Haven't Received Charming Courier

But you did get the benefit you paid for. You have the Auspicious Arborwyrm, Gleaming Moonbeast, and Grrloc in your collection. Those were the 12mth sub rewards.

You can’t double dip on the mounts. Each promotion only comes with one set. I’ve been saying to think of the new promotional mounts as a early release for renewing subscribers, as otherwise they would have to wait to receive them until their sub renewed.

You got the perks you paid for, you just didn’t get any early release of others because you haven’t paid for another year yet and you haven’t promised Blizzard you will.

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When you changed it to a month to month subscription, it no longer can be considered a 6 or 12 month sub as you would need it to be set to 6 or 12 months when the current year sub expires. You changed it to month to month, so it is effectively not a 6 or 12 month sub.

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Im having the same issue. I even tried spam clicking the box nothing.

From what I can see, Warveto, the 12 month purchase you attempted in July failed and never went through.


I repurchased it the other day and it says it added the year onto my resub. It was reoccurring in 2025 now its 2026.

I have SS of it but I cant seem to find how to share it here.

What does the transaction history show? Might be processing or pending.

It doesn’t show anything. It’s been over a week though.
I did make a ticket a few days ago and have not heard anything back yet.

The last purchase of game time I see, which was the 12 month package, was made in July and it looks like it failed. So that time does not appear to be on the account.

From what I can see you have a collection of game time on your WoW#1 license. There is a bunch of 30 day credits from Recruit a Friend, 12 month packages, and Epic editions, which pushes back any subscription date.

Breakdown of purchases and game time

So as best as I can get it, we need to start from 6/4/22 which adds a 6 month subscription. Which should carry it to 12/4/22.
6/21/22 Dragonflight Epic adds 30 days, taking it to 1/3/23.
7/12/22 is a purchase of the 6 month bundle taking it to 7/3/23
9/3/22 is Northrend Epic Edition which adds 30 days, taking it to 8/2/23
11/1/22 a 12 month sub package purchase which takes it to 8/2/24
6/27/23 RAF Reward granting 30 days taking it to 9/1/24 - not sure where the extra days of game time came from.
10/26/23 12 month sub package purchase which takes it to 9/1/25
11/4/23 TWW Epic which grants 30 days, taking it to 10/1/25
11/11/23 RAF Reward granting 30 days taking it to 10/31/25
11/24/23 Blazing Epic Upgrade granting 30 days of game time taking us to 11/30/25
3/24/24 RAF Reward granting 30 days taking it to 12/30/25
3/24/24 RAF Reward granting 30 days taking it to 1/29/26
8/22/24 Redeemed the 1 day credit from the August 23 maintenance taking us to 1/30/26.

I don’t know why you may see the subscription as active, but as far as I can see the purchase from July was denied by the bank. It may be waiting to retry when all game time on the account has expired. Which as you can see may be a bit.

Do you have the purchase listed with your bank around July 14th? If it failed the claim should have fallen off. If it didn’t, we’ll need to look into that.

Did you get a ticket ID? I’m not seeing any recent tickets. The last one was when you used the Item Restoration page.


I just went to check and my tickets gone. I remember filling it out earlier this week. But this wouldn’t be the first time I didn’t push the ticket all the way through. Here is a link to the game time it shows. imgurDOTcom/a/RtDEX4F

Yes, which lines up with the information I provided above. You have game time up through January 30th, 2026 based on previous purchased, Epic editions and RAF awarded time. As I understand it, if that July purchase didn’t fail, you likely would have received Charming Courier and Swoopy, it is because it failed you did not.

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But it was only up to 2025 before I did bought another year beginning of this week. Thats when it changed to 2026.

Here is my receipt from August 22nd which says its from July so I assumed it pushed the July one through.

Have you checked the purchase from July 14th? Have you checked your bank statement? From what I can see that failed.

I don’t know why you may not have seen the game time extending into 2026 before hand, but that is what I’m seeing. I followed each purchase and addition of game time for your WoW#1 license along the way, which I listed in that previous post.



That is an email which would have been sent at the time of purchase. If it later failed, you likely would not receive another one. Which is why I have asked if you viewed your transaction history in Account Management and checked your bank statement.


Ah okay okay I didn’t get anything in my statement or in my transaction. But if I purchase again will it just continue this? Or will it go through?

As far as I could tell your bank refused that purchase, so assuming they let it through, you should receive any and all of the produces available.

The mount is available on the store as an individual purchase too, if that was the only thing you were going for in that package. Obviously, better to get it free as part of a purchase, but it’s an option.


Okay thank you.

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