Have you cleaned out your bags yet?

So what do you do at the start of a new expansion? Do you just wantonly clean out your bags and vendor everything you can? Drag it out and delete it all? Or are you a horder and put it in one of the various storage spots? Inquiring minds want to know.


omg. did I!

I have so much space that I have a bit of an itch to fill it again. I think I may be able to forego using classic banking. I’m going to see.


Going to start my clean-up today! Let’s see what I’m hoarding…

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laughs hysterically

Clean out bags :rofl:


I have nuked everything in bags and bank bags –
Sold what I could
Vendor’d what didn’t sell
deleted what the vendor didn’t even want
and left with some nonsense gear from past xpacs that were “legendries” I can’t delete, sell or otherwise destroy.


Sold what I could sell and pretty much deleted everything else.

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I generally throw everything in the bank then vendor at level cap the previous stuff

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I have already cleaned out my bags and quest logs.

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This is my plan. I had to take some vacation or lose it so I took it today and tomorrow. Going to spend my morning going through and cleaning out all of my crafters bags to get ready for tonight.

I organize my bank and bags. selling what I can, etc…I need more bankspace though. This hunter is almost full up…Possible hoarding tendencies.


Spent some time last night cleaning and organizing my inventory. Feels good remembering what an empty bag looks like, for a little while, at least. DF threw so much stuff at us. Hopefully TWW isn’t as bad about that.

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You’d be amazed what I found. I cleaned out all my toons, guild bank, etc.

Original items from WoD, Items from MoP, past anniversary gifts from Blizzard that were never opened and some things I don’t even know where they came from.


I sold everything I could on the AH, then what I could on a vendor, then threw out everything else. I have about 3 tabs of mail, for expired auctions. I am leaving it in the mail box to just disappear. I am done with it. Go away.

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#sigh… this is the one I have problems doing… cause if I get bored I want to go back and complete stuff that I didn’t finish, but hate searching for the quests. lol I’m a quest horder.


I did, then I played a bit more afterwards and messed them up again :confused:


I’ve needed to for a very very long time. I had two guild banks, and 49 character banks and personal bags. Some with stuff from 15 years ago.

The Warband bank encouraged me to do so. I had no idea it would take me two days. I was playing in between that but while I was queued up for those last attempts at legendaries, but still…

But it felt soooo good. Hopefully, I can keep it less chaotic…

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100% did the same except didn’t leave any mail…

Now I got to remember how to kill off that stupid beer monthly thing. God I had that thing sooooooo bad. I think you can get something during brewfest to stop the sub.


Since I can only like your post once… I have to quote you to, to give another thumbs up.


Bags clean, bank organized, quest log clear, mogs all set… I am ready!!


Yes! I got rid of almost everything DF related. Was even too lazy to go to rep vendors so I just deleted that stuff.

Now if only I knew what to do with all this artisans mettle!? That and simple flour is all that’s in my reagent tab right now. :upside_down_face:

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