Have you actually reported anyone?

I put trade and services in another tab and just don’t look at it unless I need to do so.


Over the years I’ve reported every Guild name, character or pet name I’ve seen that in any way pertains to s. assault. I’ve even made characters on other servers to report people I saw in groups with these names, after I told them off, refused to heal them and left the group.

There is no place in my game for inconsiderate, immature schmucks who frivolously think that any reference to these crimes is ok.

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When the lead dev sells boosts openly, why bother?

because there is literally a channel for it and blizz has already said to keep it there or face consequences? Making sure the idiot playing the stupid game wins an appropriate prize is fun. Especially when I get the report feedback thanking me for doing so.

I personally don’t care that boosts/carries happen. They have been since the game started. I just don’t want to have to micro manage my filters on chat and group searches to not get blasted by them

I never report unless they are obviously bots and preventing me from questing normally, trying to sell stuff for real money (to which i haven’t seen much of since token dropped, tho i do still very rarely get ppl tryin to sell me mounts), or get unreasonably verbally abusive in my dms for no good reason (which is pretty rare). I think I recall once reporting someone for being racist, but it usually has to be extreme for me to act. I never have general chat on default tho, as soon as i make a character i make a new tab that has the important stuff like, dm, guild,party. Never is local and trade included lol.

Using cuss words mostly.


Generally, just afkers in bgs

Otherwise just the usual stuff everyone reports like ill advised names and the potty mouth that needs some discipline :heart:

:dizzy: :rabbit:

Ignore/block, sure…

Reports not really, maybe if I was sure someone was blatantly hacking or botting etc…

But I don’t see that often… Honestly don’t remember the last time it’s been that long.

Been playing for years, think I have reported only 1 person out of all that time. That being because they were harrasing someone though. Otherwise I tend not to.

Name may be inappropriate… eh.

Talks about politics… eh.

Speaks like a child having a tantrum to me… mute.

That pretty much says the gist of how I tend to feel about things. I try not to let what others do bother me when I log on to enjoy my time, but when one is going out of their way to negatively affect others then that is where I will draw the line. In game and outside of it.

i mostly report offensive names - i subscribe to the “broken windows” theory wrt offensive names: if a person logs in and sees racist, homophobic or misogynistic names and the players don’t seem to receive any consequences for them, what impression does that give that person regarding what they could get away with themselves?

i also report level 1s selling boosts in the services channel. per blizz rules any booster must participate in a run themselves so if they’re selling from a level 1, they clearly cannot do that. i also check guilds people claim to be selling raid carries from; 90% of the time sadly the guild does not exist, and I report the seller as potential scammers. blizz keep mailing me “action was taken as a result of your report” notices so I guess they agree?

i really wish americans would stop telling each other that certain words are totes fine in the UK. i see all over the internet the bizarre insistance that this particular word, as well as a certain four-letter c-word, are part of regular discourse in the uk, like our language hasn’t absorbed yours through endless, endless american pop culture. they’re not fine, please do not use them - ever - if you visit, and stop telling other americans they are fine, because I really don’t want to see some muppet tourist get lamped for using a word the internet told them was totally harmless when it’s not.

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pvp is not actionable. :roll_eyes:


Once or twice.

Like I’ll ignore Trump/Biden crap in trade chat, but when racial slurs come out, then I’m all too happy to report

Or if someone starts another round of “Anal [Link Thing Here]” spam.

Yes I don’t know who these people are but there awful spitting violence and super foul disgusting language

talking politics isn’t a violation - even on role playing servers people do it all the time

never… will never would … not in this lifetime.

Only people i ever report are people that kill keys, being leaving when we could of won or trollin the group

For people in trade chat spamming poop, i just dont go there and if i need to i just put said spammers on ignore for the day or till my ignore list gets to full

In Game? Never. I am sure there are good reasons for it, I just never had a reason to do it.

On the Forums? Yeah - I report people who are just advertising for streamers. I use the “Spam = Advertisement” option. But that is usually the only time I flag or report anyone. A clear streamer acolyte just hyping their dear leader.


I care little about what people have to say.

They are fine. Get over it. Context matters, life isn’t a competition to see who can be the most offended.

I report people for advertising boosts in general chat and almost every day I get notified that an account had action taken against it.