Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

While blatantly telling people their opinions were wrong and being very combative with them.

You made a gatekeeping comment while complaining about gatekeeping.

Sure, you’re definitely not at all combative.

You use selected GD posts, a curated Twitter and a small friend circle in-game as sources, and admitted to not knowing any other ways to source opinions exist.

You don’t know what the phrase “general populace” even means.


Feel like the bottom line here is that with no hard evidence or data to back the claim of a majority opinion, there’s no use in arguing it.

Whether the general sentiment is there or not, there wouldn’t be any way of knowing without actually doing a randomly sourced poll on it (which is ripe with its own methodological issues).

All that can be done is drawing a general assumption based on sentiment heard by way of word-of-mouth… Meaning there’s legitimately no winning here.

It’s just arguing methodology or legitimacy when there was no methodology and legitimacy to begin with.


I made a general statement in response to a comment left on the thread based on my observational experience. I never used definitive statements such as “all” or “most”.

And I said multiple times that neither me nor anyone else actually has any hard data whatsoever so no definitive statements can be made.

Multiple times I was ignored and disregarded.

Yeah, but you actually did tho.

When told that this:

is missing the point people are making about Baine and retorting with

And then when called out for it, you doubled down. That’s where the whole question of your information sources came in, where you started claiming to be voicing a majority opinion, etc.

You keep minimizing others opinions whenever not outright telling them contrary opinions don’t exist. You keep making baseless claims to be sharing a majority’s opinion without bothering to offer any evidence, even circumstantial, that you know what even a sizeable minority would believe. And you keep doing so while in full aggro-mode, then getting mad when people match your energy.


You literally quoted yourself saying the opposite.


I don’t know what else to say, really.

So… Just don’t count ‘a lot’ as a definite statement, then?

Weird, but if that’s the narrative you’re going with sure.


Yes. That’s a general statement. That’s not the same thing as “it doesn’t happen”. A lot means a lot of things. How much is a lot? I don’t know, I’ve never quantified it. But it expresses that I’ve seen the sentiment a significant number of times. “A lot” may not even be a majority. And I never said majority, because I don’t know that. I have expressed that I believe that could be the case.

Maybe you just don’t realize but typically by saying ‘a lot of people hold this sentiment’ you’re referring to the definitive idea that there’s a large group of people that hold that sentiment, even if the exact number of people isn’t directly specified there’s still the implication that it’s a large group.

If you wanted to make it a more general statement, one that doesn’t imply a large group of people you could say:
‘I have seen several people with this sentiment.’
‘I have seen x sentiment multiple times.’

Hope that clears things up.

what you see, or what you want to see?

The Forsaken are pretty complex faction with their story. They’re dark, but they have motivations and reasons for what they do. And again, it’s a clashing character forced onto a faction without a leadup, frankly, by a writer who has not shown that she has any idea what the people who play that faction like about it.

Pot, kettle, black.

So I’m bored and finished my dinner, and I figured I’d spend a couple minutes highlighting some very dishonest attempts at disinformation by way of context-removal from Kyle.

In regards to a clipped statemjent of mine.

Specifically discussing some alleged massive trend Kyle insisted was ongoing of Horde players longing to be villains. The “definitive statement” in question isn’t about the feelings of some number of Horde players wanting to be villains, but that it is an obvious majority.

Kyle lie.

Made in response to Elathaah, which is factually incorrect; it cannot be claimed as a “definitive statement” when the bolded statement is literally preceeded by “nothing I’ve seen”.

Kyle lie.

Ok, yes, it is a definitive statement to say the GD forums mean nothing. It’s a correct statement, but also correctly labelled as a definitive statement.

Two lies for one truth.

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‘A lot’ implies a large group sentiment.

That’s all.

If what you originally meant was something vague, sure, I accept that.
But I think the base misunderstanding here is that’s not how other people read your words.

So, it isn’t nitpicking your language use, your language use led to an implication of a large sentiment…
Which, is largely up to you and your language use.

So you’re back to making definitive statements.

You don’t know whether it is large or not definitively.

Saying it is large is a definitive statement.

Regardless on whether or not you’re saying it’s a minority or majority, dude.

You’re saying the sentiment is large.
That’s definitive.

Regardless whether you place a definitive of whether it’s majority or not.


Ok. Since you got your last words, I think it’s fair others do as well, and then we all can move on happily.

It’s clear that you do not recall the times you dismissed other people’s opinions as non-existent or contrary to a majority-held view, even though these statements were quoted to remind you of. Perhaps you’d typed things without fully reading them and didn’t realize what you’d said didn’t match what you’d meant to say. It absolutely can happen.

You might also want to consider trying to come across less… Aggressively. When you combine the former with an overly aggressive response style, you’re going to find yourself put on the defensive very quickly when others match your own energy.

I should not have immediately rose to match that energy, I can admit that. Rather than escalatae right to your level, I should have worked to de-escalate.

So, GG Kyle.

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She doesn’t ift the Forsaken aesthetic, but “amoral and ruthless” is not required for that.

It used to be “known” that being raised into undeath magnified your negative emotions and suppressed your capacity for positive ones. But that can take many different forms. If Calia were, at minimum, perpetually jaded and gloomy, incapable of enjoying the things she used to like in life and melancholy about it, that would help her fit in better.

(P.S. “No true Horde”? Did I just miss an absolutely textbook “No true Scotsman”?)

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Had mIRC back in my day.


I enjoy you


Thank you.


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Now let’s burn down a Horde city and then get redemption.

Sounds like fun.

Bottom line is that you are talking about LORE, which has nothing to do with in-game play.