Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

Many of the people who don’t fall into your two categories are people who claim Blizzard is a liar liar pants-on-fire game developer who will ignore the playerbase and shard everything because MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



A lot of fear-mongering coming from that group.

CRZ on broken isles destroyed my servers balance.
People were like I am going to horde side because I can no longer deal with being linked to high imbalance servers like illidan.
Every world boss had like 100+ horde there to 20 alliance, it was very bad for pvp realms.

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a lot of “only starting zones” being posted. the example given for sharding was one kazzak per server across all shards (the blue post). an end game zone. this is why so many of us are worried about sharding ruining the game… i have no idea where this starting zones only meme started but i’ve yet to find an official source.

Pro sharders want to claim “starting zones” because Ion mentioned Valley of Trials and Elwynn when he sort of vaguely implied in that Q & A at Blizzcon that there might be limits to sharding.

One Kazzak per server. Where did this “across all shards” come from?

rambling in a q&a isn’t an official statement.

no vanilla servers was also in a past q&a. you cant take anything said in them as fact only free talk with the devs. look at how many times things have been presented and reneged.

i would guess the reason nothing has been said past one kazzak officially. is if we get a version of the game with server reliability like bfa & the game lagging to a complete stand still with 50+ people in one area, it kill their investment. vlad’s russian bootleg basement server shouldn’t be running better than the “real game” but you know.

ill still play regardless but, sharding can kill the game for people who played back in the day. or on a pserver. i remember hundreds of people in one area back in tbc that can’t happen now. when i quit in legion there where times when gm’s teleported entire raids out of pvp because the servers were dying.

That still doesn’t answer where “Across all shards” came from.

Nortshire abey is the start zone for humans, as in the starting point for every single human character created in world of warcraft is that exact point. Northshire abey is part of a much larger zone called Elwynn forest so yes Elwynn forest is a starting zone, and you left out that he said “The first few weeks”.

And since the nochanges community like to take a broad meaning to specific things that Ion has said. Limited resources in vanilla can be Thorium veins, farming spots, rare elites, world bosses, fishing spots and so on.

The point of sharding is no only to have smooth launch day, it is also to prevent dead servers, since the only other way to have a smooth launch is to open more, and blizzard do not want to open more servers than there are needed because that’s a problem that they had in the past. Ion understand all of this since he was a vanilla player, and a good one.

That said, I encourage people that if they find sharding on parts of the world outside of the starting zones and outside the time frame that blizzard provides, stop playing, let the community know and make blizzard understand that we will not tolerate sharding.

its was implied. blue post topic = sharding. one kazzak per server. ???

do you not know what sharding is? >>> multiple versions of a single zone.
one kazzak per server = 1 shard will have kazzak.

multiple raids across factions could be fighting for kazzak. but if too many people are in the zone they will get sent to a new shard, without kazzak. (because 1 kazzak per server)

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When Lord Kazzak is up, and guilds are racing to defeat him, there needs to be only one Lord Kazzak. - Ion Hazzikostas

I don’t see were he said that if too many people are in the zone they will get sent to a new shard.

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I don’t see were he said that if too many people are in the zone they will get sent to a new shard.

thats what sharding is… too many people in one zone the server starts a new shard and splits the players.

(this thread is about sharding) :confused:

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Northshire Abbey is an area in the Elwynn Forest zone. Don’t call it a zone or people like Fesz will jump all over it and claim victory.

No such blue post exists.

And if you actually listened to what you’re quoting (hell I posted a transcript), you’d understand that what you’re saying is completely wrong.

That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

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But Ion never said that. He said that if Lord Kazzak is up and guilds want to kill him, they will have to compete to kill it, because there will be only one for all players on the server.

There’s nothing in what he said that can be interpreted as what you just said.

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lets say shards are at 150 people in a zone. ( i dont know the real numbers but lets make up numbers for an example)

100 people are questing farming etc,
5 raids of 40 are waiting for kazzak (200)

150 people are getting put in a new shard so the server doesn’t crash or lag.

this is what sharding is. the entire argument.

1 kazzak per server,. means one of the shards has no kazzak

Ion NEVER actually set ANY limits in that Q & A, though. As I said, he sort of vaguely implied that there might be limits.

Even that “first few weeks” is not definitive. The definition of “few” is “a small number”. That could be almost anything.

The point is that Blizzard has NOT actually set ANY limits for sharding, should they elect to use sharding.

I would be much more inclined to believe that sharding will actually be limited if they actually set clearly defined geographical and chronological limits without any vague, wiggle room terms.

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cry, whine, complain.
you have seen nothing, but you want to cry anyway.

You’re literally inverting the statements for your own perverse trolling.

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With sharding you do not need to compete for Lod Kazzak since you can force a shard swap.

And shards are not servers.