Have You Been Grinding Sockets or Nah?

Just a lil poll to see if everyone has been grinding out Stygia for sockets. I been working on the Rep super cool it’s Rep gated too. I’m guessing it’s 1 more week till they can be bought then you can buy at least 4 sockets with Stygia if you been farming since they 7,200 each.

Sockets are pretty important since our stats are in the gutter so they will have a big impact especially in PvP. So are you grinding?

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doing maw daily but not too efficiently, and bought all the upgrades. will prolly have enough for full sockets in a couple months, not stressing. as long as bis by end of season don’t really care


Haven’t been.

Should have been.

Brought this up to friends other day.


Yea it’s usually my late night 30 min run before I log. For some specs that struggling with Haste, Crit or other stats sockets will be the way to get your build to pump.

I got 18,700 Stygia and still haven’t unlocked buying the sockets.

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by the time you get the rep for sockets you will have tons of stygia im halfway there to the sockets and i have 11k stygia, i spent all mine on the upgrades to make the zone better and the torghast stuff, not in a rush since you still need to get the gear/items to use the sockets on and its only limited to 6 slots.

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Yea but many have some of the items alrdy like rings. I’m not in a rush either per say and might spend some stygia on other things but it does take awhile to unlock them, it is a grind. If you get all your gear then start doing Maw you will be a month out getting sockets.

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heck no f the maw as a priest

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Nope. everyone was hyping this expansion up to be the return of pvp only gearing. Between conduit/torghast nonsense to this new socket farming, really feel like i got scammed.


Hell nah. Haven’t done any Maw dailies in 2 weeks and loving every minute of it.


Honestly no one should of bought into that. This game is based on borrowed powers and systems. Even with PvP vendors you got to play the game and unlock all these borrowed powers. It’s just how retail works.

Everyone should of realized you need Stygia, Soulash, Anima etc to PvP.

absolutely not, I’m doing the quests maybe once every few days, but the maw is the worse part of the expansion for me. I’ll get them eventually


Torghast is the worst for me. So painful and long which is why I freaked out and made my Torghast thread that actually got the Devs to fix it.

The Maw needs some QoL changes for sure but at least it isn’t as time consuming.

No cuz I hate waddling thru the mas to do dailies

Yea you definitely need to ride on a druids back.

I actually liked the first 4 wings, it was paced pretty well and the powers felt fun rather than necessary. Floors 6-8 are absolute garbage, takes way too long and at a point the proper anima powers are practically required… I really loved torghast the first 2 weeks but the “harder” (higher HP) it got the worse it became

I’m sure you’re on the same page but that’s my $0.02

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my god dude youre just the worst


oh god i forgot about the maw


The Devs and community disagree with you. My original post has 311 likes and the thread help the Devs understand their mistakes and reverse their terrible Hotfixes then nerf Torghast to fit it’s original design.

At this moment Torghast is painful but at least they are willing to make it better and listen to constructive feedback

Remember The Abomb is always fighting The Good Fight for The People

whether you single handedly swayed blizz to fix it or had literally nothing to do with the changes at all, my point stands

this quote says everything about your personality

youre just the worst


The Abomb’s bold personality that helps the game be better for the community? Yes it is pretty awesome that someone will go through that effort to make the game better.

Also your welcome for the new AV changes too. Always good to see my face in a Warcraft Dev tweet. The Devs are listening to the Abomb this expansion this is gonna be great for everyone.