Have you decided on a Covenant/soulbind builds yet?

Now that we have I think all Covenant abilities, legendaries, soulbinds and conduits available to us are there any builds you are planning on going for/keen to try?

I am definitely going venthyr on my boomie, that frenzy ability with incarnation is gonna be crazy burst uwu, and using the Arcanic pulsar legendary of “Every 400 Astral Power spent grants Celestial Alignment for 9 sec.”

And with all the starsurge double dipping from mastery and eclipses and conduits so much I am thinking of trying a mastery focused build for once so keen on trying Theotar for that 10% mastery umbrella proc, otherwise most likely Nadjia for that fabulous 4% on single target damage as well as mini haste proc final.

With always 2 conduits
-Moonfire increases your Arcane damage to the target, and Sunfire increases your Nature damage to the target, by 3.0%. (aka 6% for starsurge since it is astral damage, and most like 15 at max ilvl)
-Ravenous Frenzy increases your critical chance by 2.0% per stack. (Wonder if that scales with ilvl cuz Frenzy already gives 2% damage and haste per stack, if its 5% crit at max ilvl that’s gonna make frenzy the most bursty cd in history uwu)

This btw is a question for us non tryhards who focus more on trying out and building our character rather than copying what a website tells us.

So with all those new possibilities what are you gonna be trying : D

I chose based on armor appearance. Venthyr. But the zone is a pain to traverse so I probably won’t earn it.

Ardenweald is life idc if it’ll be bad for me. At least I’ll have weird drain life burst with a talent synergy.
Also probably going Dreamweaver for overworld because i really do enjoy accidently falling off cliffs.

Ardenweald looks fun and pretty, so I am putting many of my characters there. I will probably just choose the ones that look cool for soulbinds. As an MM hunter, anything that gives me haste is :kissing_smiling_eyes::ok_hand:

(Because Aimed Shot is still not castable while moving)

Woops there goes that


Night Fae is better for Boomie then Venthyr falls behind

Indeed, but how does that matter to me or this thread? Not a meta slave m8

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It’s adorable you can tell he just came back from a forum ban. Nothing from this clown for days, then all of sudden, there are three topics made by him just to start fights.


Going to wait on further tuning before deciding. I’ll probably main monk and I like the function of the night fae ability for them, but it looks possibly weak as is.

deletes response, leaves thread


Playing around with it on the Beta, I really liked Venthyr for Aff specifically, since the DoT it applies also works with Malefic Rupture.

The Class Ability worked with AoE, so SoC>Vile Taint>Convenant ability was some pretty clean feeling AoE when the Hunter using the bugged legendary wasn’t melting packs before my I could even cast Vile Taint.

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Will have to wait for the final balance patch and then see which covenant is the least detriment to my playstyle.

I deleted my reply to the thread the moment I saw what thread I was in


This =/= covenant choice??

You’re instantly locked into 1 of 4 choices and never get to experience the other 3 abilities and 9 potential soulbinds trees? How does this arrive at

Something something actually following the news and beta and knowing what’s going on without playing them.

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I’m going Night Fae, I think the zone is cool and I like the aesthetic for my shaman and Druid.!I’ll figure the rest out later. I do understand other people’s concerns though

I thought warlock looked really fun, but then I made one and found out I didn’t really get the playstyle. You have no idea what’s going to be fun until you actually try it… Which you won’t get to with this mongoloid system. Lol

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Sounds like a you problem, most of the time if I see and analyze something as fun and interesting I am also enjoying it when im playing it live.

I know how all covenant abilities work for boomkin, well expect kyrian because who cares about the kyrian lmao xD

So I know very well which I will enjoy using the most, Necrolord isnt bad but doesnt feel as cool as frenzy.

Dont project your weaknesses onto me, parents like to do that too, some of us far surpass limited people.

Ah, I’m sorry I engaged the troll.


I know very little about Shadowlands. I heard of some teleport ability, I’ve seen some art, and that’s about it. I am trying to have a fresh experience as I feel the game is very bland to me right now. Yes, I have an active sub, but that’s due to my SO wanting to me to play with her. I’d rather be playing Runescape TBH.