Have You Been Grinding Sockets or Nah?

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.


That is a hard no.

I hate the maw on everything except my feral. Walking is for peasants.

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I don’t always agree with The Abomb but I don’t think he is a Narcissist. He does have great intentions and after all is The People’s Champ. The Abomb just might be the Hero we need and he is getting the job done.


Only been doing weekly quests. Probably super behind the daily crowd. But really…who wants to be in the Maw daily? /wrists

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No one but I like POWA so just giturdone for now.

I haven’t, but I’m regretting that now.

no i refuse to grind to that degree pve

I’m just doing the weeklies and I’ll do a daily here and there if I feel like it.

I’m not stressing over content that I don’t like that much just for some sockets.

Nah. I hate focusing on repeating things to get to some distant arbitrary point for one thing.

Instead I’m just looking at short term gains of what I can now do or purchase that makes the game better or more fun immediately. So the covenant quests, the things that improve Torghast, and so forth as they come in reach.

I don’t even go to the maw everyday for daily quests. Over the week I complete the weekly quests, other quests that take me there and when I’m there I do dailies if I don’t have too much evil eye levels and it is convenient.

Nope, Maw is garbage content and I’ll wait for its inevitable nerf or alternate source for sockets.

Im casually doing the maw with some friends. Then we go into torghast trying to get interesting anima powers. My favorites are ones that decrease devine steed cd or increase the duration. Not to mention boosts to hammer of wrath either 3 extra or increase damage. Pulling massive amounts and doing 20k dps as holy is pretty fun.

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Hope they make the rep account wide and let us buy it with honor as well as stygia
it’s kinda stupid pvpers can’t get these through pvp but it’s a power increase

YES!! I don’t play alts but hope so for you guys. I did think about making a 2nd Prot though just because of the covenant mess.

Won’t happen because PvE players will honor farm and bang it out instead of doing PvE. Actually there is already a threat of PvE players doing more PvP due to Raids being way harder and lack of M+ loot. So they are being forced in PvP for gear. Kinda interested how this turns out.

There were the least amount of Heroic raid clears since Cata. Most heroic guilds wiped now they realizing they can gear up in PvP.

Imo bring back justice points that pve’rs can get through spamming dungeons then buy the sockets with as well.
Stygia isn’t really fun to farm

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Yea totally agree Justice and Valor vendors should come back for PvE too. Would be nice. I mean the game is just fun when you can target gear and GET IT!! Hope vendors in PvP improve and we get PvE vendors.

That is something we can both agree on, less rng for gear the better man

On the bright side you can get almost entirely full BiS from PvP, and at 226 ilvl across the board. You just have to commit to waiting 7-8 weeks of boxes + conquest to fill every slot, which isn’t a bad thing unless you are the type of player who wants to remain cutting edge.

Right now a lot of the full time streamers, or players with tons of time, will be doing raids and M+ for that early advantage. But by the time the majority of player finish through PvP only gearing the inflation will have kicked in on the ladder and getting 2400 + wins will make Gladiator a lot easier then the earlier weeks.

TBH I prefer the lazy cap my 3 weekly PvP boxes, and then wait method. It gives me more time to do the same for alts instead of stressing about PvE.

i stay ~25-30 ilvls behind for 90% of each season as well

:man_shrugging: I had no problems pushing in BFA S4 with multiple pieces of 460 gear. The difference between 30ilvl provably isn’t good, but when you are looking at 5-10ilvl it isn’t gonna make or break a win unless both opponents are 100% at the same skill level, and running equal comps.