HC official Solo Self Found

u said that people who keep dieing at 13 being non SSF players makes no sense. whats the conclusion to that? ur so low iq u dont know what u believe urself lol.

its just a reality that i didnt word it as a fact since it aint a fact. iam aware it was a assumption.

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The poster that has trouble with word meanings calling others “low iq”. Priceless.

I asked you to quote where I said this.
You didn’t. Instead you returned to your unsupported “shower thought” of

No. There’s no reason to believe that is the case. There are no facts to support this unless the addon gathered data from lvl 13 and under deaths asking if they would like to be carried next time. That’s the nonsensical bit.

I realize from this and prior “engagements” of yours in the forum that you aren’t here for genuine discussion but weird flexing. I don’t have additional time for this since in Texas at this time of year I have to time my runs for the “coolest” part of the day which is pre-dawn. It’s only sauna degrees at that time when by 9am or so it’s already lava degrees.


aight. so a assumption that cant be proven nor disproven by facts cant be a logical assumption that makes sense?

who gives a f?

Parsing on an ele sham. Your rotation is 1 button and sometimes chain lightning. Not impressed. Everyone knows ele shamans do a lot of dmg

Arena is unrecognizable to me as I stopped playing wow/arena after original wrath and then og mop. So you’re speaking another language to me

There are good ssf players, but I have encountered A LOT that aren’t. I’m not sure what’s up with that. And this all started because of the henious ego many ssf players have brought to the forums. Brought it upon themselves

The ptr is going to be filled with zergs. There are ppl playing ptr who won’t even play the server cause the ptr requires no sub. Of course everyone is gonna Zerg everything. There’s people dying in groups. I don’t think ptr is a good indicator. There’s no large level difference


Bro i got a 100 parse on ele shaman during AQ phase of 2019 classic not even fully world buffed for 1 meme aq40 raid i was told to play ele for the luls

Was it because i pressed 2 buttons better?, no its because good players dont play ele shaman in PVE content and the pool size was tiny

You’re competeing with memers and dad gamers parsing as elemental, especially in phase 1/2 of classic

Flexing ele shaman parses in classic wow is pretty cringe

I have to agree with you minus the “low IQ” bit.

But why not play on era if you want to raid?

Isn´t it kind of silly to raid on HC with the petri flask? You will never die, so you can just play on era.

I also wonder how your chances will be, if the SSF guys don´t come to the new realm. Will you even have enough people for raiding? On HW, everyone was just questing and rerolling, I may have missed it, but I did not really see much raiding there.

We know that on BSB a guild is raiding, but they cheat the system with flask abuse and I am unsure how many normal folks are willing to farm day in day out for these.

Your desire to raid, is much easier to satisfy on Era, just saying.

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'Cause Leveling is required.

Not if that was removed from Official Endgame.

pharsing on any specc in classic aint hard if ur raid has good kill times.
if ur bad at the game u cant pharse high regardless tho and surely not top 100.
like the pool was smaller then for other speccs but it was competitive especially in phase 2. AQ is the raid when ele starts to fall off, in MC and BWL ele is actually pretty strong.

ur pharses on this char dont indicate that at all.

Just to clarify, I’m fine with AH and Trading in MY version of “HC” Endgame. Y’all just only have “1 Life”.

The logs are all messed up, its a 100 parse on ouro but its counted as a restoration parse even though i was dpsing, probably because i was using ele/resto pvp spec with NS at the time i believe

Thats not even the point, the point is that ele shaman parses in classic wow are not at all competitive because few players play elemental in pve content in classic, especially good players, and the rotation is literally just 2 buttons

Its 100% based on if you have the gear and get good RNG while playing in a competent raid that kills fast

all the things u listed apply to almost all speccs, especially casters.
rotations are simple and RNG, gear and kill times play a factor not just for ele.
and ye ele shaman parses were competitive not just on the same scale as other speccs.
like top 100 ele was not the same as top 100 lock at all since as u said the pool was smaller. at the top ranks it still was competitive.

but ye lets get back to the HC topic.

i think blizzard will launch ssf in the same server but not now, theres no point on SSF when the server will open. I mean, people will kill your mobs, help you with elites, even with quest grouping being locked, people can still heal you, hit your elite, slow, root, stun them. Its a fresh server, the population will be high and i predict that we gonna need to wait queues for playing the first week ( the good thing is that 1 dead is almost 1 quitter because you should take a rest after a dead).

SSF mode will come as a “UPDATE” imo.

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Because you ignore logic and base everything on your personal emotion.

Personal belief.

Everything you base your argument on is a base assumption gathered from unofficial and inaccurate data

They took the entirety of WoW, and decided to give us Classic besides just Retail. That’s 100% of the population then split into… who knows, to be honest, but I can for sure tell you it’s not 50-50, hardly anything in life is actually an even split. Beyond that, though, they then took Classic and split it further into Era and Progressive(currently Wrath), so you now have people on Classic divided further… Now they’re adding hardcore to Era which is evidently split between SSF and Non-SSF. The problem isn’t the “big enough division” it’s the entire sample size. Once the sample size gets small enough, it doesn’t matter if it’s a true 50-50- split somehow, one group will be catered to because it is not a financially and logically reasonable choice to cater to both.

Now, let’s get into empirical evidence and your baseless, unbacked claim.

So, from another post you made on here you said that the poll from stream was 55%-45% in favor of non-SSF, right? So, beyond the fact we don’t know the actual sample size of said stream, it was only given to that streamer’s viewers not the entire HC population.

You then say your evidence is from personal connections and analysis of the forums.
I don’t know what your personal connections are, or how many people you asked, but you also don’t share what the split is and what side has more support.

I can tell you, my estimation of the forums is that there’s maybe about 60~ of us constantly posting back and forth, and I would say the favor seems to be for non-SSF at I would wager a 40-20 or 35-25 split.

Again, this is all rough estimations and various ‘polls’ from small samples sizes, so it’s not actually accurate data… but if you take that into account all together then you would realize that in each sample that the majority leans toward non-SSF which would mean it is not 50% of the playbase asking for SSF servers.

But, regardless of ALL of this.

There is no factual data available, “about 50%” is not factual data, and all the data you’ve given is based on anecdotal “evidence”


Thank you for your grammar check and information about Australian health system.

Any comments on wow HC or any related topic by any chance?


So the idea is you can only use it if you earned it from a quest, crafted it or it dropped for you off a mob?

Does this restriction end at some point or is it permanent? So as a level 60 tank I need to go kill 96,000 mobs hoping for edgemaster’s under SSF

So if you wanted enchants the only way would be to level blacksmith to make the rod then level enchanting and so on?

Actual question


You shouldn’t need official anything to play HC if you want to.

Just play HC.

Accountability? why choose to cheat the only person that matters, yourself?

It’s a personal challenge people have been doing for years prior to addons/official servers. HC is so fragmented at this point that you all are already eating each other alive over pedantic personal choice differences. Do you really need more fragmentation to a niche gameplay style?


Why wouldn’t you raid on hardcore? I’m playing because HC is a fresh server. Why would anyone play the game at all? We can argue semantics endlessly.

You have no data concerning “a shortage of raiders on hc” you’re just guessing

Okay what we have now with the addon is as follow:
No AH at any lvl
No Mailbox at any lvl
No trading 1-59. Trading is allowed at 60 within the guild. Which technically meant most lvl 60s since there is only 1 end game guild in BB, not sure about the EU counterpart.

This actually brought in a different taste and culture of trading. Gold means much less in this system. Most people happily give away stuff they can’t use. Lot of people give away free enchants. The sense of community is way stronger. The guild feels way more like a big family than bunch of people that only get online to run raids each lockout. Guildies support each other, specially the new 60s. There is still drama here or there, but it’s a different take at the game.


I was so close to liking your post, but you had to call someone a moron.

Cmon man…

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