Havent seen this on the forums yet

Why would something having historical precedence be a direct factor for changing my mind to think it’s fine?

This is my updated take on the matter from another thread:

I’m mainly just pointing out the underlying flaw that “just because something has been done the past 16 years” isn’t really a strong argument. That kind of reasoning is why we sometimes have processes that we don’t improve on.

sure does explain why every time I have reported run selling they have ignored it.
you would think if he was a decent guy they would just do the runs for free. I mean who really cares at this point. Yeah I am sure all those players that pay for runs are all skill and they don’t ruin the game with being over geared and under skilled. Which for my experience in SoD was mostly that.

you wrote a wall of text but still didn’t identify why boosting is bad

Well it doesn’t affect me whatsoever. I’m playing because I enjoy the game. Why is that so hard to understand?

But those players are wrong. We shouldn’t be catering to the people whose opinions don’t align to reality.

Game has been going in a downward spiral.

Employees harass other employees, shills and sycophants freely allowed to harass other players and things that offended nobody getting removed.

Nothing really surprises me at this point.

I dont see this as an issue. People sell/buy boosts all the time. While I dont support it, I can see why they do it. Gold drives the economy so people sell their skill and knowledge essentially.

Anyway, Mike to my knowledge raids in a mythic team and that can get very expensive. I’d say him selling boosts is reasonable.

That’s my opinion anyway.

yeah he’s definitely a bad person for not doing stuff for free

i tell my mechanic the same thing. “why not just do the labor for free? your time is worth nothing to me. just do it or i’ll say you have no soul or whatever”