Well I was replying to the warrior mainly, who is a lot of other threads saying DH is absolute s*** in every way. Havoc top 5 dps on 3 bosses, above half on 5 (2 bosses excluding the top 5 rankings). And bottom half on 3 that’s not bad at all. I have +10 cleared each dungeon as well. If you’re damage as DH sucks it’s you not the spec. They are okay. Mover FTW. “It’s good at AoE pad.” Lmao I guess adds in raids are suppose to live through the e whole fight with that logic. I have no issues keeping up in M+ with guildies. Mythic raiding guild.
Aoe is mostly fine, just buff st.
Buffing ST for havoc is rough since everything we do is AoE. Borderline breaks AoE.
No it isn’t, annihilation and first blood exist, those are pure st.
They also have talent nodes that make them cleave meaning you now take those nodes. Talent nodes that also make chaos strike have a chance to strike twice in global and nodes that make chaos strike hit harder in AR.
What are you on about?
Annihilation doesn’t cleave since legion, and the aoe damage of blade dance is baseline and separate from first blood.
Bro is playing an entirely different game
just played a 2300mmr shuffle lobby as dh and went 0 6 to feral loc mage lobby lets go
1- Clearing 10s can be done by anyone
2- By now, all of those bosses are in farm. It’s irrelevant pad. We’re not the best at it either.
3- Yes, adds that die in 3 seconds are irrelevant pad. Contrary to popular belief, Havoc is not strong at dealing with prio adds either since the ST sucks balls or adds that live longer than 5 seconds (unless you blow a 2 minute meta on them)
You could say the same with any class; that comparison is really stupid. There will always be parsing and ignoring mechanics to top the DPS of their class. What you’re saying is really dumb
Uhh what? The class forums don’t “belong” to the PvErs only dipstick, what kinda response is this? lol. There are plenty of people who feel DH is lacking in both PvE and PvP and they all post in here to talk about the class.
Okay and you’re gonna get a lot more feedback about PvP in the PvP forums dipstick. In the top 10 threads, as I just looked, there are 4 specific class/spec threads and you don’t have to look much harder to find one for each, all about PvP.
our AoE is pretty garbage, tbh.
What talent makes chaos strike / anni cleave? What talent makes first blood cleave? I don’t see any scenario where buffing those 2 could possibly increase aoe damage.
Fel-scarred (which has a near 100% use in raid) already uses relentless onslaught, along with the other chaos strike buffers, so it’s not like anything would change there.
Fel-scarred also has talents that make chaos strike hit harder, most notably burning blades which is +35% in the form of a 6s dot. Now i dont feel like getting out the calculator for which tree gets a bigger benefit from a chaos strike buff, but if we are at the point where we cant even get any single target buff because the trees are designed in such a way that it would favor one then that is a problem with the design and balance of the hero trees. If BOTH hero trees need buffs and one hero tree goes extra crazy when you do, then you nerf its specific talents that interact with what you buffed (chaos strike in this instance) to bring it in line with the other.
They put pretty much our entire base kit into the hero trees, they’re going to have to touch them eventually.
You’re so mad lol.
he just lies hes one of those weird people who just hate dh and spread misinformation so the class remains f tier, class needs single target buffs, everyone knows it
There’s a lot of people who hate us unfortunately.
Dev most of all!
We have glaring issues that go completely ignored and our biggest buff since pre-patch has been a bug fix and an icon change.
In the last 3-4 months mage has had 10 pages of reworks.
In the past 6 months DH has had half of 1 page.
They hate us
That or we are simply a class that they internally wish had never created and they ignore us as much as possible.
Is it because we clash with the more kid-gloves Disney vibe the game has adopted over the recent years or what is it do you think?
Illidan is their best remaining villain/hero since they crapped all over Arthas and Uther in SL.
We are a really fun mobile melee class with niche roles clearly defined:
Chase enemy flag carrier
Burst AOE
Offensive tank
I don’t get the hate, but I certainly feel it