Having sharding in classic will destroy this franchise

Honestly its not a deal breaker to me, I would still play regardless as long as we don’t get BfA’s cash shop economy in Classic, that’s my straw.


What I do not agree with is having sharding on for weeks, maybe just two or three days. They underestimate hardcore players and speed levelers.

They didn’t even say that.

“There should only be one Kazaak” Is not the same as “We won’t shard around world bosses”. The world boss doesn’t have to be up in every shard.

In fact, “There should only be one Kazaak” is not even the same as “There **will only be**one Kazaak”.

Except that, should they have sharding around world bosses, they’d have to implement some new tech to prevent multiples from spawning. We know that between sharding and CRZ, it allows multiples on live so it’s not something that is inherently coded into sharding to prevent.

Show us all where they promised that there would never be more than one of any given world boss up at a time?

Show us all where they promised that rare resources would actually be limited.

At best, they vaguely, sort of implied what they likely thought would be most easily accepted.

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at about 1:30 they specifically talk about Kazzak and resources. Prior to that he emphasises sharding being used in a limited fashion and only to help with the initial load for the first few weeks when people are packed into starting zones.

If that’s not enough for you then there is nothing that will convince you otherwise because they are outright giving examples of stuff they know that should not be sharded.


That is not the same as saying that they will NOT be sharded.

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Explain how guilds can race to fight a world boss if it’s in another shard?
Explain how people can lock down thorium veins if they’re sharded into another shard?

You’re going to get trapped in a loop arguing with Fesz.

He has to have an argument first.

His argument is “Blizzard didn’t 100% explicitly say xxx or xxx, therefore blah blah blah.” It’s really just pointless to try to convince him anything because he doesn’t trust Blizzard (unless they say something he likes of course).

There’s more than a few people like that on this forum. “Blizzard said this!” and then a couple posts later “Blizzard can’t be trusted!”

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Dud Blizzard not say that one of thevtenet (guiding priciples) of Classic was no sharding?

For the exact quote from J. Allen Brack (i believe it was n PC Gamer magazine), a simple Google search for “World of Warcraft Classic, J. Allen Brack statement” will provide a link to that article.

The supporters of sharding are quick to point out that Brack never actually promised “no sharding”. Those same people then turn around and tell us that Ion promised something, when the reality is that Ion NEVER actually made any promises.

Explain how guilds can race to fight a world boss if it’s in another shard?
Explain how people can lock down thorium veins if they’re sharded into another shard?

Show us where Ion actually promised anything.

Ion’s statement is no more of a promise than Brack’s statement regarding no sharding.

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So you can’t explain it then.

And you are unable to show us where Ion actually made ANY promise or actually set ANY limits.

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If you can explain how players could deal with those issues with sharding then you’d have a point but the situations they presented cannot exist in a sharded environment.

Show us where Ion EVER promised that those issues would not exist?

Show us all where Ion EVER promised that those guilds that were racing to kill a world boss would not be sharded into a shard in which that world boss was not up if their guild did not get to that world boss first?

I have been in combat with world bosses in retail and suddenly found myself alone or with one or two other people that were fighting that boss. Then, suddenly, we are looking at the boss’s corpse, but not eligible to loot it. There was only one world boss up, even with sharding. We just got thrown into another shard in which that world boss was not up.

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And, on retail, i’ve been in a shard with the boss up, then joined a group in another shard actively fighting the same world boss in a different shard.

Show us where Ion EVER promised that there would never be a world boss up in more than one shard.

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