HC official Solo Self Found

Well shoot! How did I miss that?!

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There should indeed be two separate servers! Then all can chose their favorite mode :slight_smile:


Then ask for a separate server instead of trying to tear down what Blizzard has already announced.

The OP in this thread wants to delay release for everyone. Why not just ask for a separate server with the ssf rules?

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Read the original post again. It has that section in it too.

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You want a separate server make a thread strictly for that. The majority of the pushback here is because you also advocated for delay which affects the experience of all.

My personal preference is a separate SSF server. As long as it’s announced and will get a date like the non-SSF server will do and allows people to make their plans in advance it it’s fine with me if it needs to come later on. But if Blizzard decides they want one server but different modes, then it makes sense to delay HC to add that mode with launch for all kind of reasons provided above. I am keeping the options open.

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Your car analogy isn’t remotely what would happen if the servers release when planned with an update to follow later.

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It totally does. You are planning on releasing a new car with no engine in it. Some people understood it and raise concerns. Some people though on the other hand don’t get it and are adamant they want the car on the announced release day even though there is no engine in it. The people who understand it hope the manufacturer change their plans and release the car with the engine even if it results in some delay. But since the other group has no understanding of the importance of the engine they are also fine getting a later full release with the engine and let the other group get their car body with no engine on the promised day.

1 life would be the engine… SSF is basically the tree air freshener.


Auto makers have released models and later redesigned so these same models also offer a hybrid engine/system. They didn’t stop selling those models.

Your analogy is not fitting in this case.

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Why do you need a special server when the SSF play style can be played on any server? Just as HC didn’t really need a special server either.

You really don’t need one to play any HC mode variant.


Ehh. If you really want to stretch the car analogy, it’s more like Blizzard has released a scaled down but customisable baseline ‘hardcore’ vehicle. SSF players are welcome to add accessories and after-market parts to suit their personal tastes, but you’re insisting that your personal preferences should be forced on all consumers as the baseline product.


WoW Classic = New car
WoW Classic HC = that dope media addon
SSF-HC rules = underlighting and spinning rims
Ironman = truck nutz

bam fixed the analogy.



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There has been over 200 messages with lot of them saying that what we want is a separate server or less ideally a mode, so we don’t “impose” our “accessories” to your “baseline” product which is more of a basementline one. Yet you say forcing our preferences on you?! You are the ones that are forcing us to play with you and your preferences by opposing the idea of a separate SSF server.

But it doesn’t matter, I know it’s really difficult for you to understand. Lets talk about a topics that are easier for you to comprehend. What’s the healthcare system called in New Zealand ?

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You… wouldn’t be impose anything on anyone by self imposing a rule set on yourself in order to play SSF. As it would be for you and only you.


Lol good one Deunan. I always knew there is a little troll hidden somewhere inside of that self righteous bullcrap paladin in you :stuck_out_tongue:

you were looking in a mirror and thought you spotted someone else?
whoa dude

People happy with the rules as is aren’t forcing you to do anything.
You want more restrictions? Knock yourself out and have fun playing that way because no one can stop you from choosing the ssf lyfe for yourself.


It’s not difficult for me to understand, I just disagree with you. I genuinely hope the SSF players make their own guild and we co-habitat on the same server. Maybe the SSF guild will gain prestige and reputation of being the ‘true’ hardcore experience and will convert other players to join them.

I will be just looking forward to the 1-life rule and QoL impositions to create a shared new and unique experience.

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We are and we are gently asking Blizzard to give us a server/mode so we can do what we want and you can do what you want. For the 2 millions time, nobody wants to force you and your team to do anything. You are the ones that want to force us to play like you.

People unhappy with the rules as is aren’t forcing you to do anything.
You want less restrictions? Knock yourself out and have fun playing that way because no one can stop you from choosing the **non-**ssf lyfe for yourself.

We are good with you get what you want. But You are not good with us getting what we want.

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