Have you cleaned out your bags yet?

I hear you but once something is proven not working correctly or trustworthy, the correct thing to do is to take safety measures into your own hands.

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I prob will need to wipe all bags and empty any relevant mail.

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This morning yes. I got rid of the 10,000 currencies that were sitting in my bag.

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I did mention that on the CS post, that I think itā€™s just a visual bug. But looking at my guild bank, it is ā€œgoneā€ from view, to me.

Yes, I acknowledged that.

Like I said, it is what it is. I was just answering a question, here.



yeah i did 90 spaces available for new stuff


I still have bags filled with Legion Class Hall equipment soā€¦

I actually really hate all the space-wasting in bags. Something needs to change. For example:

  1. Garrison/Class Hall equipment/tokens. These shouldnā€™t be in your inventory. They should be part of the interface;
  2. Items that should be currencies. Marks of Honor, the Dreamsurge/Elemental Storm currencies and so on;
  3. Rep tokens. Make this part of the reputation tab, like a boost button next to each currency.
  4. More random crap like Emerald Dream seeds.
  5. Quest items. Honestly, none of these should be actual items.
  6. We need to stop with the whole bags thing. Just buy storage space, either for gold or buy buying ā€œstorage expandersā€ from the AH or a vendor.

I have so many alts taht actually clearin gout crap from the bank and bags for all of them would take days. I just get by and make space when I need to. After all, thereā€™s no point in clearing out because Iā€™ll have to do in in 6 months anyway.

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i dont clean out anything.

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Your not the only one that going though that ā€¦many players have lost everything out of their private guild banksā€¦its a huge bug blizzard is going to have huge issues trying to fix and get back everything owed to the players.


Not yet. They arenā€™t too messy, but Iā€™ll have plenty of time waiting for full release. Going to consolidate as much as I can into the warbank, and then onto one toon for simplicity.

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Bags are cleaned, quest log empty.
Bought invis potion for caves, made speed phials and fish dish from SL for speed on kills as well ā€¦ I think Iā€™m gtg

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bags and quest log cleaned out. Ready to go!

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Iā€™m bringing a whole new hunter into War Within on a new server so my bags are sparkly clean.

ā€¦Gonna fill them real fast though because Iā€™m a packrat.


My bank is a complete mess of old items that I just canā€™t let go but my bags got a good 40 slots.


but someday soonā„¢ iā€™ll need all that stuff.

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Looks at Legion, BFA, and SL stuffā€¦ Um Iā€™m getting there. Ooh rideable spaceship surfboard mount!


Iā€™m not a hoarder to begin with. I minimalize every chance I get. I cleaned all my investory out yesterday. It took a couple of trips to the auction house and the vendor, and I was done.


Not yet but I will have like 2 hours to do it before early access starts tonight.

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I usually do a few things.
Double check to make sure there arenā€™t any mounts, mogs or other items I can buy with whatā€™s in my bag. If not then I:

  1. Drop things in the AH
  2. Vendor anything that vendors
  3. Toss items in my bank I am either not sure Iā€™ll need or just want to keep incase I return someday and want to continue something I didnā€™t finish.
  4. New this year- Dropping anything in my warbank that I can in case I run alts through DF in the future.
  5. Delete anything stupid that I know I donā€™t need or wonā€™t use ever or that you canā€™t sell or vendor.
    Thatā€™s about it. I always have a few things in my bags, but yeah, clear out as much as possible, always.
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I completely cleared it out. First, I tried to sell my herbs in the AH and all the other profession bloat. Anything that didnā€™t sell the first time was vendored. The other items that cant be sold I just deleted. I really want to go into the new expansion with nothing except a hearthstone, especially with how bloated professions are now with all the extra mats and such.


I donā€™t think my quest log has been empty since the day I started. hahaha Although, now that there are ! all over the map I could probably drop most of them and just pick them up again later. I usually drop some once I hit cap as I go along. Thanks for the reminder that I should at least make some room :grinning:

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