Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

Having Gilneas back as well as Bel’ameth for both races that have been refugees for far too long specially the worgen feels like it brings a smile to me knowing that The Night Elves finally got their own home city where it’s safe from harm and rebuilding their lives as well as having a port way from eastern kingdoms but highly more towards Kalimdor, and Broken Isles.

Finally Gilneas is returning back to not only the Alliance but also those who are Gilneans and Worgen as whole. This feels like not only a great time to be a Night Elf but also a Worgen and Gilnean Player as a Whole. While I am bit off when it comes down to the Horde Players visiting the Alliance Capital Cities for being neutral since the upper reaches of Undercity of Lordaeron Capital is still horde owned and attacks alliance players on slight, and etc horde capitals. I’m not sure how it’ll effect the game overall atleast with faction wise but overall I say that I am happy that the Worgens and Night Elves are getting back their lands and Capitals.

I don’t speak for those who wanted the World Tree to be in northern safe parts of kalimdor like moonglade for example or just the idea of abandoning the old ruined world tree atleast with nostalgia vibes which is understandable. But for how it is. I hope this brings back wow players into World of Warcraft again since the future of world of warcraft is turning out so great. Now if we could see the Gnomes get their city back that’ll be great. Also the High Elves and Void Elves too if they can’t be in silvermoon atleast have them be in a abandon small city near quel’thalas in the northern reaches of lordaeron where the plaguelands is with stratholme.


The Void Elves have the Telogrus Rift. It’s far enough from Azeroth for them to conduct their research without risk to anyone else, much less an entire planet. It may not be much more than a few tents, but it’s saturated in void energy. It’s the equivalent of Silvermoon City being inside the Sunwell. There is absolutely no logical reason for them to want to be anywhere else.

The High Elves have Dalaran, and even those not living there have built homes and families and networks of friends and comrades where they are now. Giving all that up to return to Quel’Thalas where they’d have the constant threat of powerful neighbors a stone’s throw away, ready to wipe them out, would be dumb.

Quel’Thalas belongs to the Blood Elves. The other elves already have their homes.


Look I know the sun is bad and all but sometimes I just want to get out and relax on a beach with some warm rays a nice breeze and some cool surf… is that too much to ask?

Also, I’m just the guard, I don’t actually research anything I got caught up in this mess and didn’t even want to join the Alliance, but the blonde with a mortal fetish wouldn’t teach me to keep the voices in check and the voidy stuff suppressed unless I joined the alliance. Which is bull, I miss that old Orc and Troll who used to grumble at each other and tell me I was holding my weapon wrong… I learned a lot from those two.


I think the whispers have gotten to you. Those were a tree stump and a boulder.


You are a tree stump and a boulder, sir!!


I am Groot.


You sure? Evil blonde was very particular. You are like me, though… and probably one of the researchers by the look of you. So that means you’d know what the voices sound like… which would make you the perfect person to try and trick me!

I reject your lies.

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I’m not really seeing how Amirdrassil and Gilneas are supposed to be signs of making WoW’s future story content so great.


Well, Sarm, you’re not an Alliance main.

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I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re signs that the future is going to be great. Rather, they’re an indication of Blizzard addressing one of it’s failures when it comes to story-telling. Namely, we’re seeing Blizzard finish it’s stories. Gilneas has been a plot left in limbo since Cataclysm, and the Night Elf stuff dragged on WAY too long.

If anything, knowing the Night Elf saga is over in a manner that provides some catharsis is enough at this point.

Now that we have some indication that Blizzard actually wants to wrap up loose plot threads enough to actually do so, there’s more we could see going forward. For example, Vol’jin’s overdue return as Loa’jin.


I think they are signs that bliz still only writes for one faction, and still doesn’t get what they are doing wrong.


They are signs we are actually moving forward with the story.

Gilneas’ lack of change for me was partially because I think Blizzard did not have any other story hooks for the worgens. It gave me the same feeling I had with Star Trek feeling like it got stuck and refused to move forward with its story after Voyager.

Now Gilneas is back, now the question is, how will this after the worgens and what will they do in the future.

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If that’s supposed to be throwing a bone to Horde mains, I coudn’t care less about this. I wanted him as warchief, not some spooky ghostly thing.


No, that is me addressing a plot point that has been left to rot since it was introduced. Like the Worgen and Gilneas.

The fact of the matter is, the Horde is not exactly in a bad position. The Alliance has lost far more cities and settlements over the course of the game’s lifespan, and thus has more to rebuild and reclaim. This isn’t to say Blizzard couldn’t do more stuff to improve the Horde’s experience, but at this point what does the Horde need?

We’ve seen the Darkspears get their new leader, and secure their home.
Zandalari is secure.
The Tauren are in a good spot, with growing relations with the Highmountain.
The Undercity has already been reclaimed (just need some in-game updates to reflect it).
Blood Elves and Nightborne are both in good places, with more content coming in Midnight. At best here maybe offering a phased Suramar with a greater Sin’dorei presence would be nice.

I’d be curious what sort of Horde content you’d like to see added, what you feel the Horde needs.


A timeline that doesn’t see Garrosh ascend to Warchief? A timeline where someone recognized that Sylvanas was suffering from severe depression and actually attempted to help? A timeline where Vol’jin didn’t die?

Preferably all at once… I know it won’t happen, but I’m allowed to dream of a better times.


If you’re asking for a reboot, I’m all for it. Otherwise, a timeline we visit once before coming back to our own messed up timeline is rather pointless.

So I’ll ask again. What kind of stories do people want to see unfold for the Horde going forward? What do posters here feel the Horde needs?

Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t mind seeing the Mag’har split up and establish clans across Kalimdor, with Orcs choosing to join those clans. It’d be a chance to develop a new cast of characters. Maybe if Thrall’s children are old enough, we’d get to see them start to develop a presence in the narrative as well. Imagine Durak leading a new Warsong Clan, with all of the overwhelming might of a Hellscream, and all of the wisdom of a Frostwolf.


I always thought it be cool for the forsaken to accpt that their decaying forms cannot be indefinitely sustained and without Val’kyr they cannot hope to do the mass raising of unconsenting people they used to do. They face extinction.

So what do you do? Two things:

  1. Create a death cult seeking to ascend into Forsaken, perhaps a sect of the cult of the forgotten shadow. Death is scary and unsure, I am sure a lot of people would rather the assurance of undeath. No one can complain about ethics if people sign up for undeath.

  2. Invest time researching Draenei vigilant technology to develop their own means of binding forsaken souls to construct bodies. Forsaken aesthetic Vigilants would be pretty epic.


I’ve expressed support for a restart before and still believe it could be a good idea.

I’d restart at the beginning, possibly all the way back to the start of the setting.

Personally, I’d get rid of the other worlds crap, I don’t see why the orcs and their kin couldn’t just be from the other side of the planet, and just make the problems of the world the factions and make a lot more of them… I’d also weave the narratives into each other, since it’s stupid to act like everything exists in a vacuum of each other.

I’d love to see more exploration of the Blood Elves and Nightborne, I know midnight is coming (but I’m expecting to be disappointed), not as monoliths but as people with thoughts and beliefs that don’t always conform to the standard views.

I would love to see a faction of Blood Elves that wanted to be free of the Sunwell and were actually able to separate themselves from it without them turning into just another example of what happens when you don’t play follow the leader.

I would love (a) faction(s) of Blood Elves that are migrating away from Silvermoon and more fully integrating into Horde culture, helping the Forsaken, exploring Orc, Tauren, Troll culture and ways. It could be an interesting way to explore Shamanism and Druidism amongst the Nightborne and Blood Elves.

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I don’t think the horde’s salvageable. It needs a reboot, but that will obviously never happen.

I’m legit, genuinely struggling to think of anything I could consider good. At best I’m coming up with ideas that might evoke some ennui in a “this would have been nice had it existed over a decade ago”. Something that feels like it matters in the setting, but where anything alliance-related is 100% absent.

I dunno, ultimately I feel like the horde just doesn’t matter in a way that matters anymore. The game’s completely deconstructed the “misunderstood monster” aspect, them being outcasts, them being believable hero protagonists. I’m not sure what there even is to work with.


And the Horde has lost far more important characters, and when they even bother to replace them, the new characters have mostly been spectacularly lackluster. It’s hard to tell interesting stories when your cast is so meh.

Speaking for myself, I don’t even know if it’s possible to salvage it at this point. The current Horde is unrecognizable as the faction I liked when I started playing back in BC. They’ve not only completely replaced that faction with something that bores me to tears but retconned it into never existing in the first place.

These days, I’m mostly in the game for the pretty pictures, for raiding, and maybe for some of the really small stories that still have the capacity to make me smile once in a while—though I can’t think of anything in DF that has managed that, actually. But the Horde experience is basically dead and I don’t see how it can be revived without a reboot.

But, apologies. I don’t mean to derail an Alliance celebration thread with my own bellyaching.