HC official Solo Self Found

I was being sincere in my original comment but since you want to be sassy, yes, I think the planned release is fine and you should deal with it.

Create an SSF Guild on launch and invite all your buddies if it means that much to you, it’s not like coordinating a group of people who actively don’t want play with one another would be that hard.


I saw someone on the EU forums suggest that trade and AH should be limited to grey and white items only. Exactly because professions are dependent on one another.

Edited to add a link:

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Scanned that thread.
Thalissa out there trying so hard to build some consensus, help people understand because they love the secondary professions/tradeskills.

I wanna be like Thalissa when I grow up.

Also I still would love no AH and barter only but if I do play will just do that on my own. Might be a bit difficult to find people to agree with no gold/goods only trades but that’s fine with me.


I’m in two minds about this. I love the idea, and think it would work very well for trade goods, consumables and high-end items. But for the random greens that drop while levelling, it would be really hard to buy/sell and most would probably end up in the vendor or disenchanted.

Still might find someone that will take the trade of armor for needed skilling supplies for their trade. Not always but I can live with that personally.

I know. It might sound a bit selfish not to care about getting that item into the hands of someone that wants or needs it. I plan to play a paladin so I will probably hand it over without “compensation”.

Walk in the Light, brothers and sisters.

They stated they don’t feel comfortable limiting “player agency” and if SSF does get added imho, it’s going be in a creation toggle. There also probably isn’t much clamor for it.

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Domt bet on that . HC wont be a massive thing . They are only appeasing the streamer crowd.

This seems the basic thought process of many that oppose SSF, “HC is a fresh realm that´s why I want to play there”.

That the realm is supposed to be a new home for HC players, does not seem to concern your kind much. Once Era get´s its third restart, you will leave the realm and the HC community sits there with the softcore server setting.

It´s also important to remember, that Era is not that healthy right now. A third restart would only split the community further and I personally also question why all these restarts are always requested.

To start from 0 is also possible on Era, you don´t need a new realm for that, or does it concern you that much, what other folks on the realm are doing? Because you mentioned that the HC folks, should stop caring about non HC folks too :wink:

I am sure there is an addon too, that simulates a new realm experience. :face_with_monocle:

Completely over your head. It’s still a fresh server and I also am playing because it’s 1 life cause it’s a different way to play.

Of course you can “just do it on era” but so can you. The “just go to era” argument goes both ways and isn’t even worth bringing up in the slightest. If “fresh” people want to play “hc” fresh they are still accepting it’s a 1 life server, so I am not sure what the issue is here

They dont realize the only argument they think they have works against them

So, like how HC/ironman/ssf/etc players dogpiled an RP server with no regard to the existing community or blizzards own guidelines for an RP realm?

HC/ironman/ssf/etc doesn’t need a special server. It never has.


It absolutely does as it will generate talking about a 19yr old game. Same reason why many streaming services no longer do the dump the entire season so people can binge it.
People will come back to try this one out as well.

More like the same model of a car with a sun roof or heated seats. You don’t need them but it is sort of nice if you like that sort of thing.

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Why are you bothered by how other play when it doesn’t affect your solo gameplay or your community ? You didn’t complain on BSB with non-addon players on it. But now addon simps raise flags every where as if apocolyse is coming.
Sorry, tbf, you are just scared that people will no longer play SSF and leave you guys alone in that tiny community, thus, you have none to brag your achievements to.


I don’t know how that’s possible… most of them are positive the SSF portion of the group is even with or larger than the non.

They are all certain if 2 servers launched the SSF server would fair better.

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Yeah we are so afraid of people no longer play SSF, that’s why we would LOVE to get our own SSF server exactly because we are totally afraid of people no longer want to play SSF.

So based on your comment on “Why are you bothered by how other play”, you should be totally onboard with SSF get it’s own realm right?


Neither HC nor SSF require a special server to work.


Very true but at least we are getting one.
If it was SSF enforced I’d still play on it begrudgingly because ultimately it’s the 1 life that matters.

Also cause I feel bad playing on BB and watching the way players talk about RPers in chat… they deserve their server back.


it’s 100% neat that there will be a special server for HC with the bones of the system built into it and enough open so that various playstyles can fit the challenge to their personal wants.

Ultimately adding a HC server did what I and a few others figured it would. Fracture the community. A HC server always meant codifying the rules set, which as we can see went over like a wet blanket for some and was welcomed by those who understand what the challenge actually is.

Correct. That is the constant between all variations of HC. That really should have been the one rule for the server imo. Anything additional is player choice/agency which is in no way restricted on the HC server.

Low key though, excited to be able to refer to a legit “official Hardcore” rules set now to rustle jimmies.

Return the server to the RP’ers for sure!


I am so you all can relax about not having to worry an about apparent lack of self control and not cheat yourself out of the rule set you all claim you want really bad.

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You don’t get it, if there isn’t the weight of constant accountability everyone would just cheat! /s