HC official Solo Self Found

you have nothing to prove it wrong

Burden. Of. Proof. Do you understand?


Think before you hit Reply.
This is not looking good for you.

Your chaotic musings give me little to work with.

I can live with that I guess. like I am living with the fact that I actually liked your post :stuck_out_tongue:

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The public health system in Australia is called Medicare but I am 100% going to start calling it Medi-ocare as a pun. Thank you for this inadvertent gem.

No more reply for you actually. Your posts started to sound like someone that’s completely defeated in an argument and retreated to grammar checking the other side. You and that lvl 80 warrior.

I know my language can get harsh when the argument gets heated. That’s a negative thing I am trying to work on. Nothing personal though. But at least I try to be fair and logical.

I meant what I said about thinking before you hit reply.
It isn’t grammar that prompted

Organize your thoughts so that people can clearly understand the point you are attempting to make.

Now who is retreating.
You started so well a few hours ago after previously carrying on a very civil discussion.

This is fine and in fact respectful of others. I didn’t make a fuss about it then but it was appreciated. However you ruined that illusion by stating in the same post

It was insulting and you know it. If you were “cool with you guys” why even go there?
When you received feedback from myself and others pointing out your rudeness, you doubled down. I can’t help but feel that you have been engaging here in bad faith. Much of your narrative boils down to attempts at “defeating” and belittling those that do not share your pov - not actually trying to understand or even work towards understanding.
Very disappointing.


If they do it’ll be in a toggle during the creation screen. They aren’t opening up a whole new server for it.

I’ve been doing this for a LONG time. I just don’t play by the “1 Life” rule.

I was not grammar checking you by invoking the burden of proof which you apparently are unable to acknowledge and instead resort to deflection tactics. A running theme in your posting habits.

its kinda weird that u guys say SSF players are bad players when those are the one not wanting to make hardcore easier. ever thought about that the guys that keept on dieing lvl 13 on BSB are the ones that want grouping so they can be carried?
look at the PTR caves are basically group terretory where 3-5 people bash on one mob at a time. ish is ridicilous. its now pretty hard to die if ur not a complete trashcan of a player. just /invite the randos around u whenever ur in a dangerous zone. HC hype HC hype.

im here, ur welcome. i was top 100 ele sham world in 19 classic release for MC and BWL and im 2.8k RSS exp on retail.
SSF players > softcore plebs. jkjk.

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oh no how could this happen??!?

huh? use ur brain maybe? if “we” would be afraid of losing appeals we wouldnt play official HC since there are no appeals there.

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yep guess they aren’t playing then

what u wrote makes no sense to what u quoted from me context wise. discussion with low iq’s u gotta love it.


My revised quote made just as much sense as your original statement.
Glad you at least could grasp that.

Group questing outside of dungeons/elite quests is detrimental to exp so they’re just harming themselves in the long run.
WoW as a game was intentionally designed with easy solo leveling in-mind compared with other MMORPGs at the time, so acting high and mighty for solo leveling in WoW is a joke to anyone who has played the likes of EQ.
Dungeons at least require some measure of group coordination.

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people who keep dieing wanting the game easier doesnt make sense? meditate over it for an hour or sth maybe it starts makin sense for u then lol.

An assumption based on your feelings and no facts to back it up.
My response was in kind.
Try being constructive instead of howling about your t levels.

well u guys say that the majority of people dieing are SSF supporters, which is also an assumption.
also i never worded it as a statement, i asked if u guys ever thought about it being possible that many of those dieing players would prefer no restrictions since they then could group and not die so frequently. which would makes sense tho.


Quote where I’ve said that.
I’ll wait.

Backpedaling? Color me surprised.