others playing the same rules. Just like official players don’t want to play on normal realms because the rules differ. How hard is that to understand.
Why are you so adamant about SSF not getting a server with their rules or the official server also supporting the SSF rules. The addon is insufficient in keeping the mode honest.
So what do you actually lose here if one of these options is available, how does this affect you negatively.

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You can ask for a server bro. But we already see the history of what happens when you split the base up like that. There is only ever one server that matters


Blizzard isn’t against splitting their player base tho, we have dragonland and classic, we have era and wotlk classic.

if only one survives, then so be it, but at least give players the option to choose.


Those are different expansions. We are talking about vanilla

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Yes, I can continue to ask for either option. A SSF server or incorporating the mode on the official mode as an option. Thanks for your permission Lazarak.

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I know, I am giving you a neutral observation of what happens tho. You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to. I called the server on 2019, I called it on som. This would not be any different

Much as I prefer SSF Leveling (NOT Endgame, difference), I think Blizz made the correct choice, here. As SSF is OPTIONAL. Whereas making it SSF, non-SSFers, don’t have a choice, whereas SSFers do.


One server is simply the best way to keep the server strong. regardless of anyones feelings


Then add in a SSF supported option. All we have now is an addon that can fail.

I SSF, anyway, so if I were to do 1 Life, I STILL won’t be using the AH. Trading and Mail is different, though.

Since, I like to RP, this will help with that.

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That’s what I suggested instead of a separate server.

I’d take either at this point. Thanks for the support.

Of course, cause in the end, both camps gotta play together at 60. And thats the big factor.

I still would’ve liked two different “HC” servers. One for “Endgame” and one for “SSF Leveling”. But, I understand this one server is the best medium for both styles of play.

'Cause not everyone who enjoys endgame, likes leveling regardless if SSF or not.

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I wonder how hard it would be to have the play styles separated on servers until 60 then they merge. It sounds kind of impossible but I’m not a coder so …

Likely something they wouldn’t even entertain cause blizzard does the least amount possible to keep classic going


So, is that different from how there are HC guilds on Bloodsail Buccaneers, who use the addon and chat in green text with each other?

You realize that I am asking questions, not being adamant against anything, right?


How’s playing on a normal realm and self deleting any different than playing on official.

It kinda feels like it. Lazarak and I found a compromise.

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This argument doesnt work because it can be used when asking about SSF too. SSF is already established and running fine on a non 1 life server. Why do you need a new server?