Having Two Alliance Cities is a Huge Win

Not sure what you mean. The claim that Horde players wouldn’t like being heroes in the plot. That is both. And isn’t this Story Forum, part of the Lore forums?

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I don’t think there is any LORE saying Horde players like being badguys, but maybe there is and you, who have very clearly paid close attention to the conversation you responded to, can cite your source for it?



Sounds like he was just trying to be clever, without really comprehending what he was responding to :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, if Blizzard insists on writing the Horde as the villains, the least they can do is go full Old Republic Sith Empire and let the players enjoy being the process. I’d rather they did that rather than constantly having the Horde go down that route while claiming it “isn’t the real Horde” or however Anduin put it.

I mean, I would much rather they just not do either and find a way to do something they did just fine in WCIII: Make a Horde story… Without making them evil.

You know.

What the Horde is supposed to be? Not evil?


We need a pair of new factions…

One that embodies the warmongering True/Iron Horde and one for the Crimson Crusade/dawn/onslaught…

Then we open them up to the players and give people a free chance to transfer…

It’ll be great all the violent warmongers will have their way and the rest of us will just get back to ignoring them.

I totally agree, but we’ve had two faction conflicts and four expansions that show Blizzard is incapable of being conflict between the two without going down that road and I have little faith in them not taking the same lazy path a third time. If they insist on continuing to do it, make it fun for Horde mains instead of whatever they did during Battle for Azeroth and Pandaria.

Ok, but we’ve also had a whole Vanilla and five expansions where the Horde wasn’t the evil.

The faction conflict is entirely optional. There are very many stories to tell without it.


I was mostly joking about the no lore saying Horde players want to be the badguys statement. Like I said, I agree 100% with what you’re saying and really hope Blizzard permanently kills the faction conflict storyline because of how incompetently they’ve handled it over the years. Personally, I’m hoping they do a Secret Invasion style retcon that says Garrosh and Sylvanas were replaced by some shapeshifters before they became Warchiefs so we can get them back and undo the stupid things done with them.


You know what I enjoyed about playing Sith Empire? Being a Light Side Sith. I could actually feel like I wasn’t just some monster slaughtering for the sake of it. I was a Sith fighting to make a better future for my people and trying to ensure that another slaughter like what happened at the end of the last war didn’t happen this time.

In case you weren’t aware, one of the driving forces of the Sith Empire’s hatred of the Republic was after their previous war the Republic decided to not accept the Empire’s surrender and instead attempted a full on genocide. The Sith Empire of SWToR is the survivors of that purge and the fear of being that weak and vulnerable informs many of their actions.


I’ve never played Old Republic and was just having a little fun because of the option to be puppy kicking evil in that game.

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TOR does the whole Light/Dark thing right. It lets you be either a unrepentant monster or someone with morals and the game recognizes the choices you made along the way


Ah, that’s fair…

If you do, you might want to do the Inquisitor storyline. In my opinion it’s the best one, Agent is a good one as well, though personally I’d run that one last, lots of little things that only make sense with knowledge of the other class stories.

At least the early chapter stuff.

Later stuff they started locking down your initial choices and yeah they make your character say/do some dumb stuff.

My Light Side Sith still had some Dark Side choices just because they fit the character better and/or weren’t as poorly conceived. Heck a few of the “dark” choices felt more moral then the “light” ones.


There has been talk of taking some, or all, of the races neutral. I think this is sheer speculation. But I also think it is an interesting idea.

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I can’t point to any one thing and say yep that proves it, but yeah it feels like that’s the direction we are going.

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Nothing Blizzard does… Nothing at all!! Nothing can make me go true neutral.

I shall always be chaotic neutral.


You wouldn’t be you otherwise. :upside_down_face:


Let’s not forget that in SWTOR, you can also be a Dark Side Republic character. It tracks the PC’s morality separately from the faction’s morality.

The problem for a lot of us Horde mains is that we didn’t sign up for kicking puppies. We feel bait-and-switched. If the Horde had been sold as the puppy-kicking faction from day one, you wouldn’t hear so many complaints.


It’s why I loathe the faction war. The horde is always portrayed as being stupidly evil and the alliance is soo morally pure and good that it just drags everything around it in to the dumps.


I signed up for the Found Family of outcasts faction…

I wouldn’t even be playing this game.
