Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

This is our official conspiracy until Blizz proves us wrong :stuck_out_tongue:


Probably more than the inverse. A great irony of faction conflict discourse has always been certain Alliance fans’ rush to advocate racial guilt, population purges, and continent scale evictions (world scale, in the orcs’ case) concerning the Horde’s various races and factions. Although that crowd admittedly fell rather silent after the Return to Lordaeron stuff, Erevien’s trolling pales next to the very candid, very consistent demands over the years to dump the orcs back on Outland, burn the Forsaken out of Lordaeron, give Silvermoon over to the high elves, etc.


Baine is a Dreadlord.

I haven’t seen many of their types around, here or in game. I know a few of the more vocal ones did rage quit when the Return to Lordaeron quest didn’t go how they wanted it to.


For sure. Although we’d probably have enjoyed a better faction war had BfA opened with that long-awaited clash at Lordaeron and not a spiteful match thrown at Teldrassil on Alex Afrasiabi’s way out.


Yeah. At least it puts the alliance in a bad light for a change and the horde doesn’t look so bad for torching Teldrassil in response for Lordaeron.

Ahh…what if indeed.


That sounds too cool for imposter Baine. Plus a dreadlord would probably try and have him manipulate his people, which again, would require Baine to have done something with the Tauren in game at some point between Cata and DF

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Yeah, and a dreadlord would be like… Semi-competent. Not sitting on the steps like a discarded trashbag in Oriboribos while everyone else discusses the big badness happening.


With all these we can tell we never in fact got anything out of this renewal arc.
Several Night Elves got displaced from Kalimdor and instead of the promised city we got a few houses scattered around in a zone where Horde is welcome.

Good job on your Night Elv treatment Blizzard.

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Don’t worry. Gilneas will welcome you with open arms, and we even have the nice little elven area called Tal’doren, it’s ancient and you guys can make a nice little enclave/iving area out of it.

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And since we can’t bring all of our cat mounts to Gilneas, we can just ride the worgen.


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As I’ve said before, the Story Forum is an outlier in terms of general opinion. I do not think the opinions held here are necessarily widely held.

You keep saying I’ve taken “no notice” of opinions to the contrary but I’ve stated multiple times that the opposite opinion exists. I myself have stated that I don’t play Horde to play a villain. However, and please read this part this time, I don’t think that this forum, a minority of a minority, necessarily represents a large consensus and that some people holding one view invalidates other people holding the opposite view.

I’m not the one who is saying that the opposite opinion doesn’t exist. Yet from you and others I’ve seen multiple times that people who desire the opposite do not have a valid opinion because it doesn’t agree with the world view that the majority of players hold the opinion that they don’t want to be villains. They either don’t exist or are so miniscule as to be negligible.

How are those not the same? When Calia isn’t dark enough for some Forsaken players - and there are several examples of vociferous excoriations of her character on this very forum - what does that mean exactly?

I do not recollect them ever promising us a city. Nor really do I know if night elves should even WANT a city. Darnassus was an aberration after ten thousand years of decentralized living in small villages. What they sold was a home, and it indeed is a home for Kaldorei now.

They bent a lot of lore logic to justify Darnassus existing like it did, and that is coming from someone with a lot of nostalgic feelings about Teldrassil.


But with Worgens going back to Gilneas and Forsaken reclaiming Lordaeron some of us were expecting going back to Kalimdor but instead we got a small island at another continent with a few tents here and there.
But whatever we thought we’d get, having it be neutral to Horde was nowhere on the list.

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Now I will agree with this, yes.


I feel like the vast majority of the complaints about Calia are not “She’s not evil enough!” it’s that she was shoehorned into their story, so basically ALL of the main forsaken NPCs got wiped out, and then we have a magical super nice undead lady who looks like she’s going to be pushed into leadership. Especially since the woman who shoehorned her into the story has made comments about not understanding the forsaken at all until she wrote a book that basically retconned almost everything we knew about what the forsaken were.

And I don’t even really like the forsaken or Sylv.

But they really skipped any sort of development of her connection with the forsaken before they shoved her into the council.


Dark isn’t necessarily the same as evil. Calia fundamentally changes the flavor of undeath in Azeroth. To elevate her into a position of leadership over forsaken dilutes the original flavor of undead, especially given how much the leaders of a group carry the story for that group. —Yes, Sylvanas looked different from the other Forsaken, but her flavor was much closer than Calia’s.

Still there are many players defending the actions of Belmont for example and he is in fact a very evil a deranged person who enjoyed torturing, killing and blighting everything in his path.
Meanwhile other forsaken players were not happy with the Desolace Council for portraying the undead as good people saying they were defanging them.

Sadly, at this point I’d rather they just say we are all Alliance so i can feel like part of the story again.

That loud minority really doesn’t speak for the Horde Blizzard showcases outside of the few times the faction war is front and center. I dont think your current average WoW player was even alive in 1995.

Honestly whomever thought you can have the WC3 Horde and the WC2 Horde in the same faction at the same time is a real smooth-brain. They needed to be their own separate factions or one side needs to be deleted permanently, and that’s ignoring the problems either would spell for the Alliance’s tiny side of that story when it isn’t being a vapid drone who just exists.