Havent seen this on the forums yet

president or whatever is doing booster runs for gold?


Yoshi P: ā€œDo these devs even play their own games?ā€
Mike Ybarra: ā€œChallenge accepted!ā€
Players: ā€œHow does Blizzard keep doing WORSE?!ā€


hahaha. yeah man.


gold boosts are fine lol.

you gd guys always find something new and stupid to complain aboutā€¦


Oh yes of course, everything is ok, right?

Selling runs for gold is normalā€¦

ā€¦as well as buying gold via token using real moneyā€¦

ā€¦everything normal around here people, why complain about it?


there is zero complaining in my post. chill out my guy.


yes because people totally didnā€™t buy gold outside of tokens before they arrived and hell, still doā€¦


boosters donā€™t sell gold. why punish them? lmfao. get over yourself.


Why not? If the players can do it, why not the Devā€™s? Tho it explains why they wonā€™t crack down on it.


Wow. Actually Iā€™m kind of shocked. I am one of the few around here that really enjoy the game but this upsets me as what is the point of the game being an mmorpg at this point? Gear needs to be earned not bought. At least we know they donā€™t care about boosting, and there is probably no hope for pvp.


bringing up the tweet to an entire forum who gets upset at ā€œhardcoreā€ players or just raiders, pvpers, and m+ers like its their day job is just asking for complaints. just looking at the responsesā€¦ ya people are complaining already hahaha.

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posted it to see players responses. not my problem people complain about what heā€™s doing.


I donā€™t get how people can defend boosting. Why are you even playing the damn game.


i donā€™t want anybody punishedā€¦ are you mad bro?

I just wish the tokens were used only for game time and that they removed the gold from the game, and everything was done via chain questsā€¦ (including how to get the token - since getting gold is a grindā€¦)

ā€¦it would be interesting to see the despair of some people.

and has been since the early days of the game.


So see why Blizzard ainā€™t addressing problem of Boosters gold or not . They do not care of the integrity of the game themselves :rofl:


No. Theyā€™re not.

Honestly, it might have been fine back in, you know, MoP or earlier. When most servers didnā€™t even have guilds offering carries, and if they did (barring the few overpopulated servers), it was probably ā€œthat one guildā€ at the end of the expansion, not even each patch.

But itā€™s clearly gone beyond that. Every single realm with enough people worth advertising to has endless chat spam from bots and players being paid commissions for securing sales for their carry communities ā€“ not to mention the Premade Group spam. Carrying is no longer a niche end-of-xpack maybe itā€™s there maybe itā€™s not thing you can mostly ignore, itā€™s essentially a primary part of the progression ecosystem. Itā€™s normal now. And thatā€™s why itā€™s a problem.

Itā€™s not healthy when something like that becomes normalized.

No, itā€™s not breaking the ToS. But that just means the ToS needs to be changed. It needs to be treated like in-game Casinos ā€“ in that the act of carrying isnā€™t bannable, because itā€™s unenforceable, but publicly advertising it in-game in any capacity IS.


Or referring to the ā€˜sales department.ā€™

Thatā€™s disappointing. But it makes sense.

If you design a game to encourage run selling (low drop rates, grindy systems) your basically setting up gold income for your self.

May as well profit from the sinking ship your rowing.

Also makes me wonder about the integrity of dev accounts. Do they really not just give themselves stuff? Seems like it would just be easy peasy to add some gear, gold and currency to your toon.


Nah. I like doing boosts from time to time to afford my wow sub and other services/games.

Maybe the real solution is to further limit how many tokens a person can sell at a given time so they arenā€™t buying them on mass for a sale.

Either way, thatā€™s going to give more rise to gold selling lmao.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong, either way, with buying and selling a service for gold. Should mage ports and rogue lockbox openings be banned next you gather?