Have you decided on a Covenant/soulbind builds yet?

You can’t call out somebody for stooping to personal attacks and then resort to them yourself. It’s the very definition of hypocritical. They were a hypocrite and you called them out on it. Then you made yourself one as well.

I’m not calling them out for personal attacks alone, i’m calling them out for leading with personal attacks and then pretending they were a victim when someone responds similarly

I did neither of those things. All I did was call him a hypocrite. And sure, i snuck it into his owm verbeage of wanting to be a fat chicken. But that’s about his Boomkin character, not his real life body type

Really good try though.

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So you have no problem with personal attacks whatsoever? Also,

doesn’t strike me as being particularly upset that someone insulted them. It seems like you were just looking for justification to go after them.

Your intent to ridicule is quite clear, even through text. Tone matters quite a lot in writing. I don’t understand why the idea that you should be better than the person you’ve called out for acting foolish is so distant.

The forums are honestly pretty awful right now, partially due to the lack of consistent moderation. I won’t lie, I’ve gone off on people in the past, and looking back it was wrong of me. We need to start cutting down on the antagonism and vitriol as a community if we want any actual constructive discussion rather than the petty slapfights we have now.

Passive-aggressive posts and comments, to the man insults, broad derogatory statements towards entire player demographics, et cetera aren’t necessary and they breed an environment where nothing productive actually happens. I just wish the forums could be a place to talk about the game, debate improvements, and discuss future ideas without all the verbal sparring.

I like venthyr abilities but i really hate the concept of the “Gala” weekly event. Weekly event wise, I think night fae/kyrian/necrolord all seem pretty fun honestly. The soul farm might be like pandaria which was cool, the kyrian one seems really interesting, and necrolord makes an abom which as a DK is cool.

We’ll see though, I do really like venthyr’s runic power generator ability, a 1min cd lets me use it a lot and being able to pop it and bust out some epidemics or if i was frost using it for breath seems pretty sick.

I’m tempted to go night fae just so i can have some movement speed honestly, DK is so slow, the soulshape cooldown seems really nice to help that.

I haven’t looked much into the cov abilities and stuff, just at the armor and the looks of the area. So far my Holy priest is going kyrian while my veng dh is going venthyr. the rest are still up in the air.

Some other game.


I want Night fae but Necro probably is the best for my playstyle Feral, Guardian and Restoration

I agree with what you said covens don’t = the whole class anyways people keep reaching here because they want to min and max like it’s some call of duty type of game they just want a loadout and been done with it without the rpg in WoW.

I picked the covenants for my characters the day they were announced. Nothing will make me change them. I’ll play around with the respective soulbinds once I have access to beta or Shadowlands goes live.
I’m not concerned about covenant choice. What ever class/covenant/soulbind combination, I will be able to do keystones for max gear rewards and raid heroic.
Maybe not the first week but after some time and having fun all along.

I play 6 characters and have no idea which I will start with in SL so covenants have not even entered the equation yet.

Oh my god Ralph got tired about complaining about try-hards and made an actual no inflammatory thr-


Edit: Posting in a Ralphe thread.


Already posted this in a different thread but

Kyrian - brewmaster monk
Venthyr - Marksmanship hunter
Necrolord - not sure
Night Fae - death knight

Raiding with the hunter and will try to push m+ with the death knight. Monk will be back up in case the death knight doesn’t work out as well as I hope.

I will decide on a Covenant no sooner than the day Shadowlands launches. Maybe after launch, because they could nerf some stuff.

As far as Conduits go, eh. We’ll see how they’re acquired and how much choice I have.

my Dk, definitely gotta go necrolord. Sure I’m an easy target for aesthetic matching but omg the slappy hands are gonna be awesome. Worgen warrior- Venthyr. Werewolves and vampires, no brainer for me :stuck_out_tongue:. Also looks like it remedy the one issue I have with fury atm and that is the slow build up. Condem seems pretty legit.

I would love to experiment unfortunately the one week cd on changing conduits and the grind to change covenants means mathing it out.

Read the entire post if you can’t see the personal attacks in the op idk what to tell you. He also constantly attacks “elitists” and people who dare to want to min max. He does while saying he can’t play swtor since there is no damage meter to see if people are bad.

I would prefer covenants as an aesthetic faction, but soulbinds as souls we find wandering the zones and recruit to the covenant. Eg covenants are what we look like and three separate souls we pick are how we play like.

Regardless, I’m fairly certain I’m leaning Kyrian for my characters backstory. However, even if they opened covenants to freely swap, I don’t think I would. It would feel odd to my character’s backstory. But more power to others.

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It would actually make sense since you help all the covs during leveling and they are all fighting the Jailer.

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I will be choosing Covenants based on my character’s character. For instance, my human warrior is rather pious so she will be joining Kyrian whereas my Dwarf Priest will be choosing anything but because she appreciates autonomy above all else.

I will have to see about soulbinds. I am trying to keep myself as spoiler free as possible while still continuing to visit this board, Wowhead, ect so I haven’t looked too closely at them.


You will have a chance to see and experience each Covenant before you are presented with the option to join one.

I understand you are upset you can’t have everything! right now! on a silver platter! but that is no reason to spread misinformation.

(Oh, and using the word mongoloid as a negative descriptor is disgusting.)

I’m aware of the personal attacks, and they should be condemned for that. Attacking them in kind is not a particularly great demonstration of one’s moral superiority though. It has to start somewhere.