Have you cleaned out your bags yet?

One thing people forget to do is log onto all of their characters after an expansion launches.

Gotta start getting that rested xp accruing


Oh yea good call.

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I cleaned out my bags and banks. I vendored/sold all of my DF mats and only kept a few things. I figure itā€™s stuff Iā€™ll probably never use so no point keeping it around. I have issues with clutter and useless stuff laying about. This way Iā€™ll have lots of room for all of the new stuff Iā€™ll be collecting in TWW.

Early access is in 7-ish hours; I have plenty of time. Also, my first character through will be a Timerunning char, so Iā€™ve got plenty of bag space.

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i thinkā€¦ iā€™m just going to switch to one of my remix alts.

warbands seem to have removed the need for a main.

(not me hoarding quests and currencies and bagloads of items which have a purpose but i need to look up what that purpose is)


I usually clear my mats out on the ah cause I do gatheringā€¦ th rest of it just kinda sits in my bags lol

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Cleaned both guild vaults and every alt has organized bagsā€¦mostly empty now. Must keep souvenirs though.

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I never clean out my bags for new contentā€”guess you could call me a ā€˜Hordererā€™ for the Horde!

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I usually clean out bags around start of pre-patch event. I send unwanted mats to a central toon and put them on the AH. The money from that is used to support any alts that I may spin up. Like a gifts from the others. All toons start with empty bags minus the stuff I always carry.

Iā€™m always terrified that I am going to delete something that will be needed in a future expansion.

I once deleted the Tears of Elune and since then I am terrified of deleting stuff.


I have been hoarding since 2004. :sob:


They should at least let us put that crap in void storage.


:joy: way too funny. thanks for the good chuckle.

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I agree with this or for that matter delete them.
They are mine so let me decide if I want to destroy them or store them or even sell them for 10 silver.

Make them like heirlooms their own tab and stick them in there.

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did some more cleaning and now got 100 spaces free


It wonā€™t let me delete bullion! It says itā€™s priceless, but itā€™s really not. I have 1 left too so I canā€™t spend it on anything to get rid of it.

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Mine are never tidy. and I really should make use of their ā€˜put this type of stuff in this bagā€™ but I donā€™t. lol

I will be doing this today, however Iā€™m in the middle of putting together some stuff I just took off the 3D printerā€¦ Post processing can be a pain in the rear sometimes.


I usually clean up any junk from the last expansion (Dragonflight), hand in any trophies Iā€™ve accumulated, use the last of my reagents for professions and then vendor all the rest.

I did all this about a month ago, so my bags are clean and free.

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My bags are always clean.


Good reminderā€¦ but man I have way more characters now and not sure if I care about some anymoreā€¦ :grimacing: