This video was very incoherent. He jumped everywhere and 90% of his footage was simply him standing there. His biggest argument was a personal preference. He even said, he doesn’t find it enjoyable. Well, find another class.
Frost should be 2H. Obliterate should be hitting like a truck. That is the argument that I am hearing and agreeing with. But it must be said that DW and 2H for all should be implemented.
We deserve 2H Frost, DW Unholy and Blood DPS. We need a more advanced version of the 3.3.5 Talent trees. Something that can give us the edge back.
Glad you’re saying all that too Vitálus. We need more options for Death Knights to come back anyway, and letting us choose if we 2h or DW, with the different weapons not changing the play style at all, could be a great start.
2H for all!
DW for all!
Free the Death Knight!
Choice come back!!
The same 5 ppl posting over and over about this again. Shocking.
I hope blizz dont make an habit of listening to loud vocal minorities.
We’re not the same 5 people at all dude. We’re much more than that. And I believe this was the first topic I made here on the new forums for your info. And another thing, you keep calling us 2h Frost DK advocates the “loud minorities”, when you and other heavily persistent anti-2h Frost guys are a perfect example of that. So don’t try to shift the picture of who’s the “loud and annoying minority” onto us when there’s so many others that kept treating other 2h Frost supporters so badly like you already. So do us all a favor and never go bother any of us anymore already.
Your post is a prime example of why this forum needs an “ignore” button.
You don’t play the Frost spec.
You are part of the REAL vocal minority that spew anti-2h diatribe in the DK forums.
I know, I know, you’re going to say “But… but… I CAN post in any thread I want.”. Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD. If your behavior isn’t the very definition of “trolling”, I don’t know what is.
fully agree, this people …
Can’t refute the poster’s arguement, so personal attacks ensue. Good job supporting your opinion through personal attacks, and zero conversation on the subject, other than “your opinion means nothing, and mine is all there is.”
Thank you for letting me know you have no idea. It is easier to write people off in the future.
There are plenty of pros and cons to 2h and other changes with dks, but unfortunately this video is a poor example. The primary reason being it isnt approached objectively ( which is understandable due to his investment ) and the lack of numbers.
The clips are difficult to quantify because while they cover periods, you dont have access to logs of the damage source or the current calculation for ability damage at the time of the clip.
I am all for both subjective and objective discussion, but we already have a ton of subjective conversation going on both our primary threads. Dont think this warranted the additional traffic/split.
If you find something objective though it will be worth bringing in and id be interested.
*addressed some spelling issues. Cell phones <3
I’m amazed you were able to make it through an entire hazzed video.
That should be an achievement.
I couldn’t, not all the way since in the opening he basically said he just wanted a better spec regardless of weapon and that is the video he should have made.
The posters point was basically the same as the person who replied to him, “you are the vocal minortiy who spam about pro 2h i hope blizzard doesnr listen” vs “theres more than just me that are for 2h, on the otherhand you and 2 others are the vocal minority, people shouldnt listen to the anti 2h dribble u put on forums.”
Basically the same point from each of them.
What was the other dudes idea? There was none listed in this statement.
Someone sounds bias.
I support 2h Frost. If that make me a minority or majority, I have no idea. But, I support it.
“The other dude” wasn’t being a needless di**. Also, the point of “the other dude’s” post was to say how the video was poorly constructed, and often stating false information as facts, based on opinion, and a version of the game a decade old.
Ha I didnt check as to which post u replied to his reply. I thought u were speaking to when he replied to Gurthang, that’s my bad.
Ima be honest if i have to scroll more than omce to read someones post i dont often read it so im not even sure what monkiy posted. Ive had my back n forths with both Monkiy and Kelliste, both have stated they dont care if 2h is implemented they want the spec fixed first and foremost which i can deal with. No reason for it to not be in the game after maintenance because it would do nothing but less damage than its dw counterpart. As others have said, adding 2h wont solve the issues at hand i would personally prefer another 2h dps spec, unholy, frost, blood if they want to continue with this 2h OR dw. But if they rolled 2h into frost i would also be ok, just as long as they fixed the spec too.
Again sorry about the confusion.
The annoying part of these forums is half the time, it doesn’t show the person you are replying to anymore, so people just assume it’s the post right above. I’ve been trying to get better about quoting the person I’m responding to.
My personal opinion on the whole 2H vs DW thing is that they should stick to one option to make balance easier and just allow us to transmog to the weapon type we prefer. I personally have always been DW since being forced to respec to Frost (was Blood DPS in WotLK), and if they remove the DW aesthetic from DKs completely I’ll probably quit WoW altogether.
take a chill pill guys… stay frosty and stop this endless argument. Wasting my eye-energy reading you kids arguing like fish mongers.
And yep, Hazzed videos are an acquired taste
oh Yes!!! let’s change this topic into “BRING BACK BLOOD DPS AND UNHOLY TANKING”