Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

Point that you missed is, that as a HORDE LEADER, he shouldn’t be justifying any alliance attacks on his people. He should be furious, not trying to uphold some alliance adjacent code of honor


It’s the Horde’s code of honor that it is okay to raid and pillage if you do so for a reason you deem as honorable. That’s not Alliance-adjacent. That’s smack dab in the Horde’s code. Combat, trial by combat, and conquest is honorable and good. The strong win, and the weak lose. Isn’t that the fantasy people want out of their klingon orcs and their adjacent allies?

I don’t know the full context in which he said it was a legitimate target. It could’ve been handled better, but it was also the truth.

Truth or not, when your people were just attacked, and as the person everyone else looks up to, YOU DON’T SAY THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD. Whether it was justified or not.

And if you actually paid any attention to what most horde players say, and I’ve seen this echoed on MG and WrA, most people do not like being villians or mindlessly violent

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Yeah, as I said, it could’ve been handled better. But it was also a decade ago by this point. People are overlooking more positive developments in his character over literally a line in a book they probably haven’t even read themselves and have only tangential knowledge of.

This is different than Night elves, who continue to have bad lore developments, so it never gets better and never will. That quest was good though. I don’t blame people for not liking Baine regardless because you can’t feel any way other than what you feel. But it was still a positive development for his character and is exactly what people wanted out of Baine, and it still is not enough. People will feel that he needs to kill Alliance in vengeance for the twenty quadzillion lost in Taurajo over a decade ago.

There you go saying ‘most’. You don’t know that it’s most. I realize that’s a generalization, but there’s no real way to know what ‘most’ people think.

I play both sides enough to comfortably say you’re wrong in your generalization about horde players and what they want


True. But I’m not making any claim I know what the majority think.

I know I don’t like the villain batting and I know that the Horde players I know don’t like. That is enough for me. Blizzard should stop doing it.

(Though it is worth noting that finding things that match what want to believe on forums is really one of the most biased ways.)


Okay, so do I, I already went through this with someone. I pay attention to what people post on the forums and in game and I’ve experienced the opposite. You don’t know it’s ‘most’, you’ve never quantified it.

i guess bel’ameth will be finished in patch 10.2.7, the second patch of dragonflight, i guess the work on this part is done now in this patch.

but i agree overall, its a nice place (I only wish it would be more near toward kalimdor), looks really like a worldtree , but its still miss alot of aset to be counted as city.

    "All this may prove moot soon enough. The Exodar is nearly repaired."

    An announcement that momentous, had it been stated aboard the Skybreaker among the Alliance leadership in Northrend, would’ve landed like a lightning bolt, and everyone would’ve started verbally jostling at once. Instead, the news was greeted with pleased smiles, and a single hand was laid on Romnar’s shoulder. Well done, the mood in the room spoke.

    “‘Nearly’ means when?” Maraad questioned.

    “A week. We have already repaired all the key systems. Now we are just cleaning up and bolstering any areas of apparent weakness.”

    “We could awaken our ship within the week ? What does the Prophet say to this?” Maraad asked.

Velen says: Good. Rip out the engines and some of the walls and make a smaller ship because Illidan.


The funny part is even IF the thing was truly repaired, it be useless because it’s Naaru pilot was incinerated by the Legion.

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If anything, Rakeesh probably did us a favor and saved the Vindicaar, given the Naaru record of crashing every ship they pilot.

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You don’t have to “use” confirmation bias. It is a psychological tendency in all humans. Scrolling through a forum is classic example of this. As I point out you say you “can’t help but notice” things that support your view that;

But you took no notice of the fact that, in this very thread, there were several posts to contrary and none in support.

What you are doing is a classic example of confirmation bias.

[Note, the issue of “Horde players not appreciating what positive development they have” is not the same as them “not taking well to being heroes”. You have move the goal posts. I don’t know if that is intentional. But it was not my doing.]

I loved that moment watching the Dark Lady go all supersoldier… :star_struck:

All downhill after that. Glade I wasn’t actually around for that, I was already depressed enough during that time period…

Here’s a game I picked up from my father.
Basically, you write down a subject and then the names of people pushing for that subject and keep track of how often they bring it up.
It can be a rather enlightening event in a group discussion.

In my experience it’s not uncommon for it to only be a handful of characters pushing for the faction conflict… and if we had account level tracking I’ve little doubt it would be the same few players across several characters.


We know that Blizzard has been itching to cut the number of functional capitals for ages. I’m expecting new “cities” going forward to be like this. The Bilgewater model.

Two thoughts:

  1. Sure, but those players don’t actually care whether the Horde is heroic, villainous, or somewhere in between. So their existence still doesn’t prove there’s a large number who want to play the villain.
  2. How many people play Alliance just so they can kill Horde? I mean, playing as an armored knight and going out to slay orcs is a popular thing in video gaming too.

I almost hate to bring this up, but would it be so bad if Baine did smash some Alliance, as long as he had a reason for doing so that didn’t break his previous characterization?

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I know I’m in the minority and my community is pretty small on WoW, but I’m only alliance because of the Worgen and I like draenei lore.

It’s the only reason really, I personally never liked the faction related stuff

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Oh yeah, I’m betting the people who only play to smash the other faction probably aren’t well represented on this forum. [Edit for clarity: I mean the Story Forum specifically.]

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At least a few. I used to be in a guild that had some of them. I thought they were joking at first, but nope, they loved that horde existed because it meant they could kill monsters… amongst other things.

Not this subsection at least. Over in GD and the class forums there’s a ton of loud posters who would love to resume the faction wars so they could smash the other side, all the while laughing as their fellow faction members asked them to stop.

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Nah, that came much later in a Christie Golden book.

Not really sure how much he was involved in the in game barrens stuff. But he did have a pretty impressive stand off against a Grimtotem leader in the climax of the Tauren starter questing.

Drove out the Alliance that were literally laying seige to Mulgore. And declared the pretty nice horde conclusion of that zone and the players that took part as horrible and needing to be exiled.

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That was pretty cool. He pretty much solos the guy while your tasked with keeping the guys minions off Baine. One of the few cool moments Baine actually had in game


And then the Alliance kidnapped him and replaced him with an imposter after that quest.

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