Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

Of course you didn’t. Why would you read anything written by the many Horde players who disagree with your weirdo interpretation of what Horde players want?


I didn’t read it because it wasn’t a very worthwhile post.

You can disagree with that sentiment. That’s great. What would you say to the people who’s sentiment is that they want to play Horde and be a villain? That their opinion doesn’t exist because you don’t like it?


Slowly wraps the Mocha Elf up in blankets like a mummy and carts off to rest some more.

Well that’s obviously untrue. If you didn’t read it, you wouldn’t know whether it was worthwhile or not.

I’d tell them to stop posting on their Alliance alts named Kyledoria. Besides you and a few other Alliance posters, it’s not a sentiment I’ve ever seen.

You spent quite a lot of time typing up this very weak rebuttal.


Incredibly intellectually dishonest take.


No, not really.

I know you wish there was some trend of Horde players saying “man, I hated when the Horde was all not-evil in Vanilla, TBC and Wrath. And WoD and Legion. I long for the good old days of… Cata.”

But that isn’t a thing that happens.

Insisting it is, and insisting it’s some large number?

That is intellectually dishonest, and a disingenuous premise to debate from.

Try harder Kyle.

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How would you know what other people think outside of this echo chamber?

“I don’t agree with it, the sentiment doesn’t exist” ok dude


Because other websites exist, Kyle.

I dunno why that is shocking to you.

You don’t even see it, do you?

That’s funny.

You are a funny GD troll, Kyle.

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Honestly, after checking out Bel’ameth on the PTR as of a couple builds ago (when Horde could wear the new Darnassus tabard), I’m really underwhelmed.

  • No City Map
  • No City-Specific Chat
  • No Trade Chat
  • No Auction House
  • Not even any DF Crafting Tables

This isn’t a city, it’s a glorified town. Booty Bay feels like more of a city than this, at least it has an auction house and bankers.

Gilneas (though much earlier in development) is also lacking these features, with the city’s map on the PTR now not even showing up when you look at your map in the city.

I’d check and see if they made these cities more city-like, but the PTR is currently barely functional.

Are you referring to twitter? Of course you use twitter.

If you’re implying I’m saying that there is no number of Horde players who want to not be a villain, that’s a thing I’ve never said. Never even intimated.

Slinging some stones from that glass house I see.



You only know of two whole places you can source opinions, and yet you think you can speak for the Horde playerbase?

No, I’m stating.

They are very different things.

You’re a funny troll to be sure, jusat not a very good one.


Kyle is attempting to preform a logical fallacy known as Argumentum Ad Ignorantium aka Appeal to a Lack of Evidence.


Hey! don’t pin them on us actual Kyles, it gets confusing

They did flesh out a lot more NPCs, but the buildings are all the same so far. The zone itself at least has its own channels separate from those of the plains, and Bal’ameth has its own security channel at least off hand as I remember last build one npc was hostile to horde and people kept killing them and triggering the under attack message.

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As a Horde player who started in Cata - I want my faction to stop being the villains all the time. If Blizz can’t competently do that, then don’t lock these races to the Horde.

I shouldn’t have to be stuck with having a cartoonishly evil nutcase for a leader just because I think Horde races are cooler than the boring selection that the Alliance is stuck with.

That’s good. It was really underwhelming last time I checked it out. Hopefully it gets the full city treatment, would love to see Blizz be less stingy with what is and isn’t considered a city from now on.


I would love for it to get an HD version of the Darnassus bear bank, even if it is portal linked to stormwind. I do not want to have to go to weird Disneyland city all the time.


I wouldn’t speak to numbers, but I do feel like there’s always been a subset of players who really couldn’t care less about the plot, lore, characters, really even the Horde itself, and just dig the fantasy of smashing puny Alliance.

I’d say “more power to them,” only Blizzard actually did spend the better part of WoW’s existence empowering and legitimizing this vision of the Horde with genocidal warchiefs and orking orcs and all manner of other nonsense on this redundant loop back to a Horde halfway resembling the one originally sold to us.


I wonder what the overlap of that cohort and that of people who play to vent stress they otherwise have no outlet for IRL.

I suspect it is quite high.

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I can speak for the Horde playerbase because I play Horde also. And my take is that I don’t want to be a villain either, but that doesn’t stop the sentiment from being common. I think the Story Forum is the outlier in public sentiment, not the norm.

And you want to argue that your posts are worthwhile. Especially when you outright lie? Not a good look.

I made generalizations. Just like the post I responded to made a generalization. Just like you made them. The only difference between you and me, is that I’ve acknowledged that both opinions exist. But from my experience, it happens less often. But I’ve also admitted I don’t know for sure what is a majority opinion, and nobody does. Especially not to say,

Seems to suggest you have omniscience of this subject, or cited sources that are peer reviewed, accredited, and double checked for factual accuracy.

Finally a decent post.