Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

Yesterday I was fighting one of the Elites in Brackenhide Hollow on my Paladin tank (Server Caelestrasz), got it down to about 10%, and it suddenly disappeared. Just snap, and gone.

I just stood there, staring at the empty spot, and muttering some bad language.


It has happened one time in recent days but I rarely do activities that require me to jump around between servers these days.

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I’ve stopped doing world content because it kept happening, especially in the Emerald Dream.


Several shardings today while doing various activities. C’mon Blizz atleast say something.

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Oh, yes. And it was very rude.

We were doing the WB in the Dream, just the other day.

As many may know, there’s a seed pile near the boss. It’s not rare for folks to pile up a purple seed while the raid is forming up. So, a bunch of folks showed up, and someone planted a seed. I piled on, and we waited, filled the dew up, and the bloom dropped and I looted it.

Since there were not enough of us to do the boss, I clicked the group finder for the WB, took the invite, and zoned it.

The raid was forming, and ANOTHER seed was planted in the new shard. I planted my own seed, put in some dew, and let it grow.

We started the fight. We had him, I would say, half way done when I got kicked from the shard. The boss was still active, as if he was still fighting, just another group, but nowhere near the progress.

I dove in, and we finished the boss directly.

But, since I got kicked from the shard that was not my home shard, I lost the seed. I was…annoyed, and then I dropped group, returning to my home shard.

While getting my bearings, controlling my inner rage, a bloom actually spawned at the seed area. This is notable because I had already looted that seed. But this was a new bloom. It was the right color (purple), but it’s was a dead bloom. As if you just planted a seed and left it with no dew.

It was honestly surprising that they formed the bloom for me, but it was the wrong one. It should of been filled with crests and rep.


The weekend fast approaches. How many times am I going to get sharded just sitting in Valdrakken? :dracthyr_shrug:

Keep the reports coming and if you’ve made a bug post recently; link it here!

More sharding for your amusement…

Feb 17, 2024:
@8:36am - Emerald Frenzy in ED, was close to 60% and had a bunch of corpses to loot to complete it. Not only did all the unlooted bodies disappear, but the Emerald Frenzy event completely disappeared from ED.
@8:48am - Emerald Amble race.
@8:50am - Emerald Amble race sharded again when rerunning it for wq purse.
@9:05am - Firebrand Fystian. Was about to spawn the rare and everything just disappeared.
@5:07pm - A Fiery Proposal quest in the Furnace Coil. All the mobs for the quest disappeared. Had to leave the area and fly around for a few minutes before the quest mobs returned. Not sure it was sharding or if the server hiccuped or what… but putting it in here anyway.
@6:06pm - Herbing in the Azure Span. No mobs around and found a decayed herb, was mid-herbing and it disappeared and about a dozen elite gnolls showed up.

Feb 19, 2024:
@1:46pm - Dream Surge. Close to 80% and the entire event just disappeared. Again.

Feb 20, 2024:
@2:50’ish pm - Was waiting for the Time Rift to start and kept having the same person keep trying to invite me to group. Which I kept declining. After the 5th time they invited me in 2 minutes I added them to ignore and THEY disappeared. The other dozen or so people were still in my shard. This type of sharding I approve of.

Feb 21, 2024:
@Afternoon to early evening - The entire time I was on (for 3+ hours on one toon) I did NOT shard that I could tell. I hardly saw any players whatsoever the entire time I was on doing world quests and mining. Almost had me fooled into thinking it got fixed, then I got chain sharded for the next half hour doing mining and rares when I went into ED.

Feb 22, 2024:
@5:35pm - Had a bunch of mobs just appear and kill my clothie when I was trying to herb (which disappeared). Then they all disappeared and the herb returned as I ressed. But then the herb despawned because I obviously wasnt the only one to try looting it.


There were several other incidents I had happen that I did NOT write down the times, but I’ve been getting them a lot in the last few weeks. In at least two of them, I was standing around in Valdraken waiting for my guildie to log on and all the players and NPCs completely disappeared. I was on my drake and I was completely unable to fly. I couldn’t log out, nothing. Had to force quit, and when I spawned back into the game I was not where I was standing before everything disappeared.

Which leads me to getting a lot of what I think SHOULD be Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found errors… only it’s not actually giving me that error. Most of the time it happens I’ll fly into a zone and there are no players or NPCs. Since I cannot log out of the game and I cannot interact with anything, I am forced to force quit. When I come back into the game I’m falling to my death just coming into the zone I had entered. On a rare occasion, I’l be stuck on the ground unable to fly or interact with anything and the Transfer Aborted error pops up and I get kicked out of the zone OR the game completely.

I cannot help but think these, too, are sharding issues. That the game’s trying to throw me onto a different shard, but there’s no shard to throw me on. Just adding this since in some of said instances I was in an established and populated shard before it happened.


I posted about this in a bug report thread, but wanted to reply here too

I don’t have times, but have been doing quite a lot of ice fishing in Azure Span the last few days. I noticed I was sharding fairly often. Wasn’t to much of an issue, just break the ice again. But the one that made it really noticeable was when there was another guy there too. We kept phasing away from eachother and back every 10-15 minutes

What got me to start looking to the forums about this though, was today in Zaralek. Was soloing one of those bonus events. Got it to 75% and was sharded, progress went back to 0. That was a little frustrating


Im constantly booted from active Blooms in the Emerald Dream to dead Blooms. I also get bumped to a different shard when Im planting the seeds. Which is really awful because in the new shard nobody is there so there is no help with neither.


Happened to me the other day, actually. Was fighting a world boss in the Azure Span, and the raid I was in was booted to another shard just before the boss was about to die, meaning we had to fight it again. Such annoying tech to deal with.


As far as I’ve noticed, this has only happened once and it was within a raid group doing a world boss. Realistically it might happen more often, I just don’t notice.

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Quite a few threads the past several days in multiple forum channels.

Please post your bug report link so I can add it to my thread on the CC. :o

Yeah I’ll have to do another search to add the new postings to my thread over on the CC.

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Just give the players the option to get phased or not. Of course that would mean going back to something like battle/server groups.

Which would be good for myself anyways as I hate swapping toons and the alt is on a dead shard. Not to mention not seeing friends/guild mates even though they are in the same spot…

Other day I was working on a seed and stopped for a min then with a few seconds left I got phased away to a seed plot that I couldn’t even interact with! Happened a few times but it’s super annoying and shouldn’t be happening.

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Mostly happens when doing Suffusion camp, and dragon diciple weekly. But also happens during dreamsurge event. Hopefully they will fix the phasing shard crap before next xpac, but wouldn’t put money on it lol. Nothing is as fun as fighting Fryakks diciple and getting it to around 15% then the dragon, and everyone else fighting it disappears and the progress bar goes back to 0 :crazy_face:


I got phased at a big dig and a time rift.

Like 3 people doing my rift quests with me. Then portal opens and suddenly there’s 50 of us.

Same for dig. Big group, we start digging then it was me and 5 others to finish.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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when farming Disturbed dirt and Packs and even tuskar boxes there will be so much to gather and all of a sudden the scene shifts in a small way and they all disappear. This now had happened to me three times so far. Meanies lol


Is this like… a linked realm issue or something? MG is populated enough to have multiple shards but to my recollection the only time I’ve ever changed shards is going zone to zone; which I believe each DF zone is in it’s own shard.

I’m on Wyrmrest which is like Moon Guard and not linked to any realms and it’s happened several times to me so far in the past two weeks or so. It’s an everyone issue.