Have the dev's mentioned

Again no Vanilla had 8 million subs before TBC launched, TBC took it from that to 11.5 and WoTLK to 12 Million near the end of the xpax. It stayed right around 11.5 million for most of WoTLK.

Glad you have a crystal ball and can see into the future. I plan to keep playing. Also, what makes you think naxx will be on farm so soon. If it was so easy then more than 21 guilds would have cleared it.

And those pserver players are now somehow the only people that are going to be playing?

 never said that did I? You are speculating just like I am. Neither of us have a crystal ball and knows what the future holds. I disagree with you and you disagree with me. I can tell you this. You will not change my mind. I didn’t come here to argue with you. So let it go.

No it didn’t it had 6.5 at the end of vanilla and gained 6 million between tbc and the end of wrath and dropped to under 10 during cata you can’t argue with blizzards posted numbers bro there numbers> your guess.

Just because he didn’t post a link doesn’t mean its a guess. Until either of you provide a link proving your side you are both guessing.

Your kind of a hypocrite assuming yourself. I never said it will be on farm quickly I said that when it is the server will start losing players rapidly no one is going to pay 15 a month to do nothing if they did they would be playing retail.

Can’t post links to outside sites. It’s not hard to google there official numbers.

I will. =] I will play vanilla forever. I will reroll and reroll. I love this game that much.

Just two sources with the sub numbers.

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You keep saying this as if it’s something that will be prevalent. The majority of players won’t even set foot in Naxx. The vast, vast majority will never clear it. And only a microscopic percentage will be fully geared in T3.

That’s a stretch. That ONLY happened in vanilla because TBC launched so soon after Naxx. In time people will be able to clear it.

And without new content they won’t stay paying for the sub just like in retail. You act like we don’t already have proof of these trends

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Yah you kind of implied that with bringing them up as a reason to why you think the population will never die and why people would ever stop playing Classic. If you meant, just the part of the population that is from Vanilla pservers will play forever, then sure maybe, but I wonder how many of them really want to pay Blizzard anything.

Of course I do, pserver players are just going to be a drop in the bucket, just like current players are, and all those pservers did not have the same pops for years and years either, people come and go like they always have.

I’m not trying to change your mind on anything, but there will a demand for post Classic content that is only going to get bigger and bigger as the content in Classic is cleared. Not everyone is going to content with the same things that the pserver may be content with.

Exactly these match up identical with the graph from the shareholders on mmo champion identical.

You act like there aren’t games people have been playing every day for decades, centuries. People do things because they enjoy doing them. You don’t need a new shiny. That’s just a Current WoW mindset.

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Then you would see before TBC launched 8 million subs in those charts.
‘http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/140717-World-of-Warcraft-Loses-2-9-Million-Subscribers-in-One-Quarter’ just another one too.

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That happened because retail sucks. The sub numbers only continued to rise UNTIL cata. I will keep playing and subbing. Blizzard said theyd keep servers going if only tens of people played. If its only the pserver community left thats fine with me. We all reroll on servers all the time. We will keep it going even if no one else does.

Every site I check says 8M.

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Well no it is not a new thing to want to play something new, that is as old as games in general. People in Vanilla wanted something new as well, nothing wrong with that at all, just as there is nothing wrong with only wanting to play Vanilla until heat death, or Daenrys fire breathes us all because we rolled Horde or something.

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I’m not saying there isn’t. I’m saying that’s not the point of Classic. It’s about preserving a piece of history (Blizz’s words). Some just can’t recognize that.

If only tens are playing you won’t be doing anything of any meaning in the game and I’m sure they say that it’s almost as if there a company trying to get people to pay for something crazy thought I know if population dips that low new xo tent will be added or it will be shutdown don’t think for a second there doing this for any other reason than to make money if they start losing that bad they will be down quickly.