Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

Explain how guilds can race to fight a world boss if it’s in another shard?
Explain how people can lock down thorium veins if they’re sharded into another shard?

I see you cannot show us where ANY promises were made.

I am not surprised that a retail player wants the convenience that sharding provides, though.

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And I see that you cannot prove how your claims are counter to what was stated at blizzcon.

You keep throwing the word convenience around like an insult, as if you’re not the type of player who has only ever participated in convenient content. We can see your achievements my man.

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Sharding in the starter zones? sounds like a win win to me.

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I’m hopeful that blizzard realizes the impact of the type of sharding and phasing that results in the current game version would destroy the classic one. That they understand that in the classic version without lfr, lfg,lfbg, automation, easy click everything, players need to be able to physically see and interact with each other in game to set up and establish these groups, (even trade chat requires you to be in the same chat room/realm/shard as far as I understand it). I hope they understand that they can’t have people logging in for the first time to classic and trying to party up with their friends, only to realize that they are in fact standing next to each other but can’t see each other because one of them has already done the first quest.

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Um, questing based stuff is phasing which never existed in vanilla and will not be physically available in classic either.
Sharding allows you to group up with friends and it forces you into the same shard.

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The phasing that is visible from partying up and being in different quest timelines is achieved by sharding.

However you want to think about it, that particular variant is not going to be in classic. There are no quest markers to trigger it.

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hopefully not, but they still said population sharding will be, which I believe will include shard hopping when you party up.

EDIT: also this would result in logging into the same server as your friends, and still not being able to see any of them while they are standing in front of you because they are phased onto a shard with lower population.

This forces you to circumvent the vanilla style party creation, using the out of game mechanics to party up, stunting your immersion and feels for vanilla.

The quest based phasing cannot physically be in classic. There are no quest triggers to activate it. It wasn’t added for old world quests until the cata redesign.

Yes the regular population variant may be in classic (it hasn’t been confirmed yet but was tossed around as a possible temporary solution) and will allow you to pull a party into the same shard. If you’re playing with friends, you’re most likely going to be grouping with them anyways so you can communicate with them through realID and form groups that way.

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The entire phasing mechanic is a large part of the reason myself and many I know quit the current version. It would be the reason we are disappointed with classic and don’t play if it exists in it. The motif for this post is to address that it is a concern and hopefully prompt conclusive responses to resolve the population explosion issues they want to fix by using the sharding method.

I’m not any form of expert on server logistics or software use, but I honestly wish they had never used the sharding/phase mechanic to solve population problems in the first place during retail. My personal idea (no clue if it would be possible) would be to use a decentralized form of character saves and guild saves. Similar to server selecting in runescape. If one is too high and you want low pop you join the low pop server to play that day. Every server overcrouded? add more, expansive distribution. Servers are dead and sparse? Remove some to increase the player density on the ones staying up.

Obviously adding an entirely new system like this isn’t something remotely feasible for blizzard to accomplish. Just an idea rant.

Likely neither. Just plain old stupidity.

Hey everyone, how do we fit millions of players in the starting zones of servers whose sum only totals enough for the hundreds of thousands of players that will stay long term? If only we had some sort of pre-existing technology that could help us solve this problem!

The fact that this beyond-hackneyed topic keeps coming up makes me weep for the community. I really don’t want to play a community-driven game with people who wear their pants on their head :sob:

Sorry for the snarkiness, but this issue has already been discussed to death. It’s technically undead at this point.

With the whopping 250k players on launch day, the overwhelming majority of which were already invested in the game because they had to actually drive to a store and pay full price for the box. There were no “tourists” on launch day 2004. The only barriers for entry into Classic are $15+instant download, which ensures there will be tourists who have little attachment to the game. You can’t just keep opening servers to accommodate all of them if you expect a large portion of them to quickly leave. That’s a recipe for a bunch of dead servers.

The pessimistic prediction has been made by Blizzard themselves. They’ve been fairly forthright about the fact that they believe there will be a big-ish population at launch that will relatively quickly thin down to a smaller yet dedicated group of players. Blizzard has metrics on player behavior and retention that far surpass any information we have, so if you disagree with them, you might want to explain yourself.

Further, if many players do decide they’d like to proceed to Westfall, or beyond, the need for sharding reduces the further they go, regardless. Players level at different speeds, so people will organically spread out as they go.

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Phasing isn’t sharding. In fact, GM characters have the ability to view all phases of an area at once by using a special console command.

I’m almost positive that If you see a fishing pool and enter a phased area and the pool disappears, you can cast your fishing line into the area where the pool was and you’ll be fishing from that pool.

Sharding results in phasing, your probably correct that not all phasing puts you on another shard. In any case the view from the player is the same effect. It all boils down to not wanting characters on the same server to be phased away from each other.

You are confusing yourself too much trying to place the same name on 2 different techs. Sharding puts you in a shard. Phasing puts you in a phase.

When you party up and your party is put onto another shard, (whoever had the lower pop shard will host), you are then phased from your current shard into that one. Everyone around you when you left sees you phase out as you do them, and everyone newly around you will phase in as you will for them. I’m not sure how this is confusing you?

You’re confusing yourself trying to use the same wording.

Why do you refuse to say they were just put onto another shard?
It sounds like you are just trying to conflate the different techs to confuse and scare people.

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I’m not refusing. That’s the title of this forum post is it not? If people are scared from this then they don’t understand the two terms and how they affect gameplay.

Who gets phased (sharded) and says “I’ve just sharded” without their party members going you just crapped yourself? Most people will respond with the normal “Did I just GET PHASED!?”

If your still confusion then maybe dm me, or look up some videos that go into more depth on how they are the same/different.

There are perfect examples of this reaction from the classic wow trial that streamers had but I can’t post links for some reason?

I fully know the difference between phasing and sharding.
If you are in a group and one person suddenly disappears, that’s a phasing issue. Phasing will not be in classic. There are no quests in vanilla that can even trigger phasing.

If you are in a group in classic, you will not be sharded away from each other.