HC official Solo Self Found

ye and now on offical HC at the areas where most trashcan players would die they just join a grp and get carried. thats way better… oh wait.

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Nobody is worried about that. You manufactured that in your own imagination. The 8 active horde 60s aren’t gonna be noticed by the official server


they think allowing horrible players and complete noobs get 60 is going to make end game better? lmao

everyone who wants end game plays alliance anyways because paladin is imbalanced as all hell

…yeah growing up with my siblings IS everyday, and the 4 of us having to share the main TV with all the gaming consoles hooked up to it. It was a rule we had 1hr to ourselves with it and taking turns.

So, yeah, I would watch them everyday…maybe more than a streamer where I have more freedom, as an adult, to not watch, if I don’t want to. And, I don’t.

I’ll watch a video (not a stream) of someone playing games, every now and then, if I feel like watching something different than a movie or tv show.

Where do these horrible players and complete noobs come from?

I think it’s a pretty safe bet that people who are playing wow are generally competent enough to control a character well enough to contribute to a 5 player dungeon run.

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allowing grouping will lower the detah rate siginificantly.
its softcore now not hardcore ull see.


I was talking about end game. However if you are wondering how they will make it…
the noob filter we call barrens can’t do its job anymore of weeding out the bads that stay perma sub 25.

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good/speedrunner guilds clear raids all the time with 0 deaths

And here we see the true mindset of the SSF server petitioners

Pure elitist narcissism

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Link to an actual Blizzard quote or it didn’t happen.

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relax kaybebabie
we are not trying to steal soft server from you.


No different than your AH Raiding stance.


I would be fine with no AH. but its in so wcyd


I remember during OG Vanilla, TBC, etc running into new players who had no clue about a lot of things, but that happens much, much less these days.

Heck, the difference between the average person you group with in n heroics world tours the first couple of days of the new expansion versus a week or two later is still noticeable, but not to the extent that it was 15 year ago, imo.

People are in general either very, very used to WoW, or used to WASD controls, and gaming in general, which translates pretty well to WoW.

I suppose there’s something to be said about like finding like, but I sure haven’t noticed a lot of bad players.

Im sorry, did i ever start multiple threads that demand blizzard make a server that bans all forms of raiding besides gdkp because i like doing gdkp raids?

No i dont think i did

I was talking about AH Raiding (it’s what I call GDKPs), not the AH.

You certainly pressurize communities to comply with AH Raiding culture, to where the options for other loot systems is “not as popular”.

Kind of like what “HC” did to BB (in regards to finding non-“HC”) :thinking:


nobody is gonna understand you if you just make up terms, sweetie :expressionless:

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Other loot options not being as popular is 100% on the community itself deciding what they like

Just the same the people playing official hardcore can decide what they like best

No need to ban or segegrate in either situation, we can all coexist, as long as people stop trying to demand the other mindset must be purged from their shared gaming space


I’m not the only one.

Even this “HC” discussion is filled with confusion. 'Cause not even y’all can agree on what “HC” is/means. Same with “Fresh” and “Classic+”.

At least “AH Raiding” is more clear. Somebody bypassed the word “raiding” as the noun. “AH” was the adjective, not the noun, in that sentence.

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