Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

I’m not guessing, I’m telling you. Learn to read.

Source? Oh wait, you have none.

No wonder you’re posting on a level 10 alt. You’re just trolling.

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Only private servers are open source

because all non-trollers would buy an account on black market, just to post on the forums.

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This won’t happen, as Classic is not being created in a void like Atlas was.

Classic is being release surrounded by memories, supporters and Blizzard. People won’t just forget about it and walk off. Reference: the last 12 years since Classic stopped.

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Terrific! The more of you who retreat back to your “The truth is that we didn’t want to pay for WoW anyway” servers, the less crowded the servers will be and the less likely we are to need sharding. Works for everyone.

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No. Sharding is a great idea for starter zones.

You got me tough guy!
We wouldn’t need sharding if we didn’t have to share a sub with a dumpster fire of an expac…
Now please go back to LFR, Alli races, pet battles, and your precious Transmog.



Comparing a crappy new game like that to legendary game that was Vanilla World of Warcraft (which, by the way, had plenty of launch issues itself and was successful anyway) is hardly a comparison.

I’ve wanted to play original WoW since the beginning of Wrath. I want don’t want to play Classic WoW with ANY sharding whatsoever. I will still want to play Classic in a queue, waiting for a spawn, a server reboot or an empty realm. Why? Because it will be Vanilla WoW without sharding.

However, one cannot simply equate no sharding with doomsday. That is a false conclusion.

I will be the first to gladly create my character on a realm and, if that realm was empty later on, pay
a few dollars and transfer my character to another realm. I did it before, I’ll do it again.



No it won’t.

More fear-mongering.

Is anyone really asking for sharding? That would be news to me, I thought it at best a temporary “necessary evil” that no one really wants. I have no problems if it’s just 1-10, say, at launch, anything past that and they’re killing the community, which I thought was at least half the reason they were doing this, to get community back.

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Final Ion’s words were “And a single word for everyone to live in”, that pretty much means no sharding outside the launch phase.

Of course everyone should be wary if blizz tries to implement sharding in places were there shouldn’t be, and then let them know what whe think about sharding.

If it goes any further than the very beginning of launch, people will complain oh yes they will. It’s antithetical to the original experience, makes me wonder how some people seem so sure blizz is gonna screw it up and make it happen everywhere, all the time, or whatever. I don’t have much faith in them any more but I really think they’re smarter than that.

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I just want one with sub 120 ping :sob:

Even if they don’t care about what players want, they understand that a great part of the community that is returning to classic, is the same people who left for good once the game changed. I don’t think they’re dumb enough to piss them off, they would be lossing money both by losing subs, and the cost of the whole project.

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“If I list off several features from recent WoW in my lame putdown attempt, people will think I actually played back then and think I’m cool!” :rofl:


Yeah the bad press from sharding above 1-10 would be far worse than any complaints about overly long queues, especially when they could point to less populated realms for people to move to.

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That’s Master Sergeant Tankshow.

On the other hand.

There are people asking for sharding.

Some even want sharding throughout the game in perpetuity.

Some want sharding to kick in the second they feel even slightly inconvenienced.

Some see all those other players in an MMO as nothing it obstacles in their way.

It seems to me, though, that the vast majority of those that support or even desire sharding are retail players. Retail players that have become accustomed to convenience, no competition, being able to do almost everything solo, etc.


That’s a minor percentage of the total polulation that either are trolling or were introduced to wow with sharding already enabled. The debate is no sharding vs sharding only at launch and only the 1-10 zones.

I still play retail but like I said, I think massive sharding would be detrimental and antithetical to the nature of the project. One thing I liked about EQ was there were always people about everywhere, in retail these days you’re lucky to see one other person outside a capital city, maybe 2 if there’s a good WQ up in that area. I’m in a friendly guild so that helps, but I’m really only playing retail because it’s still better than the games I unfortunately bought for console this year then shelved.

Looking forward to the Classic experience, I started in TBC and I especially want to experience PvP without resilience (I know it’s no longer in retail, but I haven’t PvP’d since wrath or something). C’mon Classic, come out before my life gets hectic and I can’t play you! :slight_smile: