Havent seen this on the forums yet

Military personnel :+1:

My schedule was awake at 5:30 for PT at 6am → off work at 6pm and that was an early normal day, a normal normal day was 8pm sometimes going to 10pm and on Field Days you could be up to midnight but I think they did away with keeping people up that long.

If you had firewatch it was a “24 hour” post but really it was like 16 hours guard + 8 hours of sleep.

I never said it was the exact same, those are the words you put in my mouth.

I was just saying people bought gold then, people buy it now, in a safer method.

The amount of boosting didn’t even increase as a direct result of the wow token, it was entirely blizzard saying it was ok.

Hell, we’d probably be having all these boost communities even if the token didn’t exist if blizzard said go for it like they have.

I dont think you’re making bad faith arguments by accident.

Now I just think you’re a troll, and not a good one.

The fact that Mike is advertising this on Twitter is indicative of how completely tone deaf this company has become.


I’m not really getting into who’s trolling or not but my view is if their money they can spend it the way they want but every time they do buy a token their profiting blizzard. And I really think the current Dev environment is because of the token buying it would make a lot of sense because they’re just they don’t seem to be really giving a damn about anything.

Except its true, the postings didn’t increase exponentially until blizzard gave the ok for it, now it’s everwhere.

The postings increased because once again blizzard is slow to react to anything detrimental to the community. Look at how many years it took just to get the lfg sales removed on the group finder. And most people don’t bother reporting those ads anyway because we never hear back from blizzard if it was actually successful or not. They do that stupid oh we got to protect the identities of those we action and it’s dumb because a head on the Pike example works.

I think it would be a combination of things. You have to have the content people want to get boosted in, if M+ and loot lockout raids didn’t exist how much boosting could happen?

You need the token because it allows people to quickly and safely trade gold. Even if the token didn’t exist boosting still would happen but players that don’t know how to make gold or don’t have the time to make gold wouldn’t have the funds to pay for it. If the economy stayed the same there would be less boosting.

And of course Blizz approving of it :+1:

I think the easiest way to stop boosting wouldn’t be to remove the token but to instead remove M+ and loot lockouts in raids because then you can only get carried in M0 and sellers could only do 1 raid carry before they are locked out unless of course they had multiple characters geared enough to do carries.

But that would be a horrible idea for the game as a whole. Those two things have been HUGE improvements.

You’ve never actually had a real job, have you?

this is like meeting President Camacho for the first time :frowning:

I know, I’m not advocating it, just my opinion on the best way to stop boosting. I’m not a fan of M+ but I realize it is quite popular and agree that it would be terrible if it were removed.

“My video game isn’t fun! The dev’s should never be allowed free time until it’s fun again!!!”

Get a grip.

Like folks have said things have been sold since the very start.

In Vanilla I helped my guild with their MC/BWL auction runs where we’d grab some pugs and auction off drops for gold.

Items like weapons could reach 1k+ bids.

Also you had the groupies of cutting edge guilds (back then) getting herbs and mats

Let them live in thier delusion. Any reasonable person would realize that would be 10-12 shifts where after the commute (though they work from home) food, shower, laundry would mean sleep time.

As long as there is a lack of metadata associated with each match in pvp for an entire season (aka mystery box of information), boosters, boostees and blizzard will always benefit.

Only way anyone is able to get data these days is from reflex addon.

Just odd when positioned against the tools allowed for raiding (mainly combat logging) and m+ api.

That’s an entirely too mature of a response for GD :wink:


I tolerate 60 hour weeks because I like money.

Well then I’ll apologize to you because it sounded like you’re accusing me of something else. I also come off as confrontational yes I’m aware of that. My sub ends November 12th and I’ve had a lot of grievances since I quit like 2 weeks into shadowlands I just resubbed a couple days ago. And ironically I haven’t even played the game I find the forms far more entertaining than the game right now. That’s just sad.

He’s the president of Blizzard.

Can’t he, you know, punch in a password and get unlimited gold? Whose going to stop him?

PvPers have been banned for piloting other players’ accounts. Some have been banned for doing real money transactions, but the practice in PvP boosting is universal.

If they wanted to they could create an employee system that autogenerated fully geared characters with random historic achievements. Maybe they already have.