Hazzed's video on 2h Frost VS DW Frost

To Rhamnousia, I was trying to point out how badly they were acting. I seriously felt they were being rather toxic to be honest. But if there’s guys who don’t want 2h, but aren’t as toxic as those guys I mean that comment for, then good. But I agree with you on that last part that Gurthäng sounded pretty biased. That’s why I made that reply against him honestly. I’m just so tired of guys like him stepping all over us like this for 4 flipping years ever since Legion.

And to Klowdywilde, I agree with you on that part about replies on this forum actually. I was trying to respond to certain guys, but it didn’t show me responding to them at all. And that’s pretty annoying like you said.

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Anyone who wants this is, in ny eyes, just as bad as the people who are “never 2h’ers”.

The game was better with options, sub numbers support that. The only reason we have the surge we have now is bc of classic and those who hit a wall in classic kinda trickle into retail to play. Eventually those will leave imo. If we had seperate numbers for those who play “mostly” classic vs “mostly” retail, i think it would be closer than some would like to think. I think retail is higher, but wouldn’t be by miles and miles.

If they never brought back 2h frost i would LOVE to see 2h dps spec like blood dps back in the day added as a 4th spec. All about big upfront numbers, not all this passive damage unholy has. Not suew how it would be done tho.

All in all i say our spec needs fixed but we have a year before SL. They should be able to balance 2h vs dw in damage by then i would think with how they can tweek things now days. Tho they refuse to tweek things as much as they should be doing.


I’m fine with them bringing 2H back, I only said I would probably quit if DW was completely removed from DKs. I do think giving us the option to transmog DW into a single 2H would be a better option though since they were never able to keep both weapon types balanced.


I understand people bring up holy pallies and their artifact for transmog, but they were only swinging a single weapon. How would you turn two fast swings into one? I’m not against it, but it just doesn’t seem as simple as people would make it seem.

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I see two ways to go about this for auto-attacks (obliterate and frist strike would just use a different animation):

  1. two equally fast two-handed swings
  2. skip every other auto-attack animation but still have the damage dealt (could be jarring for some to see damage register twice during a single swing animation, but it’s workable)
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You could possibly add them together, but that would only work if the two 1Hs are the same speed, which should be the case, since melee only gets a single speed based on the kind of weapon anymore.

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Why not make it reverse instead so that we’re actually using a 2 hander, but the animations are dual-wield for those that want to mog DW over 2h? I saw someone else suggest that before, and I think that can work. Even making it so that the attacks interchange between the main and offhand for each attack to fit the appearance of dual-wielding. Would that be satisfying too?

Aesthetically I wouldn’t like it if it meant the frequency of auto-attacks slowed down (I prefer fast and frequent attacks :slightly_smiling_face:), but on the flip side I’d absolutely LOVE only needing to worry about obtaining one weapon while gearing. I’d have to see it in action to give a real opinion on it.

There are some work around ways to get this appearance setup currently, and someone tested and recorded it in another thread. However, it only swings the main-hand for any attacks and animations, while the off-hand just sits there doing nothing. So at least at present, the system doesn’t seem equipped to pull this off. Under the hood, I think it’s easier for them/the code to funnel extra attacks to a single weapon, than it is for them to create animations without a source.


Having 2h override DW can already work, its just a faster auto attack based on your main hand weapon. Everything else would work absolutely fine. Its going from 2h to DW where the problems come up since the system has no clue what to do with the OH weapon. It just sits there.

You can actually test it in game right now. You can get a 2h weapon, equip it, transmog the artifact over it and see what happens. It just doesnt work at all until Blizzard figures out a way to make it work which who knows, how the code is written it might not be possible.

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I don’t think it’s impossible to do that at all though. With Blizzard’s tech and if the devs aren’t lazy at all, I think they can come together to try and make the OH weapon hit as well for the animation if they indeed add the ability to mog DW over 2H. And I think that can be done still during Shadowland’s Alpha or Beta, or even during the expansion’s run itself. I think it just takes convincing the devs to try that. Besides, just cause it’s not possible now, doesn’t mean it can’t be possible in the future.

It all depends on how its coded. Like I said right now you can already mog over 2h using the swords and the animations dont work since it just uses the main hand for the animation. That is a lot more coding just for 1 spec in the game when they can just go the opposite way and have 2h be based on the main hand of DW. This could even be done for Shamans as well.

And it isnt possible to glue feathers on your arms and fly, and its going to be impossible in the future. Coding does have limits.

Honestly, that last part was a terrible comparison to what I had in mind. Plus, not only is that “gluing feathers on the arms to fly” part truly impossible, coding the game a certain way to add animations is NOT impossible at all. They added new dual-wielding animations back in Legion, so they can do the same for mogging dual-wielding over a 2 hander. And speaking of Shamans, if 2h Enhance comes back, I think they can do that for them too. So I think that could be another good reason to try adding such a feature if they allow mogging DW over 2h.

That gluing feathers thing was to show anything isnt possible, thats it.

I dont think you understand the transmog system since you dont think its a problem for mogging DW over a 2h, which DW isnt going anywhere in the first place which is a moot point. The system doesnt know what to do with the off hand since the 2h is a main hand thing. Its why it works on holy paladins but not DW specs. Its a limitation of the system. It would be a lot of coding for 1 spec.

You already can mog the swords over a 2h, but the animations dont work, auto attacks just happen with the main hand, and you cant use obliterate or frost strike to even see how they interact so you kind of have to assume that its the same way.

I dont even know why this has come up unless you want DW to be removed completely, which again it isnt going anywhere.

Hey, just because not everything isn’t possible, doesn’t mean ANYTHING isn’t possible at all! And it wouldn’t take so much code at all to add just a few animations in the first place! And I’m not trying to remove DW outright, I’d rather it say, but 2h Frost still comes back. But if DW needs to be removed for 2h anyway, I’m trying to point out how mogging can fix that, and that adjusting said mogging to make it work is possible. But with you trying to say everything pro-2h or making DW mogs work is so impossible, then get outta here with your “fun detected” crap already!

Never said anything isnt possible.

And how do you know it wouldnt take much? If it wouldnt take much get a job at Blizzard.

DW wouldnt have to be removed so again the transmog point is moot. In fact, if you wanted to use a 2h, they would have to remove the restrictions on the abilities and get the 2 weapons to function close enough to each other. 2h Combined Runeforge of FC and Razorice, and a nerf to DW which could be compensated in numbers tuning. But if you are going to be going through all of that to add it back, just do a transmog option.

You have already displayed your hate for people like me and I really dont care. Its ill informed hate anyways based on assumptions.

Im not even anti-2h, just trying to be realistic in the best course of action. If its just an aesthetic issue then transmog would fix it and I dont think nerfing DW mechanics for the sake of 2h is the answer.

I also find it funny that you “fun detected” argument doesnt really hold up since I want to get the spec fixed in terms of fun. An overwhelming amount of people dont like the spec, it has absolutely nothing to do with the weapon.

Seriously, attacking someone for giving suggestions aimed at improving their spec by insinuating that their input is meaningless unless they work at Bliz is completely ridiculous. Bliz is literally paid to figure this stuff out, not the customers. Paying customers have a right to provide feedback and that feedback should be valued by a company that values continued and, hopefully, improving business revenues.


Omg. Is that what I said? No it wasnt. He made a claim that it wouldnt take much, and I said if it wouldnt take much then get a job and Blizzard and do it.

And yes, it is ridiculous to tell someone that their input is only valid if they work at Blizzard because then IT WOULD EXCLUDE ME AND EVERYONE ELSE.

What is so annoying is that I can say 2+2=4 and someone would find something about it and twist it saying im making some claim that im not, just like you did here.

Nowhere did I say what you are saying I said, cut it out.

See Above. They’re quotes, of you.


What does the quote say?