I gotta admit, it’s getting pretty old seeing a Ret or Shaman send literally every pull. When I have Meta I can keep up just fine but outside of Meta I might as well just be standing there.
Meta needs a 200-300% buff, or we need to do way more damage outside of meta, or Meta needs a 1min CD, or something.
It’s bad enough we have to fel rush everywhere like an idiot just to hit our burst windows, but those burst windows are next to worthless anyways. Just nothing about this gameplay feels rewarding except hitting eyebeam after eyebeam and proccing that demonsurge.
I agree with you. I have been playing my DH to see if it is really bad. I also have the same observation that during our CD like Meta we can keep up just fine. Even pull ahead. But after that it is bad.
I think it is because of how the game evolved but the design of DH is still made for how fights are back in legion. While most classes now have shorter CDs to make their gameplay more fluid etc. DH still has that old 2 mins big burst playstyle that does not work anymore. Ret paladins can basically burst every 30 seconds with their wake of ashes-hammer of light combo which means every pull they can burst. For DH we can burst one big pack then after in the next pack the most we can do is maybe one Eyebeam burst.
I agree that either they buff up the damages of these long cooldowns like The Hunt and Meta or shorten their Cooldowns. I think eventually most classes will have to get the ret paladin treatment of rework. Ret paladin is soo easy and smooth to play now.
Ret has higher burst and sustained damage than DH, but that’s mostly a tuning issue.
40s EssB/EB burst lasts less and burst for less than Ret’s 30s burst. That’s obviously wrong.
2 min is stronger, obviously, but if you go look at overalls, Ret smokes Havoc any day of the week.
Havoc is just undertuned as hell. If you happen to pull around 2 minute pulls (so Meta is up on all of them) then surely Havoc can look decent, but it would still be inferior to specs like FDK.
Ngl, I would accept losing Meta as a CD if we had Ret profile any moment.
Ret is just so OP now. Every 30 seconds big burst and their other big bursts are only 1 minute cooldowns like divine toll and final reckoning… So for every two final reckoning and divine toll combo we only got one meta. So let us say each pack lasts 30 seconds. Each round Ret paladin can do burst of Wake-Hammer and 2 out of 4 of these round they add final reckoning-divine toll on top of it for massive sustained bursts each pack. For DH can only do 1 meta in those 4 rounds and maybe 3-4 eyebeam lol.
It is actually OP. The first class I levelled to max on this xpac is actually paladin. But got bored on how easy it is lol. Not only was it so strong it is so easy to play because of how it is basically a mid-range class. While DK and DH need to stick to targets paladins can continue damaging mobs while on the move and on a distance. And this was pre-templar buff experience. I can only assume how strong it is now that hammer of light have been buffed lately. I still log in to my paladin though but only to continue his blacksmith profession haha.
I agree with Shaman too. Elemental shaman just nukes now. Rogue, Shaman, mage and paladin are so strong. Heard hunters are happy with recent patch as well. haha
I admit it is indeed a challenge. Even on delves my paladin and DK is just sooo much easier. But I enjoy taking the challenge so I will play it for now.
To reply to you too, DH was original more of a melee mid range class. We have slowly been forced into movement builds, damage nerfs, and DR nerfs. All leading to a very poor experience now.
I mentioned this to a friend “Ret paladin feels more like original DH than DH does this season”.
Yeah, it’s really bad when you get told you might be benched for the mythic team because you can’t keep up with the rest of the melee classes in the raid for dps. I’m like what can I do? It takes 150 steps to setup if everything goes well. I don’t have the luxury of a 4 button rotation like a pally…
My myth track version did 0.8% of my damage on mythic kyveza yesterday. The ansurek ring did 1.1%. That weapon is barely better than just having a normal 639 weapon
No havoc simply is just the worst overall melee and needs single target buffs at around 20% minimum to become viable again, right now dh is balanced around this pad number that comes from stray cleave and not single target
Our rotation was so fun and simple back in Legion and even during Venthyr SLs DH. Now it’s a hot mess and our class is so unintuitive that we press Immolation Aura several times in a row, not to mention the multiple mini dps proc windows that do nothing for the amount of work put in to achieve said proc.
I hate this version of havoc. It needs a rework. Badly. Feels like shadowland season one but ten times worse.