Havent seen this on the forums yet

Gnomes should get 80% discount on all carries because we are light and therefore easier to carry! :+1:


Heā€™s a super nice guy, and an exec who actually participates in the game the company makes instead of spending all day on a golf course is a good thing. Why must you kvetch about everything?

Itā€™s hot garbage posting like this that makes everyone even remotely meaningful aggressively avoid these forums.

Congrats, OP, you made me pause my Biker Mice From Mars marathon to type this.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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Paying in game currency for an in game service provided by players in game that doesnā€™t effect other peoplesā€™ in game experience.

ā€œBut what about tokens, Quen? Tokens arble garbleā€

Who am I to judge what people spend their own money on? Especially when it doesnā€™t make any impact on the game other than maybe a few fancier pixels that will be replaced in a few months.

Wanna know what else is hot garbage?

Shadowlands and the current state of WOW.

Link to your source. Does that mean you are not even ā€œremotely meaningfulā€? And how does someone ā€œaggressivelyā€ avoid reading a forum? Who are you assaulting in the process? Your post makes zero sense.

Wow is a living economy, just because you cant understand how it impacts something doesnt mean it doesnt impact anything.

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True for PvE, not true for PvP.

Players buy boosts for their 1800 - 2100 PvP gear then sit at 1400 - 1600 rating globaling players trying to gear up and climb legitimately, itā€™s sad.

My Rogue is BiS for PvP but heā€™s been gearing since launch. I refuse to make an alt and play through this garbage.

& itā€™s not a skill gap, my Rogue can 1v3 pretty legitimate players simply because of a gear gap. Thereā€™s no outplaying when youā€™re outgunned.

Itā€™s not difficult for a negative IQ booster geared player to press convoke or combust/wing someone off the data server.

Two weeks after Korthia release I just stopped playing. The sexual harrassement suit pushed me off the fence to unsubbing, but when the time came of last day I resubbed basically for the forums. Then all my favorite people were disappearing - either just done or we went to the discord Murloc Spot back in May/June.

The forum went practically dead for a bit and then suddenly there were all these ā€œnewā€ posters/playersā€¦or alts of people who said they left I think. I digress

After 5 months Iā€™ve been playingā€¦I donā€™t know if itā€™s the break or what, but travel time seems a bit shorter and mobs donā€™t seem so overwhelming in Korthia- still hate the Maw.

It doesnā€™t seem so terrible. Not great, and imo worst expac ever, but okay. I guess Iā€™m not trying so hard.

Back to the opā€¦ I honestly could care. I donā€™t get why it torques players off. I mean they created a situation making it impossible for anyone to try m+ so ā€¦ screw 'em.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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Which people were doing since Vanilla. Just less out in the open. I say ā€œprobably,ā€ because I donā€™t have statistics to know and donā€™t want to make up information. And yes, the token is much easier, you are correct.

Of course Iā€™m not going to comment on PvP when I have never PvPā€™d outside of a couple random BGs in 16 years of playing.

Currently, no, I donā€™t raid. I did up until BfA. And then I just stuck to M+, but havenā€™t run a high key since Legion. Itā€™s the only time I pushed high keys.

I live vicariously through all of my friends concerning current high end PvE. Which I see and hear quite often. So I keep up to date with a few progression guilds. There are differing opinions with them on this topic, but they just try to focus on their progression.

To me, it would be irrelevant in a PvE environment. The group or guild does its own thing and earns the rewards. Someone else sucking at the game and getting a carry doesy concern me. They donā€™t take away from accomplishments or gameplay, imo. But thatā€™s just me. And itā€™s not a dismissal, just a different point of view.

I just donā€™t understand this mindset. If I accomplish something, I donā€™t care if someone else skipped to the end. My work and my experience has more meaning. They still suck at it. I accomplished it.

But I know we have different perspectives on it and thatā€™s okay. I respect how you feel. I may not be able to understand it, but I believe itā€™s an important perspective to talk about so that you are heard.

I will defend carries for gold because itā€™s irrelevant to me and how I play the game.

You can boost if you want to, meantime I want to earn what I get, because the fun is getting there, not being there.

And if youā€™re the kind of person who derives no satisfaction from the process, then itā€™s your money to waste.

The actual problem with real money boosting is that the people who do that are scammers who are far more interested in the access to your bank account and/or credit card than they are in the actual money you pay them to carry your butt through something.

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Trying to remember what I said. Lol ā€¦ hope you did that to the guy that called another player ā€œ[Edited by Blizzard]ā€ in the other thread. :smiley: :butterfly:

Forum Moderator Note: Itā€™s still inappropriate even if youā€™re quoting them. Also, please flag the post so that it gets forwarded to us.

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Did flag it.


There are always legitimate substitutions that can be used and donā€™t count as ā€œmasked profanityā€. Things like ā€œdangā€, ā€œheckā€, ā€œfreakā€, ā€œpoohā€.

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to dance on mail boxes?

update: players can no longer stand on top of mail boxes.

To sit in Trade Chat?

updated: trade chat will only accept limited generated text request for goods and services. no other communication allowed

to collect Transmog?

update: transmog is being removed from the game and can only be viewed in collections

sure, none of the things are being nerfed yet but there are ā€œfunā€ reasons players might play the game that has little to no impact on the progression systems needing to be ā€œearnedā€ because one way to ā€œearnā€ something is to pay for it via gold in game.

and even then, its not the goal of the player to say ā€œi beat the gameā€ but rather, ā€œi got the thing i wantedā€

if the game was more like other games that replace the previous game, then sure, there would be little point in playing the game because even getting the thing you wanted will become worthless outside of that one moment. like buying a calendar because you liked the art for a certain month but tossing it in the bin when the year is over.

in any case. there is nothing out of place here or there. players playing games is all we got to know. free time is free time. work is work. and in some cases play is work and work is play.

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Of course there are, and I routinely use them. I have a salty vocab Iā€™m always trying to put in check on here. Every once in awhile I
ā€œmess-upā€ -lol!! Havenā€™t a clue what word I used tbh. It just funny when stuff slides by on other players ALL the time and thereā€™s a subset that will flag the heck outa me given a chance.

Thankfully the moderatorā€™s are pretty fair on here - despite what people think.

Welcome to wow monetisationā€¦ the more players need to buy gold to participate in the game the more profitable the gameā€¦ unless there were also a couple other catastrophes like a massive tonal shift of the games material combined with uncovering decades of disgusting work practices.

no one NEEDS to buy gold to participate in the game, itā€™s people who want to skip to the front that do it.

Shadowlands is my first expansion thatā€™s why.

it happened to me alot lately :frowning:

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Awww :hugs: It happens. You be you, the best you can. I got your back. :butterfly:

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