Havent seen this on the forums yet

And designing the content that must be played through to get there to be boring, tedious, unpleasant, or difficult to break into is part of the monetization cycle.

Thats true, no one NEEDS to buy gold to participate in the gameā€¦ they can either choose to not participate (which given the 8 million or so players that have left, seems to be the popular choice), they can buy wow tokens or they can dedicate a lot of time to either being in an unfun/toxic guild for progress or a fun social guild that wont progress (I chose this path for the last couple of years we did normal modes, and often heroic)ā€¦ honestly, your experience in game may differ from mine but thats about the sum total of mine.

The game is designed to funnel players in that direction and incentivise you to want that. There is not a heck of a lot of horizontal progression available, the entire game is a vertical climb.
I been advocating for years now for a paragon leveling system, a follower leveling system, more specs/classes/races that cannot be used in raids/M+ but are available to the casual gamer who just likes to explore and level and be out in the world participating in contentā€¦ heck give them gear that outpaces mythic gear for the time investment but that de-powers in instances so that it does not become the way to gear for raids.

Perhaps we (i.e. the sane ones) donā€™t police how others play the game?

Boosting/carrying isnā€™t for me (only did it once, for the Grove Warden), but if others wanna, they can feel free.

Boosting is only a problem in PvP where players are actually negatively impacted if theyā€™re on the wrong side.

Wow. Lmfao. This game has no hope.

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Honestly, kind of at a loss for words. Reading this explains so clearly why wow has so many problems. As someone who very strongly feels carries and run sales ruin the game, this makes me want to quit rather than just play ā€œcasuallyā€.

My sub runs out tomorrow at 8:24PM. I have some thinking to do.


I just think it is sad that the people who are not complaining about anything dont leave these guys alone.

You can definitely both be in a fun guild and progress, iā€™ve been doing it my whole time in wow.

Yeah thatā€™s going to be a no for me.
Once a game reaches a point where players feel like they need to buy their achievementsā€¦

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Itā€™s not that I want to police people. Itā€™s confusing af too me because an mmorpg is about making your character stronger by grinding. If you are boosting there is no grind.

when i first herd a bit about this dude i was like i just thought man he is one of us maby things can get back on track,

but seeing this just crushes all hope


I have no issue with people doing boosts (I have sold plenty myself) but if he uses that twitter to say things about the game from a professional stand point then he shouldnā€™t use it to advertise his guild doing sales. It should be for professional use only. I donā€™t use twitter but Iā€™m guessing he has made announcements about the game on there too and thatā€™s a bad look Imo.


I donā€™t care if his guild sells boosts, but the co-director of Blizzard using his official Twitter account to advertise and sell HIS runs? Thatā€™s just gross.

Not only is he getting paid gold in-game, but every sale he does that is funded by a WoW Token is a boost to the corporate earnings.


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this is literally all he said.

thatā€™s hardly advertising.

Soā€¦ 2005? Like literally we were selling MC back in 2005

The co-director of Blizzard entertainment tweeting that his Heroic SoD ā€œsales runā€ will be streamed at 5pm.

Not really sure how it isnā€™t advertising.

Like I said, I donā€™t care that he sells runs, but a person in his position shouldnā€™t be advertising the runs, especially since boosts and content sales are such a divisive topic in the community. Have someone else in his guild post about the run. . . Oh wait, no one would see it? Well thatā€™s the issue isnā€™t it. Using his position of authority to promote his gold making.

If he was giving away free carries, that would be a totally different thing and woulda been really cool. He obviously is not very good at the ā€œopticsā€ thing, but not surprising coming from Blizzard.

do you see a link to his stream, or even a mention of the stream name?
I donā€™t.

I think you all are making a giant to do about nothing.

Yeah, because people canā€™t figure out how to find his Twitch stream by Googling ā€œMike Ybarra Twitch or Qwik.ā€ Damn, you really need a link to find a streamer?

Boosting is clearly an hot-button issue in WoW and the community. There a valid arguments that it hurts the game because it promotes gold buying and diminishes the work of people who earn their accomplishments. Not going to go on about it since itā€™s been covered by so many.

It reflects poorly on the company because one of the two people in charge of Blizzard is doing precisely what a large portion of WoW players feel has cause the downfall of the game.

But I get it, people who sell boosts, and those who suck and need to buy them, will minimize his tweet at act like itā€™s no big deal.

boosting is fine.
itā€™s been fine since vanilla.
many people donā€™t think itā€™s a problem.

the guy is a CE raider, who is more involved in the game than most of the current devs (that I am aware of), and all GD can do is crap all over him. He tweets about what heā€™s doing in-game, and people flip out over ā€œadvertisementsā€ and the downfall of wow.

yaā€™ll keep whining. itā€™s super productive.

Ion is the only other one I truly know of doing things in game, and he seems to get more and more carried as time goes on.

Mikeā€™s actually not just a player, heā€™s a GOOD player.

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