Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

I see you are aggregating multiple topics that have brought this up, including the one I wrote, but I might as well say it here too. Yes, but I’ve only noticed it in the past like… 2 months maybe. But in this time period, it has been happening a lot, and as I wrote in another topic, it has wiped out progress in multiple open world events as I’ve tried playing through them (Researchers Under Fire, Dragonbane Keep key turn-ins, element storm rare hunting, Dreamsurge portals, etc).


It has nothing to do with World Quests. It happens regardless of what you’re doing. :< You could just be sitting around and get sharded.

Yup! And be sure to come back if you do re-experience anything!


happened to me two days ago or yesterday was growing a dreamseed and invited another player who was interested in getting it and it went back to a unplanted seed (sharded). sigh. bugs.

on Gotnov.


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One thing I see happen a lot in old zones on an RP server is landing at a flightmaster who isn’t actually there. There are no npc’s there. I sit on the flightmaster’s mount for a while and can’t get off. Then I get a loading screen. This always happens when I fly from Val’sharah to the Felbane Camp flight point in Highmountain.

I just got stuck in Spires of Arak. The NPC’s were there but wouldn’t talk to me. I couldn’t hearth. I had to alt-F4 twice to bring the zone back to life so I could leave.


I was just doing the Researchers Under Fire event. Great bunch of people working together, easily accomplishing each task. Partway through collecting the parts, I got forced to another shard that was 1 stage back and appeared to be bugged. One of the groups of mobs didn’t spawn so the stage was stuck at 96%. Stormrage.

Being forced to a different shard happens at least every other day to me. Mobs and players around me will just suddenly vanish and if I’m fighting a rarespawn, it might not even be spawned on the new shard. My husband and I also have this happen to us when we’re playing together in a party. Not just when one of us joins the party (it’s expected then of course); it’s when we’re already out questing.


You’ve been able to get yanked from a shard even in combat since before the ZC/FR rare update. I’d be in the middle of combat, then suddenly not because the mob I was fighting vanished on me.

I’ve been sharded while active twice, once while killing the world boss in ED (the entire raid was forced into a new shard), and once while doing trial of ferocity (solo).


Yeah I’m aware of this which is why I’ve amended my CC post and added links to threads from as far back as I could find with these issues. :o (could have sworn I amended my initial post here but if I didn’t I’ll have to correct that)

It’s unfortunate the issues has been happening for several expansions but it feels the volume of issues has been increasing with every patch.

it just happened to me yet again in cobalt assembly. The rare Frozion was up and there was nobody else nearby. I had it targeted and, listed a group and immediately got sharded before anyone had even joined. When you make a group, others are sent to you, not the other way around.

As anyone who has ever tried to sit and wait for these elemental storm rares knows, it is crazy hard and tedious waiting to even see them. then when you get one, it is OFTEN repeat spawned instead of one of the other three spawning.

The one place it needed to work was in BFA nazjatar where there were regularly 4-5 FULL alliance raids for the assaults. sadly it never did. Especially when WoW has never been able to handle large groups of players in the same area.

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Happened today fighting the world boss in emerald dream. We all shifted to a different shard and he disapeared.

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I remember the PvE ones that’d spawn a mini boss every hour or 2? Man the laaaag. Sharding was definitely needed there and apparently was non functional during this time for some reason.

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At this point I feel like Blizzard doesn’t care whatsoever about the mess that Phasing/Sharding has become. Not a single bit of feedback on the dozen or more posts about it. Disappointing to say the least.

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Sharding is pretty mad in war mode. I want to be able to do world pvp but it’s pretty bad hiw it is now.

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I’d forgotten how bad the Researchers under Fire event feels with sharding. Joined in twice today, both times I got resharded right at the end of the penultimate stage (including out of one run that as on course to be a 12/12).

As far as I can tell, once a full shard finishes the event and people start to leave, the server aggressively starts pulling people in from other shards, even if they were still mid-event.


Kaivax recently made a post saying that there is a current lull in Blue responses due to resources being diverted to the new expansion as well as the current tenure for some CC members ending. They had a few good months where they were going over applications and re-upps for any current CC members. There was also the recent shake up at blizzard where one of the CM’s overseeing the CC program was let go. (We miss you Bornakk if you’re still here reading!)

While I’m with you there on the frustrations and lack of blue responses as of late, I’ve not given up hope just yet.

I don’t want to spam this thread to much, but it just happened to me again. Engaged a rare in Zaralek Cavern. Blew all CDs and was sharded.
Open world content isn’t my usual content, but I like to do it from time to time. I don’t remember it being this bad. The last few weeks have been awful.


Why does sharding even exist. Why couldn’t they reduce server numbers instead? Basically does the same thing. Centralize players

Sharding was originally introduced in Warlords of Draenor. Around this time the servers were heavily struggling and one developer took it into their hands and spent almost 4 days non stop to develop the tech that would alleviate the amount of stress that numerous players were causing when there was only one of each zone on every server. It caused tons of issues with severe lag and disconnects due to the amount of players congregated into one copy of each zone.

Sharding is supposed to create a new copy of a zone when the previous copy reaches a certain amount of active players but after a while the tech stopped doing that and instead started forcing players who were already in the zone into new shards which has been causing more stress on the players once again. The original developer no longer works for blizzard and I’m under the assumption the tech was not maintained well after their departure.


Just submitted a post in Bug Reports about Phalangax, the Final Grasp phasing away from a group of 20 people waiting to kill him to get their achievement. Several seconds later, Marzon the Reanimatrox spawned, so we killed that rare. 10 seconds after that, the corpse of Iska, Outrider of Ruin appeared.


This is how bad Phasing is just did a bloom at 7 PST on a PST server with just 2 me and one other . Only good thing is did not get phased . I thought Phasing was to fill a event out not do away with it . I think when I made up my mind to not get next xpac I could be part of the problem , Phasing is why I will no longer be playing , Lack of any blue post tells me they do not care . So why should I play to pay there salary’s . All I can say is spend it to fix stuff or loss me and a lot of others .