Have you decided on a Covenant/soulbind builds yet?

Whichever is most optimized for all PvE content.
Since blizzard cant balance even if their lives depended on it, its gonna be a clear choice on launch.

Good luck with that cuz it is likely a different covenant will be good for pure ST, another for cleave, another for aoe so you might sim the best for one type of encounter.

But it will be far harder to find one that works well on 5 different encounters, especially when boss fights are very different and never 5min patchwerks and some are AoE, others are cleave etc

Highly unlikely, 95% chance the best covenant will be one and the same. Sorry, ya filthy casual.

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Well dont cry to the forums when you get outdpsed by a guy with a different covenant or when blizzard nerfs the covenant that overperformed, already made a thread about it

You’ll end up buying your boosts from “meta slaves” like me anyways. Because you’re terribad lol.


I’m going to let the theory crafters do their thing while I wait to see what balance numbers are before launch and pick the most OP class/coven combo so I can be invited to stuff.



Nobody wants a filthy casuals like ralph in their group.

Thats why theres a market for people boosting people like him.

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Long lasting gameplay choice >>> temporary RP choice. Didn’t care if I picked Gonk or Paku the second after I chose it, probably won’t care which covenant I pick after I choose it either. Story matters when I level and after that it’s all about end game gameplay.

So, whichever is the best


Your personal attacks towards me feel great, especially when reality proves you so wrong but your hate blinds you to it.

Good luck with that, I ll be a cute venthyr fat laser chicken and do great like I always do uwu

You spam personal attacks and then play victim when people respond similarly

fat hypocritical chicken more like it


Rofl so true.

Its okay ralphy, we’ll boost ya for a nice sum of gold when you’re stuck with your terribad covenant and soulbinds and no one will invite you for anything but pet battles xxx


Going whichever one is best for pvp on my pvp DK.

Then Ill prob do whichever is best for raiding on my raid DK.

Necrolord on this character, they have a conduit who’s a plague doctor and I think I read he’s appropriate for DPS. My nature characters will no night fae. I don’t care much for the other two, but the amount of alting I’ve done this expansion means nothing is ever off limits.

Damn, he was so close to creating a good and constructive thread. I was almost speechless thinking how much growth I was seeing from this person…

Then this happened…

See you in 2-3 years then if you’re waiting for the “final” balance patch! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seeing as Guardian Druid conduits look poop; at this point I’m praying for a 180 on the ones we got.

I’ll make a choice when I actually get to play through each of them in Shadowlands.

Whatever is the top DPS combination. Would love to be Venthyr, so hopefully condemn is just the run away beat ability.

I’ll quit if I’m forced to go Nightfae

Ironic, he could save others from hypocrisy but not himself.

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I’m not pretending to be a victim tho?

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