Phasing is out of control and breaking this game

At the time the problem was that people who had no intention of doing PvP were put on PvP realms without their knowledge.


It is a problem, but will never be fixed since Ion and Co don’t care about open world content and it’s problems. Might as well just get use to it. We have to accept this current Dev team doesn’t care about quick fixes unless it’s dungeons or raids.


Definitely had it happen, lol.
I dont do any content that matters so its just an annoyance on my end, though

My favorite is starting a new purple dreamseed, getting it up to 50ish dewdrops, then phasing while putting in the dewdrops and suddenly I’m adding dewdrops to a new one— and don’t get my first one to loot. So I’m stuck with a 10 dewdrop green seed and wasted the purple and didn’t get the rep.


Don’t forget the you can’t do that because you have a nearby chest to loot still message that follows.

There’s another thread where folks are reporting instances of this happening:

I remember getting stuck on Oceanic servers with the resulting lag.

This wasn’t happening until they switched from connected realm only to CRZ zones this expansion. All they need to do is not CRZ the areas then there will be less people in the areas and little to no need for extra shards.

It is so annoying that the people who claimed the world was dead which resulted in CRZ were mostly on RP servers and they don’t experience all the problems everyone else has to deal with with CRZ.

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I feel like there are multiple dev factions:

  • One which feels everyone who does world content should have to solo it to prove they earn their rewards, and it should be challenging;
  • One which feels the only valid purpose of world content is to force people who don’t want to join groups to get used to helping the people who really matter achieve their goals;
  • One which feels that world content should be boring, tedious, and give no rewards, believing this would push casuals into elite content.

None of these are having their intended goal realized.


I don’t begrudge people for phasing into new threads to talk about this issue.


we got phased 2 times in around 5 minutes earlier this week. was on the emerald dream world boss and he was down to around 25-30% and the whole group phased to another shard and we pulled new boss lol. he gets down to around 60% and we phased again.


The phasing is really starting to get a bit out of hand. I have lost several purple dream seeds due to phasing. World boss phases, Time Rifts phase, Dream Surges phase, superbloom phases, World Quests phase. There really isn’t much of anything I have done in game in the last several weeks that hasn’t phased in one way or another.

I have watched a group of druid bots use phasing to their advantage for tacklebox farming. They phase in at point A, fly around looting tackleboxes at points B, C, D, E then fly back to point A and immediately phase out. They phase back in about 5-7ish minutes later, fly around looking for tackleboxes then fly back to where they started {Point A) and phase out again.

This isn’t fun. I really do not like having to do the same thing 2 or 3 times just to get credit for doing it when 1 time should be enough.


The phasing during the Researchers Under Fire, I’ve been there while several people where active in the event , and suddenly, poof, I get phased into a silent zone where no one was there just me and the npc’s in the researcher area. no mobs attacking . I don’t bother with it anymore . There is a lot that I just refuse to deal with anymore … Wow has changed. so much since 2004.


Happened to me last night. I took it as a sign to log off and watch a movie instead.

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That’s an intriguing hypothesis Opalunaiya. It kind of reminds me of the fractured goals of the player base. Some focus more on one aspect of the game: raiding, M+, pet battles, pvp, AH trading, etc. Some players want to collect all the rewards/achievements or are otherwise completionists and want to do everything to some extent. And then there’s the subset of all these groups that want the rewards from every aspect of the game without having to play or master those aspects. Giving into the demands of the latter make the game feel hollow to everyone in the other groups.

But clearly, looking through these replies, the impact of these divisions in the developers, assuming your hypothesis is correct, is resulting in a broken game. People here are saying they’d rather do other things instead.

Not sure how any of that actually relates to this topic. I was just doing Emerald Dream seed content - started at 4 am - handful of people around also helping on seeds at 4 am and bam after a seed is started and almost complete I get sharded into a shard with a bunch of Stormrage people not my connected servers at all and no seed. There was far more people on my connected server group than was in this Stormrage shard so I think the game is setting up to fill Stormrage shards. There is no need whatsoever for my connected server to ever need to be linked with Stormrage anymore - we have enough people.


I haven’t experienced a lot of these problems as of yet, but I do very often have to fly away from an NPC a ways to reset them to accept next quest or continue dialogue because the phasing breaks.

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The other day, maybe last week, I was out on some island, I forget the name. Edge of Extinction? - No that’s Survivor. … anyhow. I was mount farming, unsuccessfully when suddenly a load screen appears …and this is where it gets weird.

When I finished loading I was in a VR version of my bedroom as an undead, in 3rd person… My closets had all my normal people clothes and when I looked in the mirror… It was my face but without eyes.

I’m still partially stuck here. If anyone sees this post, please send help!

I mean, what’s the rent pricing like? Could be better tbh.

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I find I get “stuck” in phasing. I join a world boss group, it’s already been killed. Meanwhile it was up on my own server. I leave group, but it doesn’t phase me back to my own server/the phase I was originally in. So now I have to look for yet another group or wait for a respawn.