I mean, respectfully, you can just read it.
I wrote it, I know what it means. I even explained what it meant to you and you are still sticking with your initial assumption. Not my fault.
Seriously, at this rate, I wanna go full “MUDA MUDA MUDA!” on her for how she says everything I as a paying customer say and do is “useless” or “pointless” if I try to support 2h Frost, but don’t work at Blizzard. And speaking of which, “useless” and “pointless” are what “muda” means in Japanese.
Yeah, I know. Acts like everyone else is the crazy one. Cant even quote her without an argument. Facts aren’t facts.
Go for it. Ill call your bluff.
Well the quote doesnt say what you said it does. That isnt a me problem, thats a you problem.
That was supposed to be a reference to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and the characters Dio Brando and Giorno Giovanna, who’s Stands The World and Gold Experience (Requiem) all call out “Muda Muda Muda!” when they punch someone. And I wasn’t trying to make a bluff, I was trying to express how I feel, especially with how you keep calling what I and other 2h Frost supporters try to use and explain all “useless” and “pointless”, or in Japanese, “muda”.
So a call for violence? Nice
Yeah, she just does everything to shut us down and say “she wins” in the end, even ignoring her previous words and words we keep saying ourselves both. And it’s driving me nuts so badly because of how she does that to no end whenever we want 2h Frost, Frostmourne, or both back!
And to Kelliste, even though I felt like that, I wasn’t gonna do that for real at all you numbskull! Ugh, taking to you and trying to make you see reason truly is pointless… Cause you keep going and going and trying to find ways to say you’re right and we’re all wrong to the point it just gives everyone a headache…
It’s still against forum rules to threaten violence on someone else. And so is insults. It’s a quick ticket to be kicked off of the forums.
Hey, for the record, you kept saying stuff that made me feel like you were being an idiot for so long. And if you’re trying to turn the tables on me, just cause of how I was trying to express how I felt, even if I wouldn’t do any of that for real, not cool at all. Now can you please go away and leave us 2h Frost supporters be and suffer in peace? No need for you to keep making our suffering even worse as you constantly do.
I don’t care how you feel because you take what I say out of context. That isn’t my problem.
Yeah, I agree that it isn’t cool to threaten someone else on a forum.
No, I’m not going anywhere since you guys were replying to me and I have had to repeat myself just for you to call names and threaten me. I wouldn’t have to repeat myself if you guys would stop changing the context of what I say.
Like when I said if it was so easy then get a job at blizzard which means that you should go and do it. Not what the other guy said I said. Get it now?
I wasn’t threatening you at all Kelliste, I was just trying to tell someone else how I felt. But since you said I was bluffing, I was trying to explain what I meant. But maybe I shouldn’t have responded in the first place. But if you really feel the need to keep going at us to shut us down every time we make a response to your comments, then I think you need to get a life honestly. Having the last word isn’t necessary at all anyway. And another thing, I was planning to get a job at Nintendo, not Blizzard. Unless it’s possible to get a job at Blizzard first before going to Nintendo. But that’s another topic, and another story too. But like I said, you don’t need to work at Blizzard to get them to listen. The forums are to allow Blizzard to listen to the community after all, not just for us gamers to talk to each other. Other video game companies have forums too after all.
And another thing, you pulled the victim card a lot in the past, and I’m not talking about here on this topic at all, so I’m not gonna even bother with that. So I’ll just go and find others who can hold a better and far less draining conversation than with you in that case.
By says you wanted to go all “muda muda muda” on me which is a reference to a show where they say it while punching people. Yeah, like that will hold up.
Why do you even think I’m trying to shut you down? Explaining how something doesn’t work is not trying to shut you down so I don’t even know where that is coming from.
Never said you needed a job at blizzard for them to listen, that is a complete fabrication by the other person that you are running with. I said if it was easy to do then get a job at blizzard. Where you 2 came up with that blatant strawman is beyond me. I didn’t even hint at that nor would I say that because it would in turn invalidate what I say as well.
Other people are going to get just as annoyed with you if you do the same, or they will just dismiss you because you don’t play the game as you have said you quit when Legion hit.
I’m fairly certain what him and others of similar opinion mean is that the ridiculous mechanics of the spec is irrelevant to what they’re asking for. They aren’t arguing about the mechanics of Frost and these threads have nothing to do with them. They are arguing about getting 2H back, period. The other posters understandably feel attacked when people come into a thread about what people want and tell them why they shouldn’t be allowed to have it, especially when it doesn’t even affect you. It’s like saying “You shouldn’t be allowed to eat Banana Splits because you’re gonna make the rest of us fat! Eat vegetables until we invent healthy Banana Splits!”
That is a phenomenal analogy, I love it!
Yeah, Trumpknight’s a cleaver one at her analogies. She even made one with comparing getting big numbers from 2h vs combined DW numbers from a mod, add-on, or something, to getting real meat vs fake meat in another topic, and that was a good one too.
Except a lot of them are. The people all up in arms aren’t talking just about a look. Like for example, someone says “I want 2h back for the large crits” me saying those wouldn’t come back just because of a weapon due to abilities being based on attack power just means that 2h wouldn’t do anything to fix that issue. Right? But that somehow translates to “anti-2h” and I’m trying to shut people down.
If you want 2h back period and it doesn’t matter then transmog would suffice, if not then they want 2h back within certain perameters.
No one is saying they shouldn’t have 2h back by the way, it’s how it should return. If that’s the case who do we listen to out of the 2h supporters? People who want it done through transmog? People who want the option to use a 2h even at a dps loss? The people who want an old playstyle back that split the spec in 2? Who?
These are all different things mentioned by people who have been talking about getting 2h back, even some suggesting that DW should be removed outright in favor of 2h.
There isn’t even an agreement between 2h supporters other than they like 2h. It’s like saying you like a red car, but one person likes Ford, the other Honda, and the next Ferrari.
Again, I never said anywhere that 2h shouldn’t make a return. I do think other things are more important, but that’s about it. So it’s people getting aggravated, threatening violence, insults, trying to discredit others based on things that can also be applied to them, just based on what is going on in their heads and not what is being said.
It would be if that is what people are actually saying, but it isn’t.
… what? I think that’s a bit much. Someone threatened your person with physical harm?