Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

This is the thread I commented on, I think you might have already gotten this one tho
(I don’t know how to link it properly. Sorry lol)

I don’t believe that’s the case at all. I’ve recently been trying to get my Pali to 70, which I’m doing via herbing/mining and the odd quest if it’s just as fast as gathering, so I’m constantly crossing borders and I’ve yet to see anything/mob/player pop in or out of existence.

However, I too have only experienced it once. I was flying around Azure Span when the Fyrakk progress bar went from 100% to 38% suddenly.

That’s it. Once, since shards were implemented in WoD. And I play a lot.

So I’m also wondering if it happens more on certain servers.

It does happen more on some servers. You are playing on a RP server. I play in the Chicago CRZ grouping and it happens a lot. They have way way too many people in that grouping so when they put them all into an area you end up with a lot of shards and a lot of movement between shards.

I was just farming furbolg rep in one area and I got shifted into two different shards in the 15 minutes I was in that Imbu area - I would kill something and would get shifted before I could loot the mobs. Extremely annoying. I have 6 servers in my connected group - there is no need to put us with Stormrage.


It’s becoming a waste of time trying to do the dragon races and climbing wqs because the sharding is getting so bad. For the past several days I’m having to rerun the races 2-4 times just to complete it and get the purses at the end. I’ve pretty much given up on the climbing wqs.


I don’t think that disproves zone based sharding. There have been numerous portions where zones border in DF that you can swap zones and consistently watch mobs and interactables spawn and despawn.

I have just never experienced changing shards within a zone.

Wait until you fall to your death on a climbing wq. Which you’re not moving around between zones or sub-zones, just pretty much up and down a cliff and a little to the sides. Have the extra action bar you get from the backpack disappear mid-climb (no, you don’t lose grip, the action bar disappears completely), and the npc telling you, again, to climb that mountain because of kittens or whatever. While you’re falling to your death.
It resets the backpack so you don’t have one, and because it won’t give you a parachute without the backpack, most cases you either get stuck on a ledge OR fall to your death. You’ve still got your quest count, but you need to run back to your corpse, get another backpack, then get back on the cliff to finish collecting whatever it is the quest requires. Or am I the only one who’s had this problem?
No addons besides coordinates and All The Things.


Yup! Twice already in the last hour with my paladin on Stormrage server. Dragon shows up, start fighting it then bam gone. Not hanging around another hour farming fryakk tokens or whatever they are called to unlock crucibles just to get that stupid dragon to spawn, and disappear again. Gg blizz :rofl: :popcorn:

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Happens a lot, but will never be fixed because it’s not instanced content therefore Ion and Co don’t care enough to fix it. There are quests that have been bugged for extended periods of time and some that still are. Put in bug reports, been told that they know it’s an issue, and to just report it on the forums. A bug with a raid or dungeon happens, fixed within a week. That just shows what kind of content they care about and their attitude towards any player that does take part in instanced content.


They should care , or they are going to lose a lot of subs . Its all ready made my mind up to not buy next xpac . And not sure how much longer I am going to waste time trying to do weeklys on 12 toons . That takes at a minimum of 12 hours longer to do because of phasing .


So this happened to me again, twice, the other day.

First, I was in the Caverns, just killing the elites for a WQ. No crowd, no people, just me and the mobs, and I was suddenly zoned and the mob I was beating on was patrolling and back to full health.

Second, in the Dream, I was doing a seed. Again, no one was around, it wasn’t a raid, or a crowd, or anything. The seed grew, the flower bloomed, and it was finished and then it was gone. 30s-1m later, the bloom appeared on the ground, but it was an empty bloom, when it should have been filled with rep and crests. Another wasted bunch of dewdrop currency. This is similar to what happened when I did the world boss and got sharded away, but there was no people this time.


Just happened again while retaking Dragonsbane keep. Me and one other player were fighting the final fire giant thing, it despawned and the stuiped dream event started. Lancer respawned almost the same instant.


sharding has gotten horrible even from shadowlands.

i can be the only person in an area about to list a group (not actually listed nor has anyone joined) for a rare, attacking that rare solo, or about to attack it and poof i’m gone. i have killed stuff and sharded before i was able to loot it.

at one time it almost made sense, but now to be alone or around a couple players to get sharded to the same area that has lots of players, is the EXACT opposite way it should (and has) worked.

If that random rare spawn ( like the elemental storm rares) was in the new shard with you that might not be so bad. fat chance of that happening.


I noticed I get forced from a shard in areas that have a lot of bots in them. They need to do something about the bots. They are effecting many aspects of the game negatively.

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Happen with a superbloom event multiple times, one Fyrakk and tons of world bosses in Emerald Dream. Multiple times with seed planting.


It’s unfortunately more than that. People running open world content from Shadowlands and Legion are also experiencing these forced shardings.

Just learned that not only is retail suffering from this but Classic as well. Read an article about a fix being done for Classic but will this fix translate to retail? :thinking:

And will Blizz even talk about it as a known issue. I get that they aren’t vocal about all bugs in the game, but this is disruptive and negatively affecting players game time.

If this was player induced disruption, Blizz would bench them or show them to the door.

They are fairly good at addressing mass log-in issues in the Tech & CS forums, but the Shard issue, nada other than player created threads.


I wonder if it has anything to do with World Quests. I noticed last night I was being sharded when entering the area to squash the bugs in the air in Ohnaran plains. I myself have not seen anything like what has been described in this thread other than entering an active World Quest.

Recently, like last weekend. Was leveling my 60somehting priest with a buddys DK and fighting Faryakks diciple in Azure Span invasion area. As soon as we helped defeat it it vanished as we were suddenly forced into another shard and we were left in a shard with no body to loot.

Kinda sucky our efforts resulted in 0 loot.


Just happened again while I was doing the soup weekly.