Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

In the clip from chaphyo playing the classic wow trial, he is starting a duel and accepts a group invite that causes him to switch to another shard, forfeit the duel, and can no longer see the populated area from the shard he was on or anyone that was around him. It is in the barrens at crossroads I believe, not a starting area. Personally the second that anything of the sort happens while I’m trying classic I’ll log and never pick it back up :frowning:

Head back to Ion’s Twitter quote.

“expand as needed”

The first thing they said in the QA from blizzcon was that the demo was a special case.

And from what we’ve seen from the demo, there was a lot of stuff that wasn’t working very well. Using the demo as the end all be all of knowledge is just going to leave you sorely disappointed in the entire project.

Not a single person is using the demo as the end all be all in this forum.

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you just tried to use it as an example.

You’re arguing my point for me?

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What a false, clickbait title for a post. I don’t agree with sharding but it will not destroy this franchise.

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Sharding is just a backup for Blizz so that the servers don’t die on us making it so that none of us can play classic. In my opinion it is helping the game not destroying it.

People that are unaware of what sharding did to the franchise already (current game not classic). And what would follow if it is implemented similarly into the classic version.

There are lots of people on this forum predicting Blizzards demise because they don’t like their ideas. We will just have to wait and see what happens.

Can you give a example please.

I’m not sure about Blizzard’s demise. They have plenty of other successful games and the current wow game is still holding a nice return when they release expansions every 6 months like call of duty. But even that is declining as far as what I’ve read but its hard to know for sure since they stopped releasing their sub numbers shortly after they implemented sharding and other mmorpg ruining things like lfr.

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First, it remains to be seen how close Blizzard’s definition of “needed” is to that of the player base.

Secondly, adding new servers after launch will not necessarily help those servers that are overpopulated.

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I’m hoping “as needed” is based on the rate of 1-19 moving to 20+ and that they’ll be launching new servers during the launch phase if those numbers are too high.

i.e. If they expect a 20% conversion rate, but of the first 3000 players, they see more than 600 people hit 20, they immediately close the server off except for intentional selection, and add an new server that will be prioritized for “random distribution”.

That still leaves the “initial server” overpopulated, though.

How many players are going to choose to reroll on a new server once they have time invested in their characters?

That does not even address any additional players that intentionally choose that initial server for whatever reason.

No, you spin up new servers before they become overpopulated. You base the info based on how many people reach X level in Y time but those values are predetermined on what would be expected server numbers. If the live numbers exceed that amount then you can spin up new servers if you adjust those numbers to be low enough to catch population trends early.

No it doesn’t. The point being that they’re not going to have every character played by every person. Its basically an easily rationalized point of information that a very large percentage of the initial wave will quit quickly.

Of the initial 3000 characters, the ones hitting 20 will have been playing for at least 1 day played. In that time, yes you’re going to have seen other players come online join in and do stuff, but if you cut new accounts off, the trickle of continuing players is going to drop as no new accounts join in. 600 20s is so early in the life of a server that you want approximately 6000 active accounts on, that by the time 27000 other players have moved through you’ll stop at a reasonable amount for a high population server.

Anyone remember how Atlas launch day was??? being one of the most recent MMO’s to launch, I am pretty sure a lot of people didn’t return to the game after its horrendous launch day/week. Do we all want this to happen to Classic, just because we dont want sharding in the starting zones? Assuming they only have it in the starting zones, this will definitely help the game and not turn people away from it because it takes them 2 hours to go from lvl 1 to lvl 2 because everything is dead with 500+ people in the starting zones. I personally hate sharding, but I have come to believe it will help everyone in the long run. (starting zones only)

Neural impulse #646324 in /dev/brain

seriously, you need source for speculating posts?

Exactly why I ask for a source: to call you out on the fact it’s a speculative post.

Don’t speak definitively if you’re just guessing.

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