Have fans ever killed a race for you?

ralphe killed pandas for me


Some of the Night Elf fans can get a little silly.

The whole “Blizzard literally wants to break into Night Elf players homes and beat us up” crowd.

I hold the unpopular opinion that Night Elves got great racial development in BFA as they have been nothing but stagnant since the release of WoW.


High elf fans nearly ruined the game with this


No, who cares. Play what you like there will always be haters.

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I thought orcs were cool enough for me to play both factions during mop. Every single group I bothered to use voice chat with had a McLovin voiced orc player and totally broke the “honorable savage” illusion for me. Now every time I see an orc player I think of that and instinctively know who’s playing that character behind the scenes

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Blood Elves.
At first I was like “that’s a cool race, very different from the Horde.”
Then they became the Horde.

Always have loved worgens and their backstory but In turn really disliked the forsaken for awhile because they took Gilneas but then over time realised slyvanas was the one I hated

My Horde is a little rusty but it sounds like you want me, a Scribe, to pull out my Steam Romance Kit and write something with you and a Vulperan or two.

Belves mostly… just because playing Horde is a Belf-fest. Horde is supposed to be the most diverse faction but you see nothing but those weenies twirling and prancing around


all beast races are unplayable

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Sorry I forgot about my favorite adorable undead friends. (UD Hunter myself!)

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Nope I couldn’t care less what people think of any race. Everyone has their favorites and least favorites for many different reasons. Every race gets it fair share of love and hate be stupid or good reasons lol

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You are right, i mean, all the ugly races belong to the horde.

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If I let other people’s opinions affect my roll choices, I would have kept rerolling and rerolling until I made a perky belf in very little armor. :roll_eyes:

If that were true the horde would be the ones with the night elves

Blood Elves and Humans (specifically HMP). Their fans are really the most annoying. The Night Elves are a close third, but I think they’re generally more chill when they’re not engaged in Teldrassil threads. I think the 4th would be Void Elves who just want to be High Elves and keep asking for Void Elf Paladins.


Maybe you should, after all, Darnassus was in Kalimdor

I feel attacked. How could you?



Every single night elf

Almost every single vulpera

Ralph ruined pandas for me



Mechanical Garbage Pail people. Diaper wearing, low-budget, rust coated, from-the-junkyard-of-Tim-Burton dwellin’ garbage gnomes.

They’re not even the mechagnomes of old. Now we have two of the same race that nuked their own Kingdoms. Joy. Bliss.

Meanwhile Sethrak are sitting over there with their big puppy-dog eyes, looking at the sky, wondering what the world outside of Vol’dun is like.

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