HC official Solo Self Found

You’re probably doing yourself a massive favor, he is rigid and unyielding.

He doesn’t want to have an open discussion, he just reverts to sarcastic dribble and forcing his agenda onto you with no sound logic. He’s practically begging for the mods and everyone to endorse his way of playing because he wants his personal way of playing to be “official” and he thinks it’s a 50/50 split… :rofl:

:astonished: Racist !? what part of that was racist dude !? You gotta be kidding me… I was genuinely trying to be cool n friendly…

I’ll go back and read your posts see if asked me any questions that I didn’t answer.

Edit- okay I guess I found your question:

Absolutely nothing. That’s exactly what we have now on BB. The main one is named HC Elite. A SSF guild in an RP server. However, that is kinda not related to this topic. The purpose of the official server was to remove the need of the addon and puts all the rules in server side, so we don’t have to use the addon anymore. That was the whole purpose of the official HC server. Some people confuse official HC with a fresh vanilla server. Consequently, they don’t care about the rules since they just want the fresh part of it.

I am happy Blizzard is already putting in some of the rules there. I’d like all the rules to be there. But unlike some other people on this thread I don’t want to force my rules to everybody. Thus I’d prefer to have a separate SSF server or an SSF Mode on the same server. Does it makes sense to you?

Let me know if I missed any other question you asked.

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For me because Leveling is required.

If there was a “HC” Endgame, I’d do it.

w/e im done explaining how non SSF servers will end up.

im aware that it wont happen but i even asked for a seperate SSF server. like i dont give a singular f wether u or any other softcore plays with me on the same server.

Who said this? Or is this just what you wanted the HC realm to be?


Sadly this is true and some even did admit that.

It will be the same mess like with Vanilla in 2019. So many people made a char there, because they wanted a new start, but the majority didn´t care about Classic. When cloning became a thing, 90% of the playerbase moved to TBC.

The result were dead realms and the same fate the HC realms will have. I am sure on release Blizzard will open many realms, with the Softcore ruleset they have in mind and a few weeks / months later, they will all be dead, as Cata or new Era shows up.

Classic, HC… should be tailored to the likes of those that identify with these settings and not some tourists just looking for a new kick.

Those that want a fresh start, should play on Era, we have so many realms with hardly more than 100 people online, just make your char there.


I would at least then come and ask for - nay demand - a true IronMan server, as Blizz will not give access to API because of gatekeeping :rofl:
And just for your information - I find HC addon players immensely MediumCore. Dungeons! Stats gear! Buffs! Talents! You softies!!!

You don’t see the difference between you being able to play SSF right now on any WoW server from Era to Retail to the PTR and having Official HC being only SSF with no way to opt out?


Have fun! :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

They don’t see they difference because they are entitled petulant 2 year olds.



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The SSF crowd are the tourists

Hardcore in almost every game including old blizzard games has always just been death = permanent.

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I have been playing on Bloodsail since it opened in 2019. Still playing there. Don’t mind being on the server with people who don’t roleplay. I’ve never demanded that everyone on the RP-PVE server Bloodsail Buccaneers must roleplay at all times or even at all. Respect for one another is all I ask.

So mocking me for not sharing space with others that do not play as I do doesn’t fly. It works fine.
Ugly, rude selfish players are unfortunately everywhere but they cannot stop me from embracing inclusiveness.

So come and play your way on official hc servers.
All are welcome.


I dont know how many “us” there are, but you are the only singular entity in this post. And most of whining posts about SSF are flooded by disagrees. Your SSF folks are just minority. You can play as you did on BSB before with addon, nothing will change, actually you can even appeal your dc deaths unlike the official HC.
For no rule HC players, they enjoy playing with other no-rule HC players, which is impossible on normal server. The official server is what they have been demanding.
Personally, I play wow as mmorph, I want to play with others not a solo gameplay. Therefore, such mode like SSF never appeals me.

No. Because I can still do that and self impose the rules I want to try out on literally any other server.

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Very polite and not at all an ad hominem response.

I am glad that you appreciate me helping you with your analogy, the bones were all there just needed some reassembly.

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Without those people looking for a new kick… you don’t have HC servers at all nor does Classic get revived. It’s also built with the game still being WOW. The rules are perfectly fine and there is no reason to change em, if y’all think you are special by doing SSF, do it with the addon or without.

Probably true, I just see them as the sweaty kids who “think” they’re really good

No, because I don’t care what the rulesets are.

Would I leave the official HC server, no matter the rulesets, for a fresh SOM server?


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That´s not true.

Those that did ask for Vanilla pre 2019, were the reason why Blizzard introduced these servers, the tourists and their “new kick” immediately moved to TBC when those realms opened up and now they are sittting at WOTLK, waiting for Cata.

Without the HC community joining BSB and HW, HC realms would never come, how can you even argue against that?

You may want to join the HC realm, because it´s fresh, but you are for sure not the reason why these realms are coming, because you probably never even heard of HC before July 2023. :pensive:

So you are telling me that those guys who brought my realm from low to high within a few days, are the tourists? Those that were asking for Classic and HC for years, are nothing but tourists?

You can not be serious!


I am not sure why people don´t understand him.

If the server is not SSF, people will group and trade. This means, there will be a huge impact on the entire experience he recieves by playing there.

There will be groups farming mobs, it will be much more difficult to get quests done, farm crafting materials…

Those groups can completely block the progress at STV, Winterspring or Felwood if they desire.

I am not sure if you played Vanilla reboot much, but ever heard of the Lotus Mafia? People did group up at each spawn point and let nobody touch these flowers. Since they were sitting there in groups, you had no shot to ever get one.

Some others were farming leather at STV, good luck doing big game hunter there or farming your mats.

This equally applies to caves and quest NPC´s. When everyone is solo, you are on even ground, but if there is a group, you are 1v5 in each situation and therefore face a huge disadvantage. Those groups can pull random mobs and harass the solo guy, if the situation is reported its unlikely that the solo guy is listened to.

Just think about how you would react, if the HC realm would be PVP only. You could still stick to PVE, yet those others will have an impact on you and the same situation it is for the guy above with groups everywhere.

Those that want to group and trade have Era realms, it´s really not that hard to understand where he is coming from.