Have you decided on a Covenant/soulbind builds yet?


You get to play with the abilities, which are a tiny portion of the greater whole. You do not get to see anything else related. You don’t see the soulbinds, conduits, weekly events, gameplay loops, or anything until you’ve committed yourself. Which is a bit silly.

I know you might not have known that but that’s no reason to spread misinformation.

(Oh, and just about all insults are disgusting or offensive. That’s the point of an insult. He shouldn’t have said it but including that bit in your comment served only to distract from your point, as this does mine.)

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Huzzah for raidbots?

I do hope the player gets to see all sides of the covenant - the good, bad, ugly and indifferent - during the ‘tourist’ phase. Choosing a covenant and later finding out, oh, I dunno, human/orcish/elven sacrifice is kind of their thing would be a major wave off for me. Soylent Green Quality Loot is People!

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What is your definition of a “tryhard”? According to me, it’s someone who tries really hard but fails to achieve because they’re doing something basic wrong and can’t adapt.

Ralph considers elite players who do whatever it takes to succeed to be “tryhards”.

I think Ralph is a tryhard.

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Yeah like I said math out instead of experimenting :frowning:

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Assuming it takes 8 hours to level to 60 from 50, thats like 2 hours with each covenant right? Probably about an hour with each ability after you’ve unlocked it? Don’t get to test the ability in PvP or a raid setting, strictly in the open world and maybe one dungeon.

So you get to choose your biggest ability of the expansion after doing a few quests with it, and then you’re stuck with it for two years. Lol any attempt to defend this system is just hilarious.

And on top of that:

I would also like to add legendaries to this list which often have a large impact on your rotation and gameplay.

Please let me know where the misinformation is

Edit: we will also be seeing the abilities while we have no stats. Chain harvest for shamans might feel like crap while leveling because it’s a 2.5 second cast, but when max level in 6 months with haste it might be a 1.5 second cast and feel really good. But can’t experiment with that unless you want to spend a month grinding to get back to the old covenant lol

Don’t be so patronising

Wanting a lock in system because the idea of having to maybe swap talents around scares them is more entitled than the other half of the player base that wants the game to not have a lock as it never has

I want to go necrolords because it’s cool but I am waiting to pick to see what’s better in keys unfortunately

Definitely the Necrolords, the covenant introduced two things I’d been waiting for in WoW for YEARS… a nice pair of mail boots and the ability to tame undead pets.