Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

Half of the orc content hadn’t even come out yet and it had already been derailed due to complaints about orc fatigue. I get that SoO went on way too long but that excuse has worn incredibly thin in the face of elf focus not getting that same treatment.


Elves generally don’t get the same treatment because they’re beautiful and very easy on the eyes.

It’s messed up, but people generally will take the pretty race over the monster 9 times out of 10. It’s why the Blood Elves are the most popular race horde side


That’s human psychology at play. It’s kind of humorous, in a sad way, just how much bias is wired into us.

According to WoW Analytica the Blood Elves are the most popular race period.

Blood Elves - 20.23%
Night Elves - 9.5%
Orcs - 9.46%
Humans - 9.01%
Trolls - 6.65%


This has been pushed as a reason why its OK to villain bat the Horde…

Until BfA, I played exclusively Horde. I was brought into the game by a Horde player. I;ve been in several Horde guilds. I can tell you that nothing I’ve seen indicates, even in the slightest, that Horde players want to play the villains.

There is a good size that doesn’t like it. There is a good portion that doesn’t care (as with Alliance and and all their complaints, a few of these like to troll forums). There are probably a small number (there always are) who did like. Probably about the same number of Alliance who liked the burning of Teldrassil.

In fact, with few exceptions, this take come from Alliance players.


I knew there was a reason I have a major distaste for elves. :stuck_out_tongue:

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And this is why people keep focusing on Midnight instead of TWW.


At least worgen are 1.75% percent. Beats being a fan of Mechagnomes at a meager 0.65% :stuck_out_tongue:

Though being one of the most popular race isn’t necessarily a good thing either. A lot can go wrong when blizz decides your favorite race is up next to be written about


I don’t know how accurate WoW Analytica is. Not sure I really trust those numbers. They don’t feel off from what I’d expect, but I would have thought Void Elves would’ve been higher on the list. Granted, with the Alliance only at 35% of the total population, I suppose that would skew it.


I know nothing about that :face_exhaling:


I was just saying I hope Blood Elf fans are ready for their time in the spotlight. It’s likely not going to go how they like.

And I’m a worgen fan Kail. I know all about what Blizz is…capable of doing. :crying_cat_face:

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I have said many times that Blizzard is an evil genie. Never make a wish; they might just grant it in the most horrible way imaginable.


Only concern I have with data collecting sites is, are they t counting people with multiple accounts more than once, or is there a way to see that a person has more than one account and thus skewing the numbers a bit

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Best as I can figure it’s drawing from the armory data, so at least all of those toons exist. How many are actively being played I couldn’t even guess.


Like the Night Elf child model.

Seriously… what do people see as wrong with that model?

Legit question, because I don’t see the problem.

At this point lorthemar is actually the most og horde leader, not counting thrall who isn’t really a leader anymore


I think the model is adorable. I’m with you on this, I don’t see what the issue is

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Hm. This is all completely aesthetic opinion, so obviously cannot be considered objective in any way, but: Too much forehead, eyebrows too sharp, and cheeks look overly swollen.

We also already technically had Night Elf child models in Nazjatar, but they were just the Nightborne child models with a ghost affect applied:

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Those are both adorable!


The problem isn’t the model, it’s that there are new night elves. Never forget that every city destroyed was their fault. They brought the legion who brought the orcs and is responsible for the undead. They caused the worgen curse too. Quel’dorei are just night elves that escaped so Sylvanas was burning her own ancestral home.

So technically, they are evil and burned their own home down