Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

Excuse me, it is 360 Degrees No-Scope Misdirect Barrage Mocha Elf Supreme!!

It is very important to get right.


Sowwy! Won’t happen again!

Still love ya though :heart:


Love you too Karebear, my favorite Worgen In Disguise!!


Gonna rename my druid to Karebear in a few days, I promise! :blush:


You’re literally always demanding stuff.

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oh you two.


Amirdrassil, as nice as it is now, is still not a city in any way, shape or form. It is at best a big outpost.
It completely pales in comparison to Teldrassil and what was once Darnassus. If not by the infrastructure at least by the over all atmosphere. It fails to evoke that level of magic and mysticism we had before.
Again I like it but let’s call it as it is.

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I’m assuming, we’ve only seen the beginnings of the construction presumably. I think there’s like 2-3 more minor patches coming out before TWW launches. Hopefully it does become a full fledge proper capital before we leave DF behind.

I get why you feel that way though, don’t blame you one bit. I can only speak for myself when I say I find the new tree to be absolutely beautiful compared to anything else we seen before.


More purple shades and less brigh green/yellow lights would make it better.


Mutually contradictory statements.

I think the issue arises that a lot of Horde players who want to play the villain want to play the villain but also not be treated as a villain. They want free license to do villainous things but have it be treated as a morally relativistic dilemma. They just want to be evil and do evil things but not be punished or made to feel bad for it.

See: Forsaken players seething any time Calia comes up and says “Maybe we shouldn’t do war and experiments”. It goes counter to the entire identity of being an amoral zombie.

See: Anyone seething about Baine not constantly killing his quotient of 100 Alliance a day as penance for being a goody-two-hooves.

See: Anyone complaining that the Horde was better under Garrosh and seethes that the Orcish spirit of fighting and conquering and pillaging is no longer the Horde’s identity.

Heck, speaking of Baine, we got action with him in this very expansion and when that came out people couldn’t stop complaining that he’s too nice. Why? Not because he didn’t go on a centaur genocide, but because he’s not killing enough Alliance. It didn’t matter that he turned centaurs into literal paste and gib them by smacking them so hard, people were mad those weren’t Alliance he was doing it to.

Spend any time on the GD forums to dispel this no-true-horde illusion. A good amount of the people complaining about WoW’s Disneyfication and lack of a focus on the faction war play Horde. I’m not saying all, because I do see plenty of Alliance players doing this as well. But a good amount are going to be people who think Garrosh and Sylvanas did nothing wrong and want to bomb ten more orphanages.

Plenty of people who play games want the catharsis of playing a villain in games. It’s why people go on insane rampages in GTA, Postal, or other open world games. I’m not making any moral judgements on anyone who wants to play a villain in a game, as if that makes them a bad person in real life necessarily. I’m just saying that I see the most complaining out of not being able to pillage from Horde players, rather than Alliance players who are mad the Horde aren’t villains.


You aren’t reading them right.

One was a general statement about Horde players as a whole. If it helps, “I can tell you that nothing I’ve seen indicates, even in the slightest, that more than a small fraction of Horde players want to play the villains. Certainly not close to a majority.”

The second was that there you can’t always find someone who disagree with the majority. The fact that they exist does not, in fact, tell you anything about the majority. In fact, trying to make a general statement with specific examples is a logical fallacy.

Conversely, I think there are Alliance players who want to be able to continue doing villainous things to the Horde while still calling themselves “the good guys”. You see this in the threads were people claim that the Alliance can do anything they want and be the villains. You can point at them just as you can point at anyone else. But that is also a faulty generalization.

Like I said, there are “some” people saying things that the majority don’t agree with all the time. “ You can point at them and trying claiming they are represent the majority. But, in spite of how common that tactic is in politics, is a faulty generalization.

Forums are notoriously bad at being unrepresentative and people who read it are notorious at seeing what they want to see. Alliance players reading forums is not a credible measure of what Horde players want.

I’m mean here, someone asks what Horde players want and several have said they don’t want villain batting. Nobody said they like it. Yet, you take not notice of it. OTOH, if one person said something else, those who that to be the characterization will all point to it.

The GD forums are even worse. Ive seen Blizzard people even mock them. They mean nothing.


So as I stumbled through the severely malfunctioning PTR, something struck me:

Amirdrassil is awful for expanding as a city.

By this I mean… The entire thing is uphill, with many rugged cliffs and giant roots. aside for one or two small glades everywhere you can build, they have already. I am not entirely sure how they would build out without fundamentally terraforming the island.

I increasingly get the feel the addition of buildings to the island in 10.2.5 at all beyond a camp and perhaps the dock was something that a few particularly passionate devs on the live services team cooked up, with the real intended focus being the retaking of Gilneas.

Well, it does happen to be a giant tree, and we know what night elves like to put on top of those trees, so maybe they can build up?


If they make Suramar a functional city I would be over the moon!


See: The alliance poster completely missing the points horde posters are making.

Since apparently being upset that your racial leader hasn’t actually interacted with your race in game since Cataclysm but keeps showing up to help out as the alliance’s horde friend, must mean that you want him smashing their heads and not just that maybe the Tauren leader could maybe sometime lead the Tauren.


Not to mention stealing the Blood Elves’ thunder as magic experts. (But still in awe of the skill and power of Jaina Proudmoore.)


I’m overjoyed for the night elves. Several months as a refugee couldn’t have been easy.

/turns rat-kebab over flaming crystal wreckage.

It’s going to be another cold one tonight.


The extra context that was not there before does clarify what you said, sure.

The truth is, no one knows what the majority or minority thinks. Both of us are using anecdotal evidence.

Those people exist for sure. But I do see less people on Alliance concerned with the faction war than on Horde. See this was never about whether or not Alliance players do or don’t want this also. Your attempt at whataboutism has failed. It was always about combatting this notion that the silent majority of Horde players don’t like being the bad guys when I think half the reason a not insignificant amount of people chose Horde isn’t because of any lore on them being misunderstood but because they look like cool badass monsters that do cool badass monster things. Most people do not pay attention to lore when they pick a race, they go with whatever is most aesthetically pleasing.

Again, you got your wish with Baine being a character in this expac and people were just pissed he was there at all. Pissed that he has been too nice.

That doesn’t mean that they don’t want to do villainous things. Those are different things. A lot of people just don’t want to be made to feel bad about it.

Let’s not pretend that either of us are working with credible sources with citations. It’s incredibly intellectually dishonest to say that your experience of talking to a handful of friends is indicative that Horde players do or don’t want something but my using what I’ve seen on the forums, where hundreds of people share their thoughts on the game, is invalid.

That’s not at all what people were mad about lol. They were made he has been too nice.

That’s literally what that means, yes. Because he was not an “Alliance friend” in any capacity in this questline, he was just a Tauren doing Tauren things.

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Have you maybe tried not wrongly assuming what the Horde playerbase feels? Maybe especially in the face of numerous Horde posters offering a wealth of examples that contradict your claims?

I happen to know, beyond any doubt, that when we voted for a single spokesperson to speak on our behalf, not only did you not win that vote; you were not even on the ballot.

I won the vote. Me. Alynsa. Not some Kyledoria night elf person.

So as the duly elected Voice of the Horde Fanbase, we hereby disavow the disinformation campaign waged by Kyledoria.

Baine sucks, and it has nothing to do with his lack of Alliance kills.


I didn’t read your post jsyk