Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

I was 1, thank you.


I feel old now :blush:


Let’s not get into how old we are… today is my birthday and my lifespan is nowhere near as long as my Night Elf character :joy:


I think what they’re getting at is that matter of “flavor.” The sweet, normal, lonely, relatable human types that Christie Golden created for the Desolate Council also are not original flavor Forsaken. Original Forsaken were at best kind of emotionally warped by undeath.


I was alive then!! I’m not sure if I am anymore, but then? Then I was definitely alive…

… Working a fully-time job no less, because I am an old.

Now knowing this, assuming I do not later forget it (I will) any response I make directed at you shall begin with “well, back when I was your age…”



Your point might stand but I was alive and miserable back then… making me feel old… bloody younglings.


We should tell them, Nightsong.

Back when we wanted to Warcraft, we had to walk uphill, in the snow, and we were thankful for it!!


Pfft, when I wanted to Warcraft, I had to walk uphill, both ways and than build my own castles and siege machinery!

Kids these days!! Old man finger waggin


I remember the days of dialup… technically I remember the days before the internet, but really who wants to remember those days… good old dial up 1 or 2 kb per second… I played wow on that kind of feed.

Ah the good old days when websites didn’t have ads and most of them were text.


Why back in my days, when you wanted to roleplay?

You had to go into AOL chatrooms. And you liked it!!

Because you had nothing else!!!


AOL….now that brings back memories. I remember when cell phones were just these big blocky unwieldy things that were really a pain to store anywhere when going out


HAH!! I remember when there were no such a things!!


We still had party lines when I was really young.

For those who don’t know that’s when a group of people share a single line and there was no privacy. In my case it was the entire road I lived on.

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The sound of my childhood.


I don’t believe so. I believe the majority of it is she doesn’t fit the Forsaken aesthetic of being amoral and ruthless. She’s too friendly to Alliance is what I see.

Which stands to reason that people would be pissed of Calia was a noblebright savior of the world heroic type character that Alliance characters tend to be when they take the spotlight of being protagonists of the expansions. I don’t think that’s what a lot of Forsaken fans want at all. Complaints that Calia is shoehorned come from the fact that she clashes with Forsaken methodology and aesthetic. If she was goth mommy who was just Sylv 2, there wouldn’t be near as many complaints.

You don’t need to have played Orcs & Humans to be a faction war fan, or even be someone who wants to play a villain.

You could be someone who wants to play a sick zombie doing cool, amoral zombie things.

Based on what? This is just more confirmation bias.

Except you have nothing to back up the claim it is a minority opinion.

The point here is that not caring that the posts here don’t fit want you want to claim is that is how confirmation bias works. You write off the fact that the post here and now contratict your claim as an “exception” (or something). Then you write off the forum that doesn’t fit what you want to claim as an "exception’

This is classic confirmation bias.

First of all, you made a claim about the who Horde players would react to something. Admitting the opposite opinion exists is better than nothing. But it still fails to justify the claim.

You have claims that are known to be unreliable about a group are not part of (something player Horde is not the same thing.). Either you are going present something that supports your general characterization of Horde players or not. It’s up to you.

I know what I want as a Horde players. I know what my friends and guid mates want. I know what I hear from a group that I’m part of. If you are skeptical, that’s fine. Group think is a thing. But at least is a significant groups. OTOH, this “what I’ve seen posted in forums” is so notoriously unreliable as to be a joke.

One say they don’t want positive development. The other says they want it but aren’t happy with what they got. I don’t see any evidence for either, but they are different statements.


Based on the fact that this forum gets 10 posts a day.

My man this forum gets 10 posts a day from the same 5 or so posters. This forum is a minority.

No true Horde. You can always move this goalpost to say I don’t play Horde enough. That is pathetic gatekeeping.

I’m done with you. You looked up the dictionary definition of “confirmation bias” and it’s your new favorite term. Ignoring all the confirmation bias you’ve presented throughout this entire argument. Multiple times you’ve taken personal anecdotes and attempted to present them as majority opinion - something that I haven’t done except to speak in generalities. You keep trying to speak for all Horde players then accuse me of having no ground to speak for all Horde players when I never did except making a general statement of what I’ve observed.

Let’s just boil things down:
“Your view of the issue doesn’t matter because you’ve taken it from GD and places other than here.”

“Anyway, my handful of friends and guildmates are the majority opinion.”

I’m done attempting doing this back and forth with you. You can respond to this post again if you desire. Maybe repeat “confirmation bias” a couple more times.

Irony is beautiful.

Hi again Kyle.



I’m only combative towards you because you come at everything combatively. I’m literally only responding to your energy.